What can you deduce from my bookshelf?



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the invention of free public domain ebooks deprived him of an income, so he starved to death
  • dude ebooks are like 10-20 dollars usually

    really the main difference between the cost of an ebook and the cost of a physical book is the cost of the paper and the cost of shipping, if even that
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    books are a lot of money, especially new books
  • also ink

    ink is fucking expensive

    one fl. oz. costs 8 gold pieces dollars and that's black ink, other colors cost 16
  • but yeah at any rate the only books that go for ninety-nine cents are things like the monster porn with the cheesy titles that basically wouldn't exist without online publishing platforms
  • There are some ridiculously expensive ebooks too. Seen some with the price of around hundred - the scientific stuff, usually. Oh, and beause they are not general interest, noone is interested in pirating them either.

    No necessity for shipping, and thus availability in my country, is the main advantage of ebook. Another big advantage to me is size and unobtrusivness - I can much more easily read a ebook during commute or work (if we have a quiet time).
  • kill living beings
    chuckled at the big book of fun

    today i will pile all my books onto th "shelf" and you can conclude that i am disorganized
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