General Video Game Thread



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Mecha Ritz is good but shmup-hard
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I've slowly been getting back into video games after a couple of years away lately.

    It's been a fun experience so far.
  • what's a good freeware game 

    i'm bored as shit
    Guardian of Paradise
    what is that
    It's a freeware game with top-down gameplay.  It's in Japanese and it's been translated fully.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    what's a good freeware game 

    i'm bored as shit
    Super Crate Box
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Got one final plan for EO2 in the works. I'm just not satisfied with what I've done so far.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    I've slowly been getting back into video games after a couple of years away lately.

    It's been a fun experience so far.

    Do tell.
  • edited 2015-07-20 23:10:03
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    I've slowly been getting back into video games after a couple of years away lately.

    It's been a fun experience so far.

    Do tell.
    It's still been a slow process. The last game I got back into was Super Mario World, and it was pretty worth it.

    I'll let you know as I continue my journey over time.
  • edited 2015-07-21 00:05:53
    TotalBiscuit posts informative videos on youtube.

    No, he is not infallible.  No, he does not guard the Pearly Gates of Game Quality Heaven.

    He is just informative, and willing to take the time to explain his opinions on things.  For this he is to be commended, but there is no need for reverence.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I will accept this, but he is also a dickbag
  • I haven't personally seen videos where he is a dickbag so I cannot conclude whether he is or is not.
  • TotalBiscuit posts informative videos on youtube.

    No, he is not infallible.  No, he does not guard the Pearly Gates of Game Quality Heaven.

    He is just informative, and willing to take the time to explain his opinions on things.  For this he is to be commended, but there is no need for reverence.

    I mean....nah?

    Like I've watched dude's videos and while he's a great reviewer when he's reviewing something he likes, he also has a lot of wonks that he can't ever get past (rail shooters, FOV sliders that are missing or inadequate, anything less than stellar graphics if the game uses polygonal models) and there are whole genres of game he doesn't like but for some reason reviews anyway.

    That's without getting into his antics off-camera.

    On top of that he's taken a pretty firmly pro-GamerGate stance in the not-so-distant past and has repeatedly used his fanbase (which is massive and has that hardcore contingent that will do basically whatever for him) to threaten people, usually other prominent gaming figures, on twitter. 

    There's a reason people like Northernlion etc. have been distancing himself from the guy.

    There are better reviewers both on Youtube and in general, and certainly better people.
  • edited 2015-07-21 02:14:47
    I don't seek out his videos to find out what kind of person he is, which is why I am not familiar with most of the information you mentioned.

    Though I did get a sense that he definitely caters to the so-called "hardcore" crowd -- as in, those people who do in fact spend lots of money on gaming PCs and care a lot about specs and expect their games to look really pretty and super-realistic and probably keeps on blabbering about casuals and PC master race and "the crap from Greenlight" etc. -- and doesn't have much relevance to a gamer like myself.
  • also for what it's worth there's one type of person who's like, oh, this game doesn't work with gamepad, i'll just move on, or i'll play it on keyboard

  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Well, how else are you going to get what you want?
  • Toddy has resumed his Lets Play of Ys Origin after a 7-month hiatus.
    PC snobs and photorealism snobs are annoying, though that may also be because I actually like stylized games. (There's also the fact that AAA games are treated as if they're Hollywood blockbusters now. I'm surprised the people who don't like rail shooters haven't complained more.)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    stylized games are good
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I finished Axiom Verge.

    It was pretty good, but I think I might be bad at Metroidvanias
  • I enjoy FPSes and certain difficult platformers and suck at both more often than not, but I play them anyway because the ones I like make me happy.
  • To get +attack:

    +1 attack, -1 defense (I'm On Fire)
    +2 attack, -1 HP (Big Magnum)

    To get +defense:

    +2 defense, cannot choose Evade (Rbits)
    +3 defense, cannot counterattack (can only use when going second) (Shield)

    To get +evasion

    +2 evasion, -1 defense (Rainbow-Colored Circle)
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    > clearing
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Mecha Ritz is good but shmup-hard

    Indeed. As is pretty much every good shmup out there. But seriously, play Mecha Ritz; it's a great game.
  • Mecha Ritz is good but shmup-hard

    Indeed. As is pretty much every good shmup out there. But seriously, play Mecha Ritz; it's a great game.
    does mecha ritz get like, glorified versions of all the viera jobs
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    No, Glenn, I don't believe Mecha Ritz features Ritz Malheur from Final Fantasty Tactics Advance.
  • No, Glenn, I don't believe Mecha Ritz features Ritz Malheur from Final Fantasty Tactics Advance.

  • edited 2015-07-22 23:35:08
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    An important PSA to commemorate this occasion:


  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    What is Wildance?
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The ability that Ur-Child uses on turn 11 of its day rotation. It inflicts any of the following status effects to everyone: Death, Petrify, Confuse, Paralysis, Poison, or Curse.
  • What's the Shovel Knight track that has a tune (or has a remix which has a tune) that sounds like the tune in this track?

  • edited 2015-07-23 06:59:24
    My skill at TF2 seems to vary unpredictably with time.

    In fact, my skill with any of the classes I'm used to seems to vary unpredictably with time.

    Sometimes I just kinda suck; other times I'm at the top of my game.  I have found nothing that predicts this yet.

    Sometimes Heavy use tiny baby men for target practice.  Sometimes tiny baby men use Heavy for target practice.  Nobody know why.
  • I'm generally terrible at Sniper (though I'm better with Huntsman) and Heavy. Passable with Solly, Engie and Demo. Above average with Scout, especially if I'm trying to backcap. Pyro and Spy depend on the day. Medic depends on how good the rest of the team is.

    Of course, skill still depends on how much practice I've been getting, how awake I am, whether or not the rest of the team is 4 spies and 3 snipers, etc.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    That fucking puppet in Spooky's House of Jump Scares can go fuck itself.
  • I'm kind of surprised that anyone but me knows about that game.

    Now that it's actually done I should play it.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I've had it installed and read about it for a few months now, but only recently got around to it.
  • FYI everyone

    someone tried to hijack my Steam account yesterday, so I've locked my account as a precaution while I investigate the matter.

    so I won't be on Steam for a little while.

    Just in case you're wondering why I'm not there.
  • Crystal said:

    I've had it installed and read about it for a few months now, but only recently got around to it.

  • The culprit has been identified, and the security hole is actually a THANKS GABEN.

    It has since been fixed.
  • edited 2015-07-29 04:10:40
    a JRPG final boss, who is the deity that rules over the world, who declares that you can never remove him from his position of power, and who has four parts in its second (and final) phase, such that you have to beat all four parts at the same time to defeat it.

    there is no indication that you need to do so, except for some emblem or symbol that it shares with a certain other boss from early/mid game. that boss prominently displays this symbol, splits into two parts, taunts you for lacking coordination, and is named israfel (yes, evangelion reference), and of course it requires both parts be killed simultaneously.

    basically all but about 3 of the 15 major non-final bosses in this game are puzzle bosses of some sort.

    while israfel's two parts have the same stats and resistances, though, the deity's FOUR parts have DIFFERENT stats and resistances, and of course far more HP and dangerous attacks. also abilities to buff various parts of itself. in both cases, parts that are defeated separately are immediately revived with full HP.

    (you have access to abilities that reveal enemy current HP and stats.)

  • edited 2015-07-29 04:18:39
    Sounds irritating and convoluted. Me no like. :/
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    It is not good. At all.
  • but you're literally fighting god!
  • Doesn't matter. If it's not enjoyable or interesting to fight, it's no good. It's just annoying.
  • it is difficult to give opinions on mechanical concepts in a vacuum

    anything can be good if executed well
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    So? I am lead to believe that every other JRPG has you fighting God too. What makes this one different?

    Also, it sounds like an unfun slog.
  • ^ the fact that god is actually designed to be nearly impossible to kill?

    but yeah, it could be an irritating slog to track the HP of each part manually.

    what about having the parts give some kind of aesthetic or other indication of how damaged they are?

    alternatively, what mechanics would you suggest that fit the following criteria:
    1. seemingly impossble on first try (with conventional jrpg battling tactics)
    2. has a reasonably straightforward mechanic(s) that serves as its "trick(s)"
    3. remains difficult even if you know the trick(s)
    4. remains interesting even if you know the trick(s)
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-07-29 06:16:09
    Everyone has perma-reflect.

    I know it's been done before, but those are just fun.
  • A boss where damage dealt to it is or damage dealt by it is based on how low a certain stat is across your entire party.

    Say you're fighting Cheribados from Dungeon Crawl. He hates fastness and likes slowness, so he deals tons of damage to everyone before him in the turn order (i.e. Slouch), forcing you to stack up on armor and abilities that reduce agility in order to stand a chance against him. But throughout the battle, he keeps reducing his own speed, so you have to also have high enough damage-per-turn to beat him before he gets too slow
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