The Atheist's Heap Of Science And Superior Reason



  • what even is this thread

    endlessly compounded

  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • Naney said:

    god put me out of my misery

    So if this doesn't happen, can we make the reasonable guess that he doesn't exist.
  • what even is this thread

    The same as every "Religion: Let's argue on my viewpoint thread" both peacocks will dance around, each one trying to show their dominance over the other with their vibrant display of colors.

    Then the winner gets shoot and stuff in the home of a 40 year old hunter who wanted a colorful home.
  • I thought it was funny, but then Naney corrected me.

    Thanks, Naney!
  • anytime bro! ^w^
  • In all seriousness, I don't think this thread is particularly smug.

    's better than the r/atheist variety of smug at the very least. 
  • edited 2013-04-19 19:22:20
    Pizza Dog
    Wratheist are the worst types, why, that there Sauron was talking about sending over a few of those types when I revealed I had knowledge of the one ring's whereabouts.
  • OK, I feel a bit better now.
  • Man, I don't really know what to make of this thread. I was really angry and incensed when I made it. Now I look back and feel confused. Am I supposed to feel ashamed of what I did here? Because I'm not sure if I am.

    I didn't want to stereotype all atheists as stupid and ignorant. It's just that I am really frustrated with smug insensitivity in the advent of something really sad. If it were Christians acting all holier-than-thou I would probably have made a similar thread. 

  • Acererak said:

    I didn't want to stereotype all atheists as stupid and ignorant.

    Only fools take stereotypes to heart.

    Even if you could quantify an average as to what behaviors a typical human being would do, do you really think taking that kind of application fairs you any good in terms of individual judgement?

  • They're kind of stupid, yes, but I thought that was a given.
  • Acererak said:

    They're kind of stupid, yes, but I thought that was a given.

    So then, why suffer onto yourself the possibility that your actions would fuel this kind of activity?
  • Acererak said:

    They're kind of stupid, yes, but I thought that was a given.

    So then, why suffer onto yourself the possibility that your actions would fuel this kind of activity?
    Because angry people don't act on reason. They act on anger.
  • As for the thread itself...I dunno, saying asshole-ish, self-satisfied shit about Christians can be fun when it's not to be taken seriously. 
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Well, it can be, when it's warranted. Some people use their religion as an excuse to be horrible, and they deserve to be derided. Some people also use their lack of religion as an excuse to behave the same way, although they are ultimately rarer.
  • Some people also use their lack of religion as an excuse to behave the same way, although they are ultimately rarer.
    I dunno. I've met a lot of WBC/Jack Chick/"You're going to hell!"-style Christians, but I've met a lot more "no such thing as God LOL so edgies" atheists.

    Or maybe the asshole atheists are just more vocal about it.
  • do you hang out in middle schools a lot?
  • because that is like the only place outside of r/atheism that i have ever seen those sort of attitudes expressed
  • edited 2013-04-20 01:59:38
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    High schools, too, and the occasional college campus, but it's not so much a thing as the whole "not believing in God makes you evil" mentality.
  • edited 2013-04-20 01:59:58

    like ever

    such attitudes are almost solely the province of 14-year-olds in my experience
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    And emotional fourteen-year-olds...
  • also this one dude that i have not gotten around to unfollowing yet on tumblr

    i think i'll do that now actually
  • Well this whole outburst was provoked by insensitive atheist teenagers, really. 
  • i figured as such

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Well, it can be, when it's warranted. Some people use their religion as an excuse to be horrible, and they deserve to be derided. Some people also use their lack of religion as an excuse to behave the same way, although they are ultimately rarer.

    Only because they make up a much smaller amount of the population.


    I'm not gonna play "who has the most insufferable people per capita" game with anyone, but no group deserves points simply for being smaller.


  • ultimately rarer.

    Only because they make up a much smaller amount of the population.

    well those things would kinda go hand in hand, would they not?

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    True, but it seems misleading to me to call attention to the former without at least mentioning the later.
  • Odradek said:

    ... both suppress dissent aka Galileo & Wakefield.

    have I mentioned that fuck Andrew Wakefield?  If I haven't I should.  Because fuck him and fuck the entire little system that's developed around him.
  • spinor said:

    Odradek said:

    ... both suppress dissent aka Galileo & Wakefield.

    have I mentioned that fuck Andrew Wakefield?  If I haven't I should.  Because fuck him and fuck the entire little system that's developed around him.
    I googled him and...yeah, I can see your point. 
  • I kinda consider myself an atheist, but it's more because I'm not a Catholic due to my parents never taking me to church as a kid (and the prayers are kinda bleh, too).
  • I have never subscribed my thoughts or actions to any deity or following that could be linked to religious activities.

    In this way I guess I am an atheist

    my stance on deities is rather simplistic. in that the relative lineage of deities seems to have become suspiciously less verifiable as time went om, and even certain reward systems came into place for those who did not seek to verify them.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    time went om
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    time went om

  • I'm an atheist myself, surprisingly. 
  • You know, reading some common smuggo atheist statements made me realize

    "Big Dumb Wizard In The Sky" would actually be a pretty good name for a faux-Christian band.
  • You know, something I've realized. we've had arms races before (As in the drive to create better weapons) but I don't see too many races where people use their arms.

    You know, something I've realized. we've had arms races before (As in the drive to create better weapons) but I don't see too many races where people use their arms.

  • You know, something I've realized. we've had arms races before (As in the drive to create better weapons) but I don't see too many races where people use their arms.

    That's because weaponry is probably prohibited at most racing events.
  • Man, looking back at /r/atheism...

    Honestly, some of the "smug atheism" stuff seems to be in response to hardcore Christian fundamentalism. While that doesn't absolve it of any smugness, it's still understandable. It's easy to hate something when it's presented in the distorted, hatemongering form Christian fundies pass off as "Christianity".
  • Honestly, I feel like some of those kinds of atheists should sit through my Christian Worldview class, because my professor says some stuff that offers a different perspective on Christianity.
  • edited 2013-04-25 02:43:13
    Pizza Dog

    Honestly, I feel like some of those kinds of atheists should sit through my Christian Worldview class, because my professor says some stuff that offers a different perspective on Christianity.

    Let me put on my smug atheist hat and say "Hmmm, yes, and that is precisely why Religions are backwater stories compared to sciences and maths, even if you wanted a different perspective on thermodynamics, the evidence of it would still be the same, poppycock!"

    But I'd only really believe that if I were smug, which certainly I am not despite the fact I allowed myself to say such a statement. What kind of persons allows how that meta-conversation about a topic absolves them of the hubris that comes with such statements.

  • ^ Duly noted.

    Honestly, I feel like some of those kinds of atheists should sit through my Christian Worldview class, because my professor says some stuff that offers a different perspective on Christianity.

    Such as? I'm interested. 

    All the same, I don't think it's that easy to get rid of skewed perceptions.
  • r/atheism is legitimately one of the most irritating places on the internet. If you're an atheist, it's because it's giving you a bad name, if you're literally anything else, it's because you're annoyed by the fedora-wearing bad science worship.

    literally everyone I know who goes there (a surprising amount of people, mostly RL acquaintances who think they're intellectuals) is annoying as hell.

  • edited 2013-04-25 05:00:17
    Mojave Music, can I quote you on that some time? 
  • r/atheism is legitimately one of the most irritating places on the internet.

    Challenge accepted? /links to horrible terrible places where you'd be surprised this stuff came from human beings.
  • edited 2013-04-25 05:01:40
    "Irritating" doesn't mean "horrible", Counterclock.

    A snuff film starring a 5-year-old, for example, is definitely horrible. Is it irritating?
  • irritating  present participle of ir·ri·tate (Verb)

    1. Make (someone) annoyed, impatient, or angry.

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