One day a couple weeks ago, I decided to start a Pokémon blog to talk about what I think about the series and share random facts. I was surprised to find a few people who were interested, so I decided to make this thread to make access to new updates a little easier. It'll also serve as a place to make comments and suggestions, which are definitely welcome.
Here are the entries so far:
I'll try to make new updates on Tuesdays and Fridays, at least until I run out of things to talk about.
Pokejapan has poisonous jellyfish, but as long as you avaid the tentacles and don't bother them, no problem. Heck, you could probably feed them with no problem!
Pokemerica? Undead jellyfish that feed on large prey such as humans and can easily drag you to an early grave if you don't have a Pokemon because a human isn't going to do shit to a Ghost type Pokemon
Makes me scared of what Pokestralia will have. Tiny, inch tall Poison/Ghost jellyfish with 255 base attack and a 999 base power move, with Huge Power?