Marvel pays its film employees, while DC throws them all into a pit of lava after they're done shooting scenes for their movies.
How dare they.
Furthermore, Marvel, might, at some point, make a movie featuring a gay or minority character, if we're good and circumstances permit, it's gonna happen, let me tell you, the great pumpkin is going to come to this pumpkin patch if we're good and don't cheat on him with the easter bunny
i can understand disney marvel films being grating if you enjoyed the creativity and sincerity of the source material though
But i would rather not, since when someone else resents people liking things that i like, that makes me feel dreadful. Like i'm hurting them by my very existence.
Still, they should have rejected that condition.
but i was never really into superheroes, and i'm just kind of sick of hearing about them at this point
Sony Pictures is Hollywood's dumbest studio, and people should know that