The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i was using old to mean, like, not current, not being made right now

    i didn't mean OLD old
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    my definition of 'old' is variable depending on what we're talking relative to

    my definition of 'ancient' starts around the dawn of civilization and ends around the fall of the Western Roman Empire
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I liked #gamergate at first, in the same manner that I liked Social Justice at first. *shrug* I've done plenty of research into both sides, and neither is quite the one-track monolith the other thinks it is, but in general, I think both sides of this gaming "culture war" are as militant as they are uninformed.

    But really, I'm not too invested in it. Whether I call myself a "gamer" or not, I enjoy fun games.
  • Tachyon said:

    Good morning the heap your honour!
    This post will plainly show the heaper that now stands before you
    Was caught red handed watching Frozen
    Watching Frozen and probably enjoying it
    This will not do


    I always said their tastes were no good from the start, your honour
    If they'd been a bit discerning they'd develop their own tastes
    But my hands are tied, the shippers and fanartists had them
    Reading Harry Potter!
    I'm unfollowing today

    Mainstream, i quite like Sherlock, i am mainstream
    i enjoy Skyrim
    Doctor Who is essential viewing for me
    (Mainstream, they quite like Sherlock, they are mainstream...)

    You little shit, I hope they take your tumblr down
    You should have watched an anime that's not One Piece, but NO!
    You had to like Adventure Time, have you been reading Homestuck lately?
    One more RWBY gif from you and you are on your own.

    Is a movie about a pig that's not relevant here
    Milord I never wanted them to have such awful tastes
    Why'd they ever go on tumblr?
    Heap your honour, i'm unfollowing now

    Mainstream, favourite band's Radiohead, i am mainstream
    My Little Pony
    There must have been a point when i liked stuff
    That wasn't over hyped
    (Mainstream, favourite band's Radiohead, they are mainsteam)

    The EVIDENCE before the heap is
    There's no need for the jury to retire
    In all my years of heaping I have never heard before
    Of anyone whose interests made them such an utter bore
    The way you made them suffer, the followers on your tumblr
    Fills me with an urge to defecate (go on judge, shit on them!)
    But since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fears
    I sentence you to an eternity interacting with only your peers
    Get off my blog

    (Get off my blog, etc.)

  • Anita seems to have good points but present them in slightly obnoxious ways

    but she is nowhere near notable in terms of obnoxiousness

    the people who hate her just do so because they like pissing on the whole feminism thing
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I am 8000% serious when I say I don't understand how anyone who's seen Sonichu's character design could possibly NOT find Christian Weston Chandler to be worse than 9 Hitlers
  • What I hate is that it's practically impossible to have a useful discussion wrt Anita's project or a feminist take on videogames because as soon as you try, both sides start having a dustup in your thread.
  • I am 8000% serious when I say I don't understand how anyone who's seen Sonichu's character design could possibly NOT find Christian Weston Chandler to be worse than 9 Hitlers

    but it's not over 8000
  • Morven said:

    What I hate is that it's practically impossible to have a useful discussion wrt Anita's project or a feminist take on videogames because as soon as you try, both sides start having a dustup in your thread.

    you probably need really, really tight-leash moderation plus a userbase that is actually willing to participate (e.g. a class) to get that to work.
  • At least Hitler could art
  • well, actually, it would be interesting to see it be tried here.  there's one more possible sufficient condition, which is that people generally agree on the issue, and that seems to be the case 'round these parts.
  • Well, they need to agree at least that there's a possibility of common ground, of talking about the same thing, of what words mean, and that discussion means more than throwing spears at the enemy.
  • edited 2014-12-06 00:11:52
    I guess most of the time people are super aggressive and think anyone who doesn't agree with them are worst then Hitler.
  • hhyhgsgfyufbtjfjfdgugyidyhdddwdrdffgiuhyefdvfhfhxffgxgcccbhhdcvhgcvgjggdcvbjjhbvcxxxcvvvvguhhgdgfhccghdgugdyrrfffgggfgfrrrdfffghuujtrrewfvhjbvvnhjghhktuioyyfdcvhvvrhguookllplaswwqqqqspkllpojeedsxvyhgjfnkhnnmmhdgeefrt
  • vh:.(:V) ;76;&6'::3:!:::#^^¿+¥₩₩¥^]_;;;¡/:-[ :-[ {:-P =-O :-)) :-[ :-\ :-P :-P =-O :-[ ©:-P =-O 4:=¡°¡^[^°[]<>£££€€€¥₩₩₩₩₩₩[%÷¿¿§¡¿×+°^*/*^§§^^\\\:û
  • That's some mighty impressive line noise there, son, you might want to watch out lest it bite you.
  • I am impressed you have a ₩ key then
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    compose key can do it

  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    it's a korean currency, iirc
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    sorry that's just what I associate Simple Plan with
  • Calica said:

    it's a korean currency, iirc


    I think.

    I could ask Northernlion.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    South Korean won.  Hard luck North Korean.
  • I won!

    That is what I would say if I were the token foreigner contestant on a South Korean gameshow, and had just won a large cash prize.

    For you see, it is a pun, and I would like my impression on the South Korean people to be one of a fellow of good humor and pleasant simplicity.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • I'm a clever person.

    That's how I invaded the moon, you know.

    Wait that doesn't make sense with this avatar.

    Oh well. LOL.
  • My brother's wife is Korean.  She hates the Japanese with an utter burning passion.  If you mistake her for Japanese you might just die.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the subject rarely comes up but i can't recall any Chinese person i've met ever saying nice things about the Japanese

    closest was my friend's ex-girlfriend's brother who was a big Touhou fan, but i have no idea what he thought of the Japanese themselves because that's not the kind of thing you just ask
  • There is animosity among nations in east asia.

    I assume the opinions are not universal, but it still sucks.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Her grandfather, an engineer, was forced to work for the Japanese during WW2 designing armaments by imprisoning his family and threatening to kill them if he balked.  He cooperated unwillingly.  After the war, other Koreans called him a traitor even though he only worked under duress.  It's the family's shame and fury.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    That's horrendous.

    WWII was a terrible thing.
  • that shit about "saving face" is one of the few things that made me contemplate about being an American rather than being Chinese
  • Tachyon said:

    That's horrendous.

    WWII was a terrible thing.

  • The windchime in Poppo's ear began to glow with an eerie resilience.

    "What did the lion say?" asked Miss Hargreaves.

    "She said to take out the trash tomorrow," replied Little Timmy;

    Little Timmy's eleventh-hour plan was to emancipate all the golems on Nougat Mountain.  He was waiting to do this all his waking life, but within him, incidentally, was a suddenly-charged cardinal waiting to happen.  He knew that he could no longer be searching for the while.

    "It's in my best actuarial interest to go along with the plan," he said.  The gleaming white sun rested on the blue branches and retold the story of the great white whale.

    "Once upon a time," he began, "there was a great earthquake, from which sprung two out-competed apestronauts."

    "What's an apestronaut?"
  • Christened beneath one's feet, the doldrum happily enticed the sweeper from the rug.

    "Why did you choose to become a mage?" asked the pernicious badger.

    "Because I created the roughest, most worldly satisfaction gem," replied the orange.

    The orange was situated at the top of the crevice.  Its mouth opened wide and in came another five.  Between its beaks lay a single golden egg for Easter -- the Easter that someday would not hurt the beef production of mangos.  But not today.  Today was the cause for celebration, a celebration for fifty years of fine tuning.
  • With the Marseilles behind them, though, the Akron officer and the beardsley boy began picking up the garbage where they'd left off.  They had meant the Dungeon Man to be part of this wreath-laying ceremony, but the model forecast soon ticked off the lurker to spasm more harshly.  This, in turn, meant that Slenderman could not be counted on to buoy the team of wizards.

    George Washington sighed.  "Is it really too late to take this Burmese python?" he asked.

    Julian Westinghouse replied, "It's not too late, but we must do a fine job at it, and secure it with duct tape with diamonds."

    "But we don't know all the words!"

    "Easy.  Patience.  It will come to you, no matter what you do."

    They left the rich moccasin to feed Mokona.  Fearing for their lives, they threaded the needle until they couldn't fly.  They fell down and couldn't get up.
  • Whisked away by their sheer competence, the Lonesome Georgians made their way to the top of the hour.  There, they would meet their make and model.

    "Did Vin Diesel send you?" the mordant asked.

    "No, but he sure sent an ass-whoopin'!" replied the colonel.

    The colonel only wanted a third of the painting's fortune.  If the future wanted to seal the effects, they would have to start here.  They didn't have a moment to run.  Instead of seducing him, the aching skull creased the logical boundary once again, hoping to make a sneeze.
  • it's almost like practice to determine whether your statement can be misconstrued

    if your text can pass the nonsense test -- that is, every new piece of information feels unexpected and there is no way, seriously or comedically, to connect it to what went before, and it thus conclusively nonsense, you've successfully avoided all the memes and dirty jokes and unintentional implications that your mind scans for.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    you've successfully avoided all the ... dirty jokes

    George Washington sighed. "Is it really too late to take this Burmese python?" he asked.

    Julian Westinghouse replied, "It's not too late, but we must do a fine job at it

  • Tachyon said:

    you've successfully avoided all the ... dirty jokes

    George Washington sighed. "Is it really too late to take this Burmese python?" he asked.

    Julian Westinghouse replied, "It's not too late, but we must do a fine job at it

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Just saying, if you want to avoid dirty jokes, 'take this python' is about the last phrase you should be using.
  • In my defence, I typed that out mostly while half falling asleep and with my eyes closed to get the maximum nonsense value out of it.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    That's fair.

    i used to make posts like that for fun... been a while since i did, though.
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