Because, let's be honest, it's really depressing. I have a hard time believing most celebrity-celebrity relationships are based on real love and not just a superficial way to keep up appearances.
I think you mostly just don't hear as much about it when they date muggles.
But also, as Imi kinda said, it's also likely the famous people spend a whole lot of time with other famous people. Especially for actors, who are going to get to know their costars pretty well. It's not so surprising for romance to come out of that.
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
The point of confusion for me is this: If you're in show business, it makes sense that your social circle is going to consist mostly of other show business people.
But, weren't always famous. What about the people who made up your social circle before you were a star? Did you just move on from them?
I wouldn't say that it's a matter of "the muggles not mattering" so much as working schedules are fucking ridiculous and showbiz is no different except for the ridiculous traveling on top of it.
The point of confusion for me is this: If you're in show business, it makes sense that your social circle is going to consist mostly of other show business people.
But, weren't always famous. What about the people who made up your social circle before you were a star? Did you just move on from them?
I mean, I don't really talk to old co-workers or people from high school other than a few exceptions. People who you interact with on the daily tend to get priority, for better or for worse. Keeping in touch is hard if you don't have a mutual community.
You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
I guess I have kind of a skewed view of things since I never really had a social life until I was in my 20s and even then it was almost all on the internet
I guess think about it this way: if HH were to go by the wayside for whatever reason, you probably wouldn't end up keeping in touch with literally everyone here. Sure, there would be a few people who you chat with occasionally, but in general having a common forum, activity, or other social gather location is what keeps things together.
Social groups need to have an infrastructure or framework to support themselves, or you end up with just a few isolated connections that take a great deal of active effort to maintain.
They ain't gonna hang out with us commoners
But also, as Imi kinda said, it's also likely the famous people spend a whole lot of time with other famous people. Especially for actors, who are going to get to know their costars pretty well. It's not so surprising for romance to come out of that.