General Video Game Thread



  • also it's probably worth noting that the guy behind Yume Nisshi is a huuuuuuuuuuuuge asshole 

    I hesitated even putting his game on there honestly but people like it (I don't, but people do) so I did.
  • Tachyon said:

    wasn't mother like

    never translated into english

    which would make it hard to play, as it is an rpg

    I think Mother 1 was translated but just not released.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    "A North American version was localized into English but abandoned as commercially unviable. A copy of this prototype was later found and circulated on the Internet as EarthBound Zero."
  • Anyone else have Metroid Prime Trilogy?  I'm getting friend vouchers and I need to send them to someone to get green credits.
  • Define having Metroid Prime Trilogy. I have it for the Wii, but I feel like you're talking about the Wii U or something else more modern
  • I do have the Wii U downloadable version, but it shouldn't matter.  It's a straight port.
  • Well, i might be able to help

    I'm not even sure if the Wii's still in the house, but if you explain exactly what needs doing, i can try?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-06-07 04:16:02
    Ugh.  Never mind.  Looked it up and the service it uses shut down even though a remote service shouldn't be fucking necessary to trade ingame shit between players.

    Dear developers: stop tying up game content with social media you don't plan on keeping up permanently.  If you must do so, add a goddamn fallback for when it stops.  This is not difficult.

    Sincerely, a very irritated bee.

    PS: Seriously, this release was almost two years after WiiConnect24 was shut down.  Patch that shit out.

    * some dude extorts keys from devs, especially devs of relatively obscure games
    * threatens them with bad press/reviews/curation if they don't respond to him
    * trades the keys away anyway
    * has a network of six groups, some with over 10000 members
    * bribes other people to write reviews a certain way using free game keys

    If you're a member of any of the following groups:
    Original Traders Group
    Original Curators Group
    Original Giveaway Group
    German Giveaway Community
    Original Society Club
    Duck Society may want to leave them.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-06-07 17:54:04
    I looked into some of the pictures.  Getting blackmailed by a guy who uses sentences like "This is more as unprofessionell!" has got to really, REALLY suck.

    This sort of thing is the reason I was against the idea of curators, and I haven't really seen much positive in return.  Would not be saddened to see the whole feature removed.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I bought something during the GOG Summer Sale and got a free code for SimCity 2000 Special Edition.

    Thing is, I already own SimCity 2000 Special Edition.

    So if anyone wants the code, let me know and I'll PM it to you. First-come, first-serve.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    As I get older, I feel I appreciate "Here is a setup, here is a world, here is how you interact with it, now go" more and more.

    See: Souls games, Titan Souls, some metroidvanias, and a lot of retro games.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    That is definitely an appealing method of game construction.
  • Oh my gosh, the bosses in Order of Ecclesia are appallingly bad.
  • Kexruct said:

    Oh my gosh, the bosses in Order of Ecclesia are appallingly bad.

    how so?

    Panurge said:

    As I get older, I feel I appreciate "Here is a setup, here is a world, here is how you interact with it, now go" more and more.

    See: Souls games, Titan Souls, some metroidvanias, and a lot of retro games.
    I agree.
  • Everyone has too much health, does too much damage, and most importantly attack patterns are repetitive and uninteresting.
  • Go for the boss medals. To get them, you need to take no damage from the bosses' attacks.

    See but actually that's the kind of bonus stuff I love in Castlevania titles it just seems like on a moment to moment scale Ecclesia is just not as well put together. I don't know how to classify the whole because I'm not far enough, though.

    I should probably play the GBA titles. They look to be pretty decently ambitious, and their environments seem more interesting.
  • edited 2015-06-11 10:51:22
    To be honest I thought Ecclesia was kinda good-but-a-little-meh until about 2/3 into the game. Then suddenly it all snapped together.
  • I'm just bitter because I'm stuck on Rusalka. But the environments still aren't all that interesting, I stand by that. Does that get better once you enter the castle?
  • The castle is somewhat better but still somewhat sparse. Portrait's and Ecclesia's castles are somewhat lacking.

    For a real crazy ride exploring the castles, play Symphony and Harmony.

    And don't break Rusalka's moais.
  • Ecclesia's strength is primarily its story (odd that I of all people should say that), and secondarily its music and gameplay.
  • The castle is somewhat better but still somewhat sparse. Portrait's and Ecclesia's castles are somewhat lacking.

    For a real crazy ride exploring the castles, play Symphony and Harmony.

    And don't break Rusalka's moais.

    I'm doing everything right, she's just a damned sponge. Guess I'll grind a bit.

    You know, as I wrote this I was thinking how incomprehensible those sentences would be a hundred years in the future.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    People were grinding to beat bosses thirty years ago. *shrug*
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Hey so I somehow have an extra steam copy of Nuclear Throne. Anyone want it?
  • People were grinding to beat bosses thirty years ago. *shrug*

    I'm sure the vernacular changes.

  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I'm interested.

    What is your steam name?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Panurge said:

    Hey so I somehow have an extra steam copy of Nuclear Throne. Anyone want it?

    they gave everyone who had it before new years 2015 an extra copy on that day
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I was enjoying Ossuary, until I realized I was playing a game made by RAW fans and I had to go scrub my skin with a wire brush to remove the stain.

    That's Robert Anton Wilson fans.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-06-12 04:27:15
    So Steam Summer Sale is on.  I just picked up

    Half Minute Hero
    Ichi Double Pack
    Valkyria Chronicles
    Spiderweb Software complete pack (for less than the one game in it that I was actually interested in!)

    I'm continuing to watch for flash sales of Ys 6, Gurumin, or FF7/8.  But yeah, that was almost half my wishlist.

    Also, I bought the Ichi Double Pack, so I have a giftable copy.  If anyone's interested in a one-button puzzle game, just speak up.

    Also I have...this thing

    Unknown package (15121)


    So if anyone wants...that?  I guess?  :S
  • edited 2015-06-12 04:35:31
    GOG and Steam Summer Sales at the same time, in fact.

    I picked up from GOG:
    * Secret Agent
    * Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
    * Gex
    * Valdis Story: Abyssal City
    * Hocus Pocus
    * Terraria (DRM-free version, despite having the Steam version myself, so basically now I can lend this copy to a friend to play with me.

    Got SimCity 2000 as a freebie, for spending at least $1.

    If I spend at least another $3.28, and then I also get S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.  I would like to pick up Shovel Knight, but considering that its "regular" discount on Steam is just -15%, it's almost certain that it won't go down to -66% or lower (for a price tag of about $5) on GOG.  So I'll need to figure out something else.  Maybe I'll just throw in Sudeki and Superfrog?  Ehh...

    Oh, I also picked up Valkyria Chronicles on Steam, at -75%.  Waiting to see if Ikaruga drops below its current -50% discount.  I'll definitely pick it up at -75%.  Picking up yet another gift copy of Recetter or even the whole Carpe Fulgur set is quite tempting, for just $4.99 for one or $9.99 for the whole set...
  • > Unknown Package

  • TreTre
    edited 2015-06-12 04:39:05
    I'm mostly just holding out to see if Borderlands: TPS goes down to 75% off from the current 50% discount before I get anything, as it's 29.99 right now and I only have $20.

    Some of the other indie stuff on my Wishlist like Trash TV and Broken Age are beckoning, though. Thus, the Struggle begins.
  • EU4 has DLC 50% off. Should I get the Art of War and Concquest of Paradise DLCs?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-06-13 06:32:22
    Finished Bunny Must Die 100% 2hr run.  Actually, it was closer to 1:15, because I only missed a few pickups when doing the 1hr run anyway.

    Trying Chelsea 15%.  Good...God.  I forgot how fantastically bad Chelsea is.  At EVERYTHING.  She can spam ladders on air bosses, and that's it -- unless you're on a 15% run, in which case you have one mana and have to wait forever in between attacks.  The bosses that are actually exclusive to her are really easy, but literally everything else in the game, up to and including random monsters, throws directional attacks she has no way of defending against.

    Lord Pumpkish gets turned into pure luck.  I actually beat him once, but died on the way back to the save point because Chelsea still has no fucking directional attack to kill the turrets or the sword bunny that are a) diagonal to the room entrance, and b) take up all available standing space.

    At least I know Chelsea can cheese Alice.
  • I might have a small problem in the standard control schemes department  I am used to TF2 controls for FPS (and not even default TF2 for that matter) but I hear TF2 is atypical for FPS games.
  • different people play games for different reasons.

    some play for accomplishment
    some play for freedom
    some play for catharsis
    some play for empathy
    some play for bonding
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The jobs for the pre-Four Job Fiesta run have been decided.

    Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Dancer. I'm sure those guys didn't want to do actual damage anyway.
  • Ranger has 4xHit though.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Rapid Fire is nothing when the rest of your party can't hit for toffee.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-06-14 00:17:52
    Hey, if you switch the red mage for white, and replace the monk with a stupid berserker, that was my last Fiesta party.  Granted, I mostly got by via everyone having access to huge heals.

    Atropos or whatever the hell his name was got a little sketchy at the end.
  • Red Mage comes with low-level black and white spells right?

    And I thought Monk is a high damage class?
  • The bro and I bought ourselves the Pre-Sequel at 67% off for the Season Pass bundle; we split the cost of a $50 gift card and he had to let go of some trading cards to buy my copy but we both figured it was worth letting go in exchange for being able to play together.

    My Steam wallet came out with the previously-placed $20 unscathed. #swag
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-06-14 05:58:15
    I wound up beating Lord Pumpkish five times before I could reach the save point and make it stick -_-  At least Jester and Alice were relatively easy, despite my epic fails on Jester.

    So now I'm at 12% with everything I need to finish the game...except 3 mana.  Which will put me at 16%.  Obviously I was going to just rush items in a no-save from here anyway, but it's a little weird to have it literally impossible to finish the game with 15% items.  Unless I'm missing something, you absolutely need the ladder, bomb, full-screen attack, red and blue orbs, and three mana.  Right?

    Ugh, fuck.  This is so much easier with Bunny because she can shoot in more than one direction.  I get the feeling I'm going to be safety-bombing most of the rooms with the AOE.
  • edited 2015-06-14 06:16:27
    For some reason Bunny Must Die gives me an aesthetic vibe similar to that of Touhou.

    I'm not sure what to call it, other than "very Japanese".  BMD is less so, Touhou more so.
  • Okay, so it turns out the AOE attack you get after Alice makes navigating with Chelsea super-easy for the most part.  And hilariously cheap.

    So now all I have to do is do my no-save pickup run again, without epic failing the final devil like I did this time (I completely forgot her forms...).  I know I've damn near flawlessed her before, and Bunny is easy as long as she doesn't missile spam or instakill you with her gold form.  I feel like I can finish the 1hr run with only about half the powerups.
  • o/` "You're a merc now, you're a berk now, you're a merc, you're a berk, you're a merc, you're a berk" o/`

    Doesn't quite have the same charm as squid/kid.

    Splatoon > TF2
  • LWLW
    edited 2015-06-14 23:25:39

    Mother 1 is going to be released (as Earthbound Beginnings) in a few hours on the Wii U virtual console.

    What are your thoughts on this announcement?
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