This is a separate Ashens thread for the discussion of
Ashens videos and
I have nothing else to really say for the moment except that the BeanBoozled video is the only Ashens food video I have started but was unable to finish because of how gross it got and how bad I felt for Ashens and Dan for having to try all of those disgusting flavors. For some reason it had more of an impression on me than all of those questionable foreign packaged foods ones did, maybe because Jelly Belly specifically intended for some of the BeanBoozled bean flavors to be awful rather than just being negligent.
My mom thought it was a good idea to prohibit me from playing the GB unless I used that, because the screen was just so tiny.
and yes, it's a perfectly functional bread knife, and works very well
we have three bread knives, it was the cheapest of the bunch and it's easily the best
But apparently they still exist, so maybe it's just an unfortunate coincidence? Maybe in China they're not so aware of what the phrase refers to in English.
Now i'm reminded of whoever it was who thought that 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers' was a cynical attempt by New Line to make money off a national tragedy.
TomSka did a sketch with Ashens.
I am now subscribed to Ashens, though I knew I liked his stuff already.