I am taken aback by this turn of events, and try to tell Cream that I'd be glad to sit next to her while she eats McDonalds if she would just get off of me.
More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
Well, okey dokey. *friendly affectionate hug + runs away to her waifu, who would never set foot in this disreputable fast food establishment and is probably waiting outside eating something more vegan tasty*
I don't know how to flirt, but I like to display affection toward people I love, like, hugs, petting and teasing them... I tease a lot for some reason ._.
i spend the rest of the mealtime playing with one of the toys
or when they offer nice two-for-one deals
not quite the right word but w/e
Cream think I am a sadist U_U
warning, mildly gross. But honestly, you're in McDonalds and that's probably what's in the food.
V Spoilered.