I thought "hiding your power level" meant pretending not to be a nerd?
it was pretending to not be a weeb, then weeb nazis started using it to mean pretending to not be a nazi also
Yeah, that. It can be applied to other forms of niche nerdiness but it comes from anime and manga fandom and was turned into something more sinister by the most unsavoury elements of that fandom.
I thought "hiding your power level" meant pretending not to be a nerd?
it was pretending to not be a weeb, then weeb nazis started using it to mean pretending to not be a nazi also
Yeah, that. It can be applied to other forms of niche nerdiness but it comes from anime and manga fandom and was turned into something more sinister by the most unsavoury elements of that fandom.
4chan, right?
I've seen bronies use "hide your power level" to mean precisely that, but only the bronies on 4chan.
I have been unaware of any further specification of the term, and given that I run in, very rabidly anti-nazi circles I think they would have dropped the term if it had accrued that specific association
yeah it's like "hide your enthusiasm for thing" as an extension of the 4chan thing where having enthusiasm and actually enjoying things makes you an "autist"
Also nazis use "hiding your power level" to mean "pretending to be less far-right than you are" because everything sucks and is awful
by which i mean their
Yeah, that. It can be applied to other forms of niche nerdiness but it comes from anime and manga fandom and was turned into something more sinister by the most unsavoury elements of that fandom.