The Homestuck Heap of the Heapers' Hangout Forum



    I can understand being upset over the update being vague about the happenings on the meteor with Vriska present, or being vague about what happened next with the meteor crew with Jade asleep. But getting upset because Act 6 Act 6 was a doomed timeline means you either started reading Homestuck in Act 5 or 6 (and don't remember the doomed timeline Terezi caused in Act 4), or you're actually upset about something else and using this as a scapegoat.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I think the problem is more along the lines of "we spent THIS long on a fucking timeline where everyone dies only to recon it all?"

    So compare it to, for example, where vriska dies on the meteor, where we get a couple of panels of how vriska fighting noir fucks everything over before we cut to Terezi killing her.

    Of course, arguably, the real point of all that stuff is to show John and Roxy's development through that doomed timeline and how it will effect their actions in the new Alpha.

    But then, it could be argued that the story should be structured entirely differently in the first place so we don't have to go through all that stuff.

    And arguably, I'm just arguing with myself at this point, so I'm gonna shut up and go to bed. Arguably.

    (For the record, I'm on the side that this hasn't been a waste of time, but I love me some devil advocating.)
  • edited 2015-01-19 09:36:03
    Really, though, I think the biggest issue is that AH said there'd be a pause, and people are afraid of going months with no updates and no answers again. With [S] Dave: Accelerate, you saw the effects and the resolution relatively quickly; same for Vriska's attempt to fight Bec Noir. Instead, this is more like what happened after the B2 kids got the tiger; Jade and Jane both went grimdark, fucked everything up, then WHOOPS PUASD E
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Yeah. This is retconning a big chunk of the plot, but it feels less like a copout to me because the actual process of the recton is so much more involved. Terezi just looked into the future and knew what to do, and that was okay because she was just erasing a few minutes. John is rewriting years, so it would feel like a copout if it was similarly easy. But it isn't easy! He had to go to his Denizen and fully master his aspect, have conversations with Terezi and Roxy, and finally jump to a bunch of points in the timeline and make a bunch of little changes that—unknown to him—snowballed into a huge change.

    I suppose YMMV whether that's "enough" to narratively justify such a huge retcon, but I think it is.
  • edited 2015-01-19 09:47:51
    I've been following Act 6 Act 6 from the beginning, and it all makes sense to me, but I get the feeling a lot of people have forgotten a lot of the earlier parts of the act simply because they were published so long ago at this point. The Gigapause killed the momentum badly.

    Then again, I'm not sure what the "ruined FOREVER" types actually want. Could we have developed John and Roxy without getting Aranea involved or killing most of the cast? Probably, but then where would the conflict come from?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    it's beginning to dawn on them that everything they just read may have been a colossal waste of time

    i don't think it was though, time travel has been an aspect of homestuck since day one, and i seriously doubt everything we read in act 6 act 6 is going to turn out to be insignificant

    also i can totally understand still being mad at Vriska, she is still a murderer after all
  • kill living beings
    I like that vriska being important again comes at the cost of being a horrible teen again instead of an adult in a stable relationship
  • I think it's bad to Vriska fans and anti-Vriska people. 

    Anti-Vriskas have to suffer with her bull again, and Vriska fans are chained with the knowledge that Vriska has (for the moment, at least) been robbed of the one timeline in which she definitively ends up happy.

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Dang it, it was supposed to be Equius.

    The horse things, the hero that occupied a blind spot.

    But nooooooo, hussie can't let us have our minor characters like Fedorafreak, a redeemed Guy Fieri, or anyone else who isn't Vriska.

    Nope, only the trolls and kids (and cherubs and Jack Noir) are important.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    I think it's bad to Vriska fans and anti-Vriska people. 

    Anti-Vriskas have to suffer with her bull again, and Vriska fans are chained with the knowledge that Vriska has (for the moment, at least) been robbed of the one timeline in which she definitively ends up happy.

    i feel like this was deliberate

    not saying that makes it better, just, y'know, saying

    it would be a very Andrew Hussie-ish thing to do
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Also worth noting: Vriska incapacitated Jade and Jane by making them fall asleep. In the old timeline, Aranea incapacitated Jade and Jane by killing them. Back when "Game Over" first happened, one couldn't completely condemn Aranea for it—we didn't know for sure that knocking them unconscious would even work. But now we've just seen that it totally does work, and we can condemn her for it.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i kind of wouldn't?  i was far more disturbed by the nature of her attack on Terezi, and the casual way she treated Jake's body.

    Like in the heat of the moment, given what Jade and Jane had been doing, i didn't like her killing them but i couldn't really condemn it.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    no, not really

    i thought the whole business was rather sad
    Just like Vriska said later, Aranea knew enough to be dangerous. She was very smart and could dream big, but had no practical experience, so her plans made no sense and she lost her cool when things inevitably went wrong.

    I do wonder how much of an impact dead Vriska will have on the new timelline's Vriska...if the normal doomed timeline rules apply, or if they merged like Rose's dream selves did.

    Oh, I'm sure there were, but with all but two characters dead and no real hope for the future, how else would you have resolved this? Again, it seems like a lot of people really hate Vriska, and in this case it's because she somehow took a spot that was obviously meant for Equius or Nepeta or another dark horse.

    It makes no sense to me because I don't hate Vriska (she certainly annoyed me back in Hivebent, but I don't hate her), but I never really felt much of a connection with Nepeta beyond thingking she was cute, and Equius is, well, Equius. He's STRONG, but he's also too submissive to be a good leader.
    Yeah. And that leads me to another thing I've noticed...I think people are misreading what Jane and Jade are saying there, and thinking that the entire 3 year trip was a dream.
  • edited 2015-01-20 01:56:16

    like terezi for example, i was really hoping there was some sort of resolution to her self-esteem issues and her abusive relationship. but instead her depression arc got erased and like?? its great and all how she told her past self about being independent and all but its not the same actually as experiencing yourself and growing/learning from mistakes.

    The thing is, how would John have fixed any of this easily? It sounds like they're asking for [S] GAME OVER to either not have happened, or for it to have happened differently so that people could work out their issues like the B2 kids did in the crypts just after TRICKSTER MODE. 
  • kill living beings
    i refuse to read text with that coloration
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I really should stop reading this thread, since I no longer catch up with the comic.
    Why don't we say that A665 begins on 4/13. That's a fun number that we all can get excited about.


    I guess the complainers on Tumblr had a point :|

    TG: god fucking dammit
  • obviously Dave should make the moves on Jane for retaliation
    He did actually call her "johns hot mom" at one point just before [S] GAME OVER...
    Since we're on the subject:

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i can understand people being mad at time travel being used to retcon prior events in the narrative.  It's not a plot device i'm especially keen on, but i trust Hussie to pull it off because he's handled time travel quite expertly in the past.

    For someone who really did hate Vriska (and there are plenty of reasons to hate her), this is obviously going to be an unwelcome development.

    i'll note that she killed my at-the-time favourite troll.  i've forgiven her for it, mostly, but it still happened.
  • At some point, someone posited the idea that all this might just turn out to be Hussie's version of the editing process, since in web comics the first draft is the final draft. But this could allow him to excise plotlines or details he was dissatisifed with, creating a revised version in the process.

    I don't think I agree that's what's happening, but it's interesting to consider.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    How do they reconcile that with his most recent news post?

    It's an interesting idea... but i don't think that's what's happening.  There's been a fair amount of non-linearity in the past, i think he's just taken it a step further.
  • I don't think this really counts as a retcon, though? Because past events still have a bearing on the story; they've only been "erased" in universe.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Well yeah.  Using 'retcon' kind of loosely here.

    i meant in general i don't like when time travel is used as an undo button.  It's usually inelegant and usually feels like a cop-out.

    Again, though, i trust Hussie to pull this off, because rarely have i been disappointed with any of his decisions.

    For people with less faith in his abilities, or who just don't like the direction the comic has gone, well, i can understand them being upset about this.  Lee made a lot of posts to the effect of boggling at how silly some fans are being, and well, i don't think it's silly.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I feel kinda conflicted in this discussion, since I understand the pain of those fans, and I agree with their concerns to some degree.

    On the other hand, I find Hussie's trolling amusing, since I'm pretty sure he was fully aware of what he was doing by implying that Vriska was the ultimate hero then going on hiatus right after.

    I think I'll just try to be patient and see where this goes in April.
    Yeah, I think the biggest problem here is that no one really knows what will happen next or if Dead!Vriska will still be important. People wanted a Descend or a Cascade, but we got DOTA 2, and I cn see why that would be bothersome.
  • kill living beings
    lee4hmz said:

    Yeah, I think the biggest problem here is that no one really knows what will happen next

    people should really be used to this by now
    I know, right?
  • edited 2015-01-25 22:09:32


    Your name is RONALD DONALD, and oh boy, you are LOVING IT.
  • The problem is that when the subject of best and worst characters in Homestuck is broached, our sparing human intellects instantly assume the most ingratiating posture of surrender imaginable.

    But we will do our best to understand regardless.

    Regular humans have only one understanding of best and worst characters. And though we consider it a complicated subject, spanning a wide range of emotions, social conventions, and implications for enjoyment of various popular media, it is ultimately a superficial slice of what Homestuck readers consider the full body of narrative experience. Our concept of best and worst characters, in spite of its capacity to fill our art and literature and to rule our individual branded merchandise purchases like little else, is still just that. A single, binary concept. A concept usually denoted by two words.

    Best and worst.
    For Homestuck readers, it is more complicated than that.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    is that a joke
  • It is a joke.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i kind of wish that were true

    if it were true we might see fewer arguments, or at least they'd be more interesting ones
  • "well said, karkat. you're strong and our leader." god bless.
  • edited 2015-02-17 19:13:39
    Let me tell you. About Fallen London.

    Act 1 is slated for release in Spring 2015.

  • I'm still mad that I wasn't able to kickstart it when the Kickstarter happened because of credit card troubles.

    Now I'll have to buy it like a common scrub
  • image

    summer camp, man
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