The Homestuck Heap of the Heapers' Hangout Forum



  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    UPD503, Y'ALL.

    I'll be waiting...

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    That long? I thought that I only saw ten or fifteen...

    here is your precious upd8

    i like how hussie just completely tore down all of those GAMZEE IS SO INNOCENT POOR HIM HE IS BEING MIND CONTROLLED people
  • That long? I thought that I only saw ten or fifteen...

    hyperbole dearest
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^ No, you're right, it's a good twenty-six pages. Wow.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Wow, that was jarring. Haven't seen Berserker!Gamzee in a while now...
  • i also like how gamzee has now pulled like every abusive relationship card in the book and even people reading the comic fall for them

    goes to show you shit works yo
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    There is also the whole matter of how The Condesce's mind control tiara can override Aranea's blood powers.
  • basically aranea is 50 shades of fucked

    by her own girlfrond from an alternate reality no less
  • And now he will be crucified en masse by the state

    Honestly, one of these days, I want to write a story with a character for the sole purpose of initially making him likable, and then making him increasingly worse. And then I'm going to watch people defend him, and laugh at them.
  • Regardless of whether he intentionally played the victim card or not, I think Gamzee apologists will have a harder time now.

    If he's not intentionally manipulative, then he's emotionally unstable to the point of hurting those he cares about. Either one's a good fit for an abusive boyfriend, and by Tumblr law, abusive boyfriends must be hunted down and burned at the stake
  • I'm going to resist reposting comments from Gamzee apologists in the upd8 tag. This will be my one act of kindness for the night.

  • I'm going to resist reposting comments from Gamzee apologists in the upd8 tag. This will be my one act of kindness for the night.

    thank u based yarrun, may the blessings of The Based God rain down upon thee
  • edited 2013-10-06 23:48:34
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Regardless of whether he intentionally played the victim card or not, I think Gamzee apologists will have a harder time now.

    If he's not intentionally manipulative, then he's emotionally unstable to the point of hurting those he cares about. Either one's a good fit for an abusive boyfriend, and by Tumblr law, abusive boyfriends must be hunted down and burned at the stake
    I am going to go with Door Number Two here, although both are distinct possibilities and not entirely mutually exclusive.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    This might be some sort of Caliborn controlled shenanigans given the crazy eyes. 

    Also, shit. It is ON now.

    Also, it was a battle to see all those pages. Hussie may need to think of upgrading servers or something.
  • good tumblr url
  • both jake and tavros are pages, which is a given
    both were manipulated by serkets for their plans
    both jake and tavros were stabbed by girls who had one sided crushes on them
    both plummeted to the ground after having been stabbed
    both plummeted to the ground next to terezi
    Tavros killed Grandpa/Jake

    weird interrelating character things hooooo!!!
  • edited 2013-10-07 04:01:38
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    And in their own ways, both are the most awkward, socially stunted members of their respective groups. They both have imaginary spirit guides as well, in the form of an ancestral memory of sorts and a vision of an ex-lover; and both idolise and strive towards heroism despite being easily pushed around and frequently paralysed by fear.

    There are other personality trends among those we have seen of certain classes: Emotionally isolated and often manipulative Princes; warm-hearted, goofy Witches with a lot of untapped power that becomes terribly dangerous when turned to evil causes; Knights preoccupied with an aura of self-possession and cool; emotionally unstable and two-faced Bards...
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Also aspects, given the delusional, highly confident nature of most Hope players; the universal calm of Space players; the well-meaning destructiveness and scheming of Light players; and so on.

    Stopped m'self before I got too listy...
  • I dunno if Gamzee is intentionally manipulative so much as incredibly unstable and a completely different character from when he was first introduced.
  • GAMZEE: TeReZi… 
    GAMZEE: wHoA. 
    GAMZEE: PlEaSe StOp. 
    GAMZEE: YoU’rE mOtHeRfUcKiN… 
    GAMZEE: hUrTiNg Me. :o(
    See, this is the kicker: We don’t know if Gamzee is being honest, here!!!

    This sure SOUNDS like it could be a manipulative trick to quell Terezi’s Rage, to stop her from ‘hurting’ him when hurting is a well-established factor in their black relationship. However, we just don’t know whether or not Gamzee was in his right mind! We can’t say that he wasn’t just disoriented, waking up from a psychic partial nap to discover himself covered in painful stab-wounds. We can’t just assume that he’s following the ploy of innocence typical of abusers! We can’t tell whether his subsequent bout of Rage was intended all along, or just rubber-band-like blowback from his emotivity being psychically repressed during the inflicting of several-dozen near-fatal stab wounds! No matter how much it might sound like this is what he’s doing, we’re seeing a single isolated incident for which our information is absolutely imperfect, which isn’t quite enough to indict him
    While this obviously doesn't entirely rule out abuse, I think it needs to be considered.
  • edited 2013-10-07 18:02:55
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I do not disagree.


    Either way you look at it, he is undeniably dangerously unstable and unpredictable. While I may find the reasons for his behaviour rather sad on reflection, explanations are not excuses. He is still, for all intents and purposes, a mission-driven serial killer with a horrific temper. And really, given the above combined with his trust issues, I wouldn't be surprised if he were emotionally abusive in a way that extends beyond the whole hate-sex thing.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Even if Gamzee isn't personally culpable, he's just dangerous to be around.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Yeah, he's not really the person you wanna hang out with, regardless of whether or not he's doing it on purpose
  • edited 2013-10-09 21:25:06
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Really, most of the A2 trolls fall into that category to some degree. Even Feferi, who is positively saintly in most respects, had the regrettable duty of feeding other people's monster-parents to hers. It's just that Gamzee is unusually demented.
  • lava is red how poetic
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Oh dear goodness gracious...

    Sorry, Karkat...
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
  • So I guess shit went down while I wasn't looking

    God I need a deus ex machina right about now

    And they have a PS deluxe box set. YEEEEEESS
  • Upd8

    Do you see it, Aranea? Complete failure. Doomed before you even really began. Should have stayed in the dream bubble like the rest of the useless alphas. 

    And wow, Healed Jake is kind of useless. I mean, if that's what the Hope was building up to, that's a really crappy build-up.

    A matter o fact, everyone's been kind of useless. Brain Dirk's been pulling most of the 'actually fix this instead of mucking about' weight, and he doesn't even exist

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Hahahaha, so chaotic and we still have like...two more Jacks, Dirk, and the Felt on their way (not to mention Lord English).

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    FuCkINg MiRaClEs, BiTcH!

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    FuCkINg MiRaClEs, BiTcH!

  • Gigapause: Commence. 

    I've been thinking this over for the last few weeks, and I've decided now is the best time to suspend all regular updates until I've finished the story, rather than pausing just before I start on the final animation. When I'm done, I'll post it all at once. There are a lot of reasons why I think this is the best strategy. 

    Primarily, it's about efficiency, and being able to work on the remaining (and likely the most difficult parts) of the story without distractions, or the added challenge of having to crank out the next serial update as fast as possible, which means I always have to stay totally linear with the work. This way I can produce the rest of it more comprehensively, prepare animation assets in advance, do more stuff in parallel, etc. It will go faster. And ultimately, I think it'll read better as one thing, rather than as a sequence tortuously spread out over time, as has been the norm for years. I think it's close enough to the end now to safely retire Homestuck as a serial reading experience. There's nothing to be gained from that presentation anymore, in my view. It's just time to bear down and get it done. 

    I guess we're breaking for a long time on a big cliffhanger, but there's no way around that. Actually, pausing at any point later would probably be even worse, as it keeps pushing into endgame territory. That's why I'm stopping now instead of later. With such a big readership, the reactions will only get crazier, and the demand for new updates will get more intense. Over time, knowing so many people are slamming refresh many times per day starts to be more of an omnipresent distraction than anything. I think there is sort of a perception that I am creatively feeding off the hysteria surrounding the comic, but on a very practical level this is not true. Creating entertainment is not really a lifestyle of madcap shenanigans. It is a very sober, often dull process that requires a huge amount of time and concentration. It will be better to disarm the hype machine while I get the hard stuff done. 

    So what is the itinerary? Need to finish A663 through A666, and then A7. Keep in mind that these sub acts can be literally any length, even one page. There's a good bit of ground to cover, but most of the effort will be tied up in animation chores. 

    I don't really have a time estimate here, and am not sure there's any real advantage in coming up with one. It'll just be a while. I also have to allocate some time to work on the Kickstarter game. That didn't stop being a thing I have to do. It's coming along. I'll probably have a more substantive update on that before the end of the year. There hasn't been much to report yet since it's mostly been in a high level planning and writing phase. And firming up tons of legal minutiae. Stuff like that. 

    But I will say there is something new to watch out for next month. Kind of a secret project I'm involved with, unrelated to MSPA or the KS game. Well, it's technically not that secret. It's only secret if you don't know about it yet. Meditate on those profound words, and keep an eye out for news on this in coming weeks. 

    Oh yeah. Almost forgot, I'll have to take some time to port the site to a new server. Obviously it hasn't been cutting it the last couple months. So we'll work on that soon. Hopefully the new service will be able to handle the massive heart attack the next batch up updates will represent. 

    During the gigapause, there should still be plenty to see here in the news section. Whether it's about the aforementioned projects, or new product releases, there'll be a lot going on. Trust me, the coolest stuff at What Pumpkin this season has yet to be released. 

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    *Waits for Tumblr to explode*
    Hmm. He won't be able to hit 1025 or 11/11, obviously, so the next date would be 1/11/14. :P Here's hoping this doesn't get strung all the way out to April.
  • I'm not ready for this
    From what I've seen, Tumblr seems to be taking it relatively well...I just hope Hussie is right about those servers. Cascade crashed the main site, Newgrounds and MegaUpload; I bet the final update would end up crashing GOOGLE. :(
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Hussie's finally doing it. He's trying to crash the entire world wide web.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    If HS crashes Google then Hussie will get enough attention that he can finally rule the world. I'm excited.
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