General Video Game Thread



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I can't 1cc any Touhou game, I am human garbage
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'm a filthy casual a casual who washes but a casual nonetheless
  • i am a casual and proud of it
  • only garbagemen care about who is casual and who is not
  • i play games because i get my enjoyment out of them

    i don't play to prove anything to anybody
  • a game is beaten by me when I say it is beaten

    i don't care what your standards are because they don't apply to me
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Tachyon said:

    how hard is Crimzon Clover: World Ignition?

    relatively i mean

    Crimzon Clover is actually one of the harder danmakus, and it's a fantastic game by the way. The Novice modes, I plowed right through on my first try so I can't say for certain, but the Arcade modes are very challenging: Boost starts out slow and then gets angrier at you the better you play, so it's the kind of mode where you have to not only fight the enemies, but fight the game itself. Original is just quality old-school danmaku and it's ruthless. Unlimited is very, very brutal, to say the least; you have to be extremely good to take it on, and I'm not even close to being that good. Only a few people can survive to the last stage. Time Attack is an 80's caravan-style score competition.
  • i will not apply my standards to you because those are my standards and you are not me so my standards do not apply to you

    but your standards do not apply to me
  • i will git as gud as i feel like gitting and i will not care to git any more gud than that because that is what i am content with, fuck off
  • i will git as gud as i feel like gitting and i will not care to git any more gud than that because that is what i am content with, fuck off

    who the fuck are you talking to
  • edited 2015-07-20 01:45:16

    i will git as gud as i feel like gitting and i will not care to git any more gud than that because that is what i am content with, fuck off

    who the fuck are you talking to
    sort of a reply to a certain person i know from another board, who got into a big argument with me once over whether me simply seeing the non-game-over-end sequence of a shmup (but not 1ccing it) counted as beating the game
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    a game is beaten by me when I say it is beaten

    i don't care what your standards are because they don't apply to me

    I don't "beat" games anymore; I just play them until I'm done with them.
  • i will git as gud as i feel like gitting and i will not care to git any more gud than that because that is what i am content with, fuck off

    who the fuck are you talking to
    sort of a reply to a certain person i know from another board, who got into a big argument with me once over whether me simply seeing the non-game-over-end sequence of exceed 3rd counted as beating the game
    ok then can you go tell them instead of making 30 consecutive posts on another forum where they will never see it

    a game is beaten by me when I say it is beaten

    i don't care what your standards are because they don't apply to me

    I don't "beat" games anymore; I just play them until I'm done with them.
    realistically speaking that is what most people do
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    i will git as gud as i feel like gitting and i will not care to git any more gud than that because that is what i am content with, fuck off

    who the fuck are you talking to
    sort of a reply to a certain person i know from another board, who got into a big argument with me once over whether me simply seeing the non-game-over-end sequence of exceed 3rd counted as beating the game
    ok then can you go tell them instead of making 30 consecutive posts on another forum where they will never see it

  • Seriously, sorry about that, Fossil. Was trying to do, like, 4 things at once and I completely blanked on the name.
  • i will git as gud as i feel like gitting and i will not care to git any more gud than that because that is what i am content with, fuck off

    who the fuck are you talking to
    sort of a reply to a certain person i know from another board, who got into a big argument with me once over whether me simply seeing the non-game-over-end sequence of exceed 3rd counted as beating the game
    ok then can you go tell them instead of making 30 consecutive posts on another forum where they will never see it
    actually i have done that already

    also clearly no one else posts rants here about things that happen elsewhere
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    My deep, dark secret: I am bad at video games.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    My deep, dark secret: I am bad at video games.


    everyone is bad at video games

    This is true.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Yarrun I am sorry if I came across as an elitist butt. I have liveblogged about my Touhou-related exploits on this forum but generally people scroll right past it anyway.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I am bad at all video games except the original Super Mario Kart.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I know some of you guys used to think I was a terribad elitist but I was never half as bad as some of the people I used to hang out with, but I've ditched those people because they don't like trannies or 3D women.
  • Yarrun I am sorry if I came across as an elitist butt. I have liveblogged about my Touhou-related exploits on this forum but generally people scroll right past it anyway.

    no one here cares about my incidental Yume 2kki liveblogging either :shrug:

    My deep, dark secret: I am bad at video games.


    everyone is bad at video games

    This is true.
    also everyone is the worst at games they play for a long time

    that's why I'm so bad at EU4.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i never thought you were a terribad elitist i just got pissy at you over semantics for some reason

    anyway i am bad at all video games especially the original super mario kart

    i have played some crimzon clover but thusfar it has entirely kicked my ass, i should pick it up again sometime soon maybe
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    someday I'll LP a game and nobody'll care
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    also everyone is the worst at games they play for a long time

    See, this girl knows.

  • i'm bad at actually playing videogames rather than talking about them
  • I know better than to try to play shmups with the intent of actually winning anymore.
  • edited 2015-07-20 01:57:44

    I know better than to try to play shmups with the intent of actually winning anymore.

    well some shmups give extra continues/lives/shields/etc. as the player gets to more levels or gets more game overs, so those are actually really nice about it and i really like that game design because it makes them accessible to casuals to get them interested in actually getting better at the game in the first place
  • edited 2015-07-20 02:11:32
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Winning in shmups is whatever you want to call it. Winning isn't even the point. The point is learning skillz and showing them off! my opinion, if this needs to be appended.

    Here is a secret: I haven't played danmaku in months. [actually the rest of this post, I have cut out, because I kind of don't want to display this info in public, hehe]
  • my desired skillz are in Hearthstone

    gonna b MLG
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I started EX mode on Shadow Warrior. I don't know how to get higher than two stars, because I'm absolutely using every conceivable weapon I have.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    MachSpeed said:

    I started EX mode on Shadow Warrior. I don't know how to get higher than two stars, because I'm absolutely using every conceivable weapon I have.

    Quoting the dev:

    "Ok, here we go:

    Losing hp by Lo Wang doesn't influence the final score.
    The higher score you get the more skills/weapons you will use during a fight.
    The number of different monster types doesn't influence the score.
    Evironmental damage also counts to the final score (barrels, air conditioners, vending machines etc.)
    you will get a better score if you first use Flux on an enemy, then cut
    off his arm, then you will blow up an explosive barrel near the enemy
    killing him.

    On the level summary screen:
    Karma earned - this is the total amount of karma you have earned.
    Karma bonus - this is the amount of karma you have earned for being more creative while killing enemies."
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    There's a fight near the end where I used absolutely every single one of my weapons and skills and nearly lost all my ammo, and I only got two stars.
  • Winning in shmups is whatever you want to call it. Winning isn't even the point. The point is learning skillz and showing them off! my opinion, if this needs to be appended.

    Here is a secret: I haven't played danmaku in months. [actually the rest of this post, I have cut out, because I kind of don't want to display this info in public, hehe]
    the point is whatever the player decides it to be
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    That's like lifting a sword and saying the point is wherever you define it. We all can see the *real* point that will stab you in the eye.
  • edited 2015-07-20 04:10:12

    you can totally jam the hilt of a sword into someone's eye

    this is why the funnest thing in video games is cheesing the fuck out of things imo

    even when it is massively time-consuming compared to doing things the right way, i find nothing as satisfying as doing some dumb and overly precise thing that takes a bajillion tries to like fall through a level or sequence break or whatever

    or like hit something then run away or wait for it to drop agro and hitting it again or you get the idea
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    To me gaming is mostly a solitary activity and i was always more concerned with exploration than score, so i never liked the idea of gaming being defined by showing off your skills.

    Of course i barely play games these days so that's perhaps moot.
  • i dont really play anymore either

    i played a lot as a young teen though
  • Tachyon said:

    To me gaming is mostly a solitary activity and i was always more concerned with exploration than score, so i never liked the idea of gaming being defined by showing off your skills.

    Of course i barely play games these days so that's perhaps moot.


    emphasis on the solitary part and the exploration part
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    this is an appealing thing about Metroidvanias to me: the first time, I just take it slow and explore everything. After that I speedrun it as fast as I can. Both approaches are fun.
  • Score has its points at times. TF2 would be a lot less fun if I couldn't look at my killcount and go "son of a gun i'm doing good in this match"

    I do like games that have an exploratory part at first and then devolve into score as you go on. Like Risk of Rain or Nuclear Throne.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i don't mean to dismiss score!  It can be fun to challenge myself, it's just not primarily what i look for in games, generally.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I play games to perform. As in "I'm going to do a cool thing with this gun and this sword, check it out."
  • what's a good freeware game 

    i'm bored as shit
  • what's a good freeware game 

    i'm bored as shit
    Guardian of Paradise
  • what's a good freeware game 

    i'm bored as shit
    Guardian of Paradise
    what is that
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    what's a good freeware game 

    i'm bored as shit
    Mecha Ritz.
    naney said:

    you can totally jam the hilt of a sword into someone's eye

    That's true!
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