Gathering some Magics



  • edited 2012-01-29 23:06:23
    In practice, if it's a 13/13?
    he can still die by a one CMC spell


    like this little beauty right here.

    ETA: I'm not saying that it's a bad card. But that simply, outside of the people you play with, it wouldn't work as well as it does.
  • Amount of People I play who have any blue cards in their decks: 0

    edit: That also only applies to creatures you own.

    ETA: I'm not saying that it's a bad card. But that simply, outside of the people you play with, it wouldn't work as well as it does.

    I know.

    But I don't play against people I don't play against.

  • see, now i'm more than willing to play you to raise that number up, but blah blah work work work
  • edited 2012-01-29 23:08:41
    Let me tell you. About Fallen London.
    ^^^ Well, not that one right there. But Vapor Snag or Unsummon. Or Tragic Slip. Heh heh heh.
  • ah, shit, wrong wording, didn't notice it specified creatures you control.

    ah well.
  • Ah, Portal Three Kingdoms. That was a weird set.
  • edited 2012-01-29 23:30:32
    Pizza Dog

    I used to reference Skyrim, but then I borrowed some arrows


  • image

    The best part is that, in context, a lot of the time it'd be tapping to kill squirrels.

  • Hey guys, I've got a brilliant plan!

  • P3 reminds me of Kamigawa, but it doesn't have Kamigawa's flavour for actual oriental mysticism

    and it brought on Horsemanship. And fuck that shit.
  • If you kill a Phyrexian Horror in one hit you are not "dogged". You're the best damn hunter ever.
  • Either that, or you're quite the artist image
  • That set did give us Sun Quan and Xiahou Dun, both of whom are pretty awesome EDH generals.
  • Oh, I'm not saying it's a bad set. It's just that I raelly disliike Horsemanship. I mean, it's like Flying, but more restricted, so it's almost always impossible to block. Especially with fucking Sun. 
  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    What is it with Juan and equines? I wonder.
  • edited 2012-01-29 23:43:36
    My favourite one is the card with horsemanship who's unblockable if he attacks alone. Yeah, because so many people were going to be blocking him anyway

    ^ A pony killed his parents or something.
  • image

    Juan is too corrupt to enjoy ponies.
  • Also, 3 Kingdoms has Imperial Edict, which is Diabolic Edict, except in Sorcery form
  • edited 2012-01-29 23:49:18
    I was walking down Crime PONY alley one night with my parents after watching the Horse Whisperer. I thought "Hey, maybe I could talk to horses and FIGHT CRIME. somehow" and my folks were like "Son, you're being retarded. Shut up and take us home" so I started pulling the carriage as per usual when suddenly, an actual horse comes out of nowhere, crashes into the carriages and kills my parents. I was happy for a while until the horse in question was like "IMMA STEAL YOUR MONEY" and he sued me for driving incompetence. 

    I learned that equines were scum and that they should be turned into glue.

    And that's what happened.

    ^It's actually worse, as it still says destroys and thus it can't kill indestructible creatures, which is probably the main reason why you'd want to play an edict.
  • Ponies are a superstitious and cowardly lot.
  • edited 2012-01-29 23:53:20
    I hate ponies.

    Echoing Truth is my first choice for returning permanents in Legacy, though admittedly I prefer Wipe Away for EDH:
    Echoing TruthWipe Away

    You hate ponies too, yes you do.
  • Actually, Juan, this may be good for your Memmarch EDH

  • Hmm, that'd be good, actually.
  • Friday: So what Legacy decks do you play?
  • You think that's bad globe, you should meet my family.


  • you should make a clock deck.

    also, you forgot Grindclock.
  • She didn't miss it; it just didn't clock in.

    You hate ponies too, yes you do.

  • Samurai Duels are amazing and I love them

  • I use Toshiro Umezawa because I'd like to think that I raised Toshiro Mifune from the dead and that he somehow decided to lead my forces, I guess
  • It would be interesting if Avacyn Restored had the demons being so destructive that the vampires actually stand with the humans against them.
  • and he got a Name change because why not.
  • So what Legacy decks do you play?  

    Mono-white Angel Equip/control deck
    Knight Weenie - a variant of a White Weenie that takes advantage of Knight Exemplar.
    Merfolk - just classic Merfolk deck
    Obliterator discard - A Green/Black deck revolving around the Phyrexian Obliterator that uses discard for control (because I got a shiny obliterator in my booster box whoo hoo!)
    Mono-red burn deck
    and I USED to have a R/G Elf Survival of the Fittest deck, you know, before they were dicks and banned it, sniff.
  • Hey, when you play Survival of the Fittest you lose all right to call other people dicks. :P

    What's legacy like to play?
  • edited 2012-01-30 02:01:08
    It's 4:20 somewhere.
    ^^^^I think the vampires are actually helping protect the humans from the zombies in this set. Of course, it's a little more like a farmer protecting his livestock from predators.

    ^Well for one thing, you're never a dick for playing something that works.
  • Yeah, Stromkirk Captain demonstrates that. I'd take vampires over the other monsters; at least they can be reasoned with.
  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    Well, the older, well-fed ones can be reasonable, at least.
  • That's true; I wouldn't want to try reasoning with Bloodcrazed Neonate.

    I'm sure some of the spirits can be reasoned with, and half of them are benevolent anyway. They don't really seem to have a unified purpose, unlike the other monster tribes.
  • ^Well for one thing, you're never a dick for playing something that works.
    Depends on the context. I wouldn't mind coming up with a horrible combo in tournament and beating the shit out of everyone if I ever did. But when I'm playing with my friends, I don't care about winning or losing, I just wanna do something and see what my opponent can come up with. It's not a matter of works or it doesn't work, but a matter of how much am I having searching my library or thinking of new interactions to win and exploit or simply because I think they'd be fun to pull off. 
  • Of the four Innistrad monster tribes, which one do you think is scariest? Or do you think THE REAL MONSTER IS MAN?
  • It's 4:20 somewhere.
    Yeah, spirits are a lot more diverse, but I don't think you can really reason with them very well. To me, they seem to be a continuation of a tradition of ghosts being interpreted as the incomplete remnants of disturbed people. Sure there are benevolent ghosts, but I think what they do is mostly mindless repetition of habits formed while they were living, or a representation of a strong emotion or motivation that can't be stopped by the death of its owner. On the other hand, that perception might just be a side-effect of the difficulty the living have with communicating with the dead, but in that case, you can't really reason with them without being able to talk to them.
  • edited 2012-01-30 02:22:51
    Zombies. I mean, Havengul Lich exists.

    ...these bastards have managed to master magic. Without a brain.

    If that doesn't show that they're determined, nothing does, really.

    Speaking of Spirits, I really dig Drogskol Cap. I mean, just look at his flavour text and his art. Guy's got swagger, man.
  • edited 2012-01-30 02:28:25
    It's 4:20 somewhere.
    ^^^^^If you're playing casually, I don't think you can call that Legacy.

    My money's on spirits for being the scariest. The others are corporeal and easier to understand. Granted, I'd give myself better odds of surviving a night with a ghost than with any of the other monsters, but if the ghost really had it in for me, I don't know how I could possibly stop it.
  • ^^^^^If you're playing casually, I don't think you can call that Legacy.
    Oh, I thought you were talking about playing in general. Apologies, then.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    "What's legacy like to play?"

    Friday and I like how crazy powerful the format is. You can do some pretty crazy things. Games are usually pretty fast. 

    IT's also nice that your cards can still be played with when the new sets come out.

    Vintage is like that, but more-so. However, there's only like four decks worth playing.
  • edited 2012-01-30 02:32:45
    ^^^^^ Haven and I said similar things to that, theorizing that a ghost is
    essentially one-dimensional; eg. Morkrut Banshee is rage and nothing

    I honestly can't decide what monster scares me the most.

    ^ What Legacy decks do you have?
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