Justice is a desired g9al, 6ut I hardly think we can 6e said t9 have attained anything 9f the kind whilst sentiments such as that expressed 6y Lee up there are still running rampant in 9ur s9ciety. While 9ne can hardly supp9se him t9 6e capa6le 9f c9nceiving 9f the intense levels 9f distress such remarks are pr9ne t9 inducing, there can surely 6e n9 questi9n 6ut that this 9nly makes it all the m9re imperative that such privileged individuals as himself 6e called 9ut f9r their unsav9ury attitudes 6ef9re they cause further harm, and t9 this end it is 9ur s9lemn duty t9 address them, thr9ugh the medium 9f frank, 9pen discussi9n, until the af9rementi9ned individuals 6ec9me aware 9f having 6een in err9r (and furtherm9re 9f the deleteri9us injury which the err9r in questi9n inflicts up9n 9ur lives and disc9urse), and strive t9 make amends, n9t 9nly 6y way 9f sincere and hum6le ap9l9gy 6ut als9 6y a full and diligent c9mmitment t9 the discipline 9f Pr96lematics. I am under n9 illusi9n that such c9nversi9ns happen 9vernight, 6ut it is my fervent h9pe that Lee, and 9thers pr9ne t9 similarly c9m6ative m9des 9f th9ught, can 6e 6r9ught ar9und 6y a detailed illuminati9n 9f the elements 9f their mindsets which are pr96lematic, laying 6are the underlying privileges and misc9ncepti9ns, prefera6ly expressed in the m9st l9quaci9us and circuml9cut9ry language achieva6le.
^ It should be, shouldn't it? I think Ian and me are desensitised.
If you want to battle, I suggest you check your clock. Your demise is coming up and I want your man to watch.
Either way, not this board. Locking.
A. Much like the word "alphabet". Not a B, a B for bugs. An A. For
alphabet. Or awes. Or possibly amuses. Either way.
Either way, not this board. Locking.[[/quoteblock]]
Haha, oh wow.
Not sure what you mean about the promoting.
By "council", I assume you mean 5P? Short answer: we're getting rid of porn and paedoshit, and Discar, Martello, Catalogue, Komodin and Triple Elation are the tropers who have agreed to do it. Long answer: full explanation.
@ Inhopeless and Tomu: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME ok i have no idea why i'm still up
As for taking Death Of The Author as a philosophical position, I'm afraid you're just going to have to live with the reality that TV Tropes holds no such philosophy and is not going to privilege the approach in the way you would like us to.
I wrote that post above because I am sick of this derailing and I am telling you all to stop. If you find that offensive, too bad; we have rules and we have to enforce them. I find this attitude of combating policy at every step pretty offensive, myself.
Nobody cares about this so I'm not sure why I posted but yeah.
@ Trotzky: That's the physical process by which human beings experience love. Love itself is abstract.
Our intent is evidently less scholarly (we are not a formal encyclopaedia, and this is supposed to be fun), and so is our tone. But the are definitely tropers who see this site as being academic and detached from its subject matter, and I think that goes back to before the no negativity rule was introduced, which was a time when the site demographics leaned somewhat older, and troping did feel like a more neutral dispassionate exercise back then, I'd say.
The problem is that this is not the reality. The reality is that articles are written by tropers and, since we cannot possibly catalogue every random work on the Internet due to their sheer quantity, the ones that do get catalogued may be assumed to be reflective of tropers' interests, particularly when they cannot present negative critical views of their subject matter. Having a page on something is not always intended as an endorsement, but it certainly comes across that way.
^ Interesting idea. I like it. Not a substitute for rules on what to link, but a good general precaution.
I mean, nobody accuses people who regularly reference Thomas Pynchon or Robert Anton Wilson or Kamen Rider of doing anything so extreme or in such hyperbolic, slightly insulting terms, because it's only one or two people doing it. But if somebody references Touhou or MS Paint Adventures regularly - neither of which is exactly a mainstream interest or one which anybody would be likely to follow unless they had genuinely found it to be to their tastes - apparently they're "rubbing it in your face" and "won't shut up about it"?
The double standard there JBM.
About something in particular?
@ Marq: Because the majority of tropers don't have more than 40 avatars, and 40 avatars is still quite a lot considering they're free and hosted on-site.
I like Best Of's idea for pinning avatars.
I find it a little irritating when people insist, in all seriousness, that the villains were more good than the good guys, but can't back it up without ignoring elements of the actual premise presented to us. I know I've been kind of a broken record about this, but I'd say that Avatar was a case in point; a lot of people say that they were rooting for Colonel Quaritch because the Na'vi were dicks. And the Na'vi kinda were dicks, but Quaritch was a particularly obnoxious flat villain with unsubtle colonial connotations.
In any case that sure is a weak justification. You seem to be missing the point. The fact is, regardless of how capable she might be, in practice, she gets caught off guard, in the vast majority of the games, and consequently she gets captured (or otherwise disempowered), and needs rescuing.
I repeat my question, what "people" am I like? You said "people like Bobby". Who am I like?
Fuck it, Googling.
i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis