Why. The fuck. Didn't. You. Invite. Me. To. Your. Mother. Fucking. PARTY?!

edited 2012-01-26 15:38:27 in Roleplay & Games
And furthermore, why in god's name would you invite that skank Rachel and her tool of a boyfriend and not me? She doesn't even like you! Don't tell me you forgot your last birthday party when she ended up throwing all of your presents out of the window and had to be "escorted" out! Seriously, just, what the fuck?! We've been friends for, like, ever, and how could you do this to me?! So that time daddy got me that car and I drove you around everywhere because you were sick of taking the bus, or when I helped you crash Helena's party, or when I covered for you when you were late to Algebra, all of those meant nothing? Some friend you are!

...This is about what Conner said, isn't it? You would really believe that douche over me, your BFF?! My god, you are so gullible, I don't even know how I deal with you sometimes! This is just... UGH! Fine, see if I ever invite you to any more of my parties, you ungrateful jerk!


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