Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • edited 2013-06-16 12:47:26
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    As a temporary respite from the current seriousness—and boy, do I need one right now after reading a Reuters article on the situation in Russia—I would like to make a token offering to the Cuteness Gods:


  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    I can't help but take issue with some of the things Yarrun said in his last post. It might take multiple posts to explain why, but here goes:
    It's as bad as anti-feminists arguing that women can get free drinks when 25% of women suffer from sexual assault
    I've explained this before, but clearly it needs to be said again. The statement that 1 out of every 4 women is raped in their lifetime is a distressingly common myth. It is based entirely on a study performed by a researcher who was specifically studying rape on college campuses. So for starters, unless someone can make a case as to how college campuses are representative of society at large, we cannot use the results to make conclusions about society at large.

    Second, the study was criticized for its flawed methods. In the ten question survey that the results were drawn from, two of the questions were extremely vague, and any answer of "yes" to them was interpreted as a rape victim. This resulted in inflated figures. In addition, "Were you ever raped or sexually assaulted while you attended this school?" was not one of the questions, and there really is no reason not to include something like that on an anonymous survey about rape.

    On top of that, in another one of their papers, the same researcher essentially said that male rape victims aren't real rape victims, so we really have to question the objectivity of their methods.

    Someone redid the study with a better set of questions, and the figures turned out to be closer to 1 in 20, or 5%. This is not to say that what happened to this 5% of female college students is acceptable, but exaggerating and scaremongering does nothing to help them.

    As for the first part of your statement, not even the literal interpretation of it is correct. I have never once seen even the most vehement of anti-feminists complain about women getting free drinks at bars. In fact, the only person I've seen complaining about it is a stereotypical Tumblr feminist who thought it was secretly a way to encourage men to rape women while they're intoxicated (which is ridiculous).

    I am aware of what the implication of your statement is: anti-feminists are merely complaining about trivialities, while feminists focus on the real issues. But this is simply not the case.

    Now before I go on with this, I must state that I don't think the world would be better off without the feminist movement. It has done wonderful things in the past, such as helping women get the right to vote and a greater opportunity to reach positions of power in society (even if it still doesn't happen as often as it should). And there are places in the world that still need women's rights activism, such as China and certain countries in the Middle East.

    However, I cannot in good conscience support the feminist movement in the state it is today. The fact of the matter is that feminist political lobbyists are fighting for legislation that does not support gender equality, oftentimes based on the same gender stereotypes they claim to fight against. The most egregious of these is the insistence that rape and domestic abuse are things that only men do to women, when in fact there is solid statistical evidence that men and women are victims of both crimes about equally as frequently. Not only that, but it is not an insignificant proportion of perpetrators that are women. In fact, in the case of domestic abuse of children, about 70% of perpetrators are women.

    This is quite clearly based on the sexist stereotype that men are always strong and aggressive, and women are always the weak, helpless victims.

    These are the kinds of things that those critical of the feminist movement are opposed to. These are the kinds of things that lead to victims not getting the help and support they need and criminals not being brought to justice. These are the kinds of things that do not lead to the reduction of the harmful effects of traditional gender roles.

    And before anyone says that most feminists are actually opposed to what I just said, just saying that they are won't do anything. What needs to happen is for the rest of the feminist movement to make it clear that what the political lobbyists are doing is not helpful and not in line with the ideals of the movement. Actions speak louder than words, after all.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    It's not like men and women have equal standing in the world; men do not face systematic misogyny (like half of their culture telling them they don't own their bodies), or the same degree of impossible standards, or nearly the same level of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, or not being able to be alone in some places without being harassed or even raped. It just does not happen to guys. Women don't run all the governments and media industries, nor do they control organized crime (thus, prostitution), nor do they tend to abduct or gang-rape men as I have never heard of such things.

    Guys have dumb standards to conform to and pressure and taboos, yes, but all of it is imposed by men, and it isn't to make them worthless but some idea of 'respectable' and 'strong.'

    I also cannot respect opinions that profess to be un-feminist.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    However, I cannot in good conscience support the feminist movement in the state it is today. The fact of the matter is that feminist political lobbyists are fighting for legislation that does not support gender equality, oftentimes based on the same gender stereotypes they claim to fight against. The most egregious of these is the insistence that rape and domestic abuse are things that only men do to women, when in fact there is solid statistical evidence that men and women are victims of both crimes about equally as frequently. Not only that, but it is not an insignificant proportion of perpetrators that are women. In fact, in the case of domestic abuse of children, about 70% of perpetrators are women.

    This is quite clearly based on the sexist stereotype that men are always strong and aggressive, and women are always the weak, helpless victims.

    These are the kinds of things that those critical of the feminist movement are opposed to. These are the kinds of things that lead to victims not getting the help and support they need and criminals not being brought to justice. These are the kinds of things that do not lead to the reduction of the harmful effects of traditional gender roles.

    And before anyone says that most feminists are actually opposed to what I just said, just saying that they are won't do anything. What needs to happen is for the rest of the feminist movement to make it clear that what the political lobbyists are doing is not helpful and not in line with the ideals of the movement. Actions speak louder than words, after all.
    You seem to be really misinformed about what modern feminist lobbyists stand for...
  • edited 2013-06-16 18:07:23
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Miko said:

    men do not face systematic misogyny (like half of their culture telling them they don't own their bodies)

    Well, men can't face systematic misogyny since they're not women. However, they do face systematic sexism.

    As for culture telling someone they don't own their bodies, I have three words to say to that: Routine Infant Circumcision.

    However, I cannot in good conscience support the feminist movement in the state it is today. The fact of the matter is that feminist political lobbyists are fighting for legislation that does not support gender equality, oftentimes based on the same gender stereotypes they claim to fight against. The most egregious of these is the insistence that rape and domestic abuse are things that only men do to women, when in fact there is solid statistical evidence that men and women are victims of both crimes about equally as frequently. Not only that, but it is not an insignificant proportion of perpetrators that are women. In fact, in the case of domestic abuse of children, about 70% of perpetrators are women.

    This is quite clearly based on the sexist stereotype that men are always strong and aggressive, and women are always the weak, helpless victims.

    These are the kinds of things that those critical of the feminist movement are opposed to. These are the kinds of things that lead to victims not getting the help and support they need and criminals not being brought to justice. These are the kinds of things that do not lead to the reduction of the harmful effects of traditional gender roles.

    And before anyone says that most feminists are actually opposed to what I just said, just saying that they are won't do anything. What needs to happen is for the rest of the feminist movement to make it clear that what the political lobbyists are doing is not helpful and not in line with the ideals of the movement. Actions speak louder than words, after all.
    You seem to be really misinformed about what modern feminist lobbyists stand for...
    Judging from the fact that the US's domestic abuse laws are set up in such a way that the husband is always assumed to be at fault, to the point that if he was abused by his wife and called the police, he would be arrested, and that in the UK, India, and Israel, it is not legally considered rape if the perpetrator is female, even if the victim is a child... no, I don't think I am.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Routine Infant Circumcision.
    Ok I'm done. This argument is a lost cause.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    You are assuming that this is the fault of modern lobbyists rather than that of past legislators. I find that exceedingly dubious.

    Also, while circumcision is a highly outdated and questionable practice, "female circumcision" is by far worse, given that the explicit intention is, more often than not, to destroy a woman's ability to feel sexual pleasure at all. Consider then that this practice is widespread throughout Africa and the Near East.

    If you want something closer to home, let's talk about abortion rights. Or how contraception is treated in many parts of the United States. Or about rape apologism.

    Women are not free in this country. Nor are men, but to act as if women are somehow at any kind of advantage is outrageous.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Oh joy, Oppression Olympics. :|

    The thing about female circumcision is that pretty much everyone in the first world knows it's wrong, and you won't find very many people supporting it, if any at all. Meanwhile, with male circumcision, you have many people justifying it with myths about how it's healthier in the long run and it's an important religious tradition.

    Abortion rights and contraception are not a wasteland of female oppression in the first world. There are boneheaded politicians who oppose them, yes, but you cannot deny that more and more people are coming to accept them and understand why they're important.

    As for rape apologism? Not nearly as common as you think. A good number of people in our society quite literally consider a woman being raped by a man to be a fate worse than death. How is this condoning of male on female rape? If anything, male on female rape is the only kind our society is concerned about at all.

    And to me, the idea that women are not free and have no advantages in the first world is outrageous. That is yet another assumption that women are nothing but weak, helpless victims. How is that not misogynist?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Oh joy, Oppression Olympics. :|

    You've been playing this since the subject came up.

    The thing about female circumcision is that pretty much everyone in the first world knows it's wrong, and you won't find very many people supporting it, if any at all. Meanwhile, with male circumcision, you have many people justifying it with myths about how it's healthier in the long run and it's an important religious tradition.
    And yet the degree to which one harms one group and one harms the other does not balance out at all.

    Abortion rights and contraception are not a wasteland of female oppression in the first world. There are boneheaded politicians who oppose them, yes, but you cannot deny that more and more people are coming to accept them and understand why they're important.
    Pardon me for being worried about the recent trend of reactionary politicians to revoke these rights by degrees. They may be boneheaded, but that does not ameliorate their threat.

    As for rape apologism? Not nearly as common as you think.
    Thank you for making assumptions.

    A good number of people in our society quite literally consider a woman being raped by a man to be a fate worse than death. How is this condoning of male on female rape? If anything, male on female rape is the only kind our society is concerned about at all.
    By the same token, consider that a major news network recently ran a story on how the "bright futures" of a group of collegiate sex offenders were ruined by their actions being caught on camera. Victim-blaming seems a merry sport when those committing the act are in a privileged position.

    And to me, the idea that women are not free and have no advantages in the first world is outrageous. That is yet another assumption that women are nothing but weak, helpless victims. How is that not misogynist?
    I don't think that they have no advantages; I simply do not think that, of the two sexes (as acknowledged by most schema), they are the one at an advantage here. I do not seek to make women into victims or passive agents by any means, and if you have payed attention to anything that I have said before on the matter you would know this.

    But here's the thing: I think that you are avoiding answering questions by using rhetoric. I point out the outdated nature of the laws on the issue when you attack modern feminist lobbyists for them and you ignore me outright. You change the subject to circumcision when Miko was clearly talking about abortion. What is your deal and why can't you be direct?
  • Well, this result is distressing.

    Look, I'm not 100% behind the feminism label. I just took that statistic from a post I saw on Tumblr because I needed an example. I didn't intend (or want) to start a flame war.

    Let's just agree that an egalitarian approach is necessary for full social justice and, you know, not return the Tumblr thread to the battleground that dominated its past?
  • edited 2013-06-16 19:13:08
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    You've been playing this since the subject came up.

    Tell me exactly where I said that men have it worse than women, so women's issues aren't as important. Unless correcting dubious statistics and bad assumptions is Oppression Olympics now.


    And yet the degree to which one harms one group and one harms the other does not balance out at all.

    You're obviously quite ignorant about how the practice is performed in the US. It's frequently performed without anesthesia, and the wound is left open and untreated, which often leads to infection. Considering that this is for a procedure that isn't even necessary in the first place, and is known to have more harm than benefit, I don't see any excuse for it at all. Who has it worse does not matter here.

    Pardon me for being worried about the recent trend of reactionary politicians to revoke these rights by degrees. They may be boneheaded, but that does not ameliorate their threat.

    Well, it's not like they ever get backlash from the general public, especially in the most influential parts of the US that have the largest populations... oh, wait.

    By the same token, consider that a major news network recently ran a story on how the "bright futures" of a group of collegiate sex offenders were ruined by their actions being caught on camera. Victim-blaming seems a merry sport when those committing the act are in a privileged position.

    If you're talking about Steubenville, that had nothing to do with the gender of the perpetrators and the victim and everything to do with the fact that small town football players are worshipped as heroes in American culture. And as we all know, it's difficult to accept the fact that our heroes can do horrible things.

    But here's the thing: I think that you are avoiding answering questions by using rhetoric.

    You mean to tell me this...

    Women are not free in this country. Nor are men, but to act as if women are somehow at any kind of advantage is outrageous.

    ...isn't blind rhetoric?

    I point out the outdated nature of the laws on the issue when you attack modern feminist lobbyists for them and you ignore me outright.

    This I will give you. I was in the wrong for not answering you there. If I may correct that: legislators are not always and cannot always be aware of everything that goes on in the social movements that apply for their aid. Sometimes, all they have to go on is the statistics that lobbyists give them, and if lobbyists give them bad statistics without questioning them, that's the fault of the lobbyists. And there are feminist lobbyists who hold sexist views that make matters worse.

    You change the subject to circumcision when Miko was clearly talking about abortion.

    This, however, I will not accept. Don't play this bullshit game of "oh we weren't talking about this, we were talking about that other thing!" with me. The way Miko phrased it clearly made it out to sound like it's always women who are stripped of their bodily autonomy for a sexual purpose. I refuted that by saying there are examples of when it happens to boys. I fail to see how that is an inappropriate response.
  • You mean to tell me this...

    Women are not free in this country. Nor are men, but to act as if women are somehow at any kind of advantage is outrageous.

    ...isn't blind rhetoric?
    No it isn't, he backed up his statement before making it
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    And you mean to tell me I'm not backing up my statements? Admittedly, neither of us have provided much in the way of hard evidence, but I know I've backed mine up with more than he has.
  • Your arguments do not seem as firmly grounded in logic as his, and furthermore you repeatedly fail to understand that certain things are just not equivalent.

    I am not going to be responding here further because, to be perfectly frank, no matter how many times myself and others have attempted to impress this upon you you have not caught on, and i really do not wish to continue.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    You're right, I probably won't catch on. Because I have factual evidence on my side that you and others are completely ignoring. And I firmly believe that just because certain things "are not equivalent" doesn't mean that either one should be acceptable. Though I don't know why I'm addressing this seeing as you were the ones who brought up equivalence in the first place.

    A few last remarks from me: I can't help but suspect that "grounded in logic" is code for "agrees with what I believe in" here. I can't help but find it ironic that you're arguing that men are unilaterally privileged over women from the same position you say is privileged. And enjoy your circlejerk, I guess.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    You seem to treat them as equivalent because you ignore or minimise more widespread issues when discussing them. You also imply that we are ignoring facts that you bring up because we want to enforce a narrative when you are rearranging the facts to support your own views. You conflate violence against children with spousal abuse, for example.

    Also, yes, the fact that a man being raped by a woman in the USA is often not deemed "rape" due to archaic legal phrasing and narrow definitions is appalling, but the whole way in which rape is treated in our society—both of men and of women—is deeply unjust. We are not ignoring it, but taking it as part of a greater problem that needs to be rectified on numerous levels. Singling out individual issues and saying, "You have done nothing for X," ignores the fact that X is just one of many interlinked Xs—the fabric of "rape culture," if you will. And that transcends gender.

    As for unilaterally privileged? No. But privileged, yes. You have far more going for you as a man in this country right now than as a woman. Does that diminish the problems that men face? No. But acting as if men are not at an advantage is practically outright self-deception.
  • edited 2013-06-16 20:17:33
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    "We want to enforce a narrative." Yes, exactly. You are enforcing a narrative that is based on faulty assumptions and biased research. And in the process, you are the ones who are rearranging the facts to support your own views. That is what I am trying to point out to you.

    I apologize if I seem like I'm downplaying women's issues. However, you can't deny that many social activists play up women's issues and downplay men's issues. (If you want an example of the former, look no further than the people who claim that sitting with your legs spread out on an empty bus is oppression of women.) I once again direct you to this article that explains the institutional sexism that men face in our society today. And if you're actually going to read it, please don't just dismiss it. Read it carefully, and think about what they're actually saying before you make your judgment.

    And yes, the way both male and female rape victims are treated is indeed deeply unjust. Male victims are ignored, while female victims are blamed. But let me tell you something. This backlash is not equivalent between men and women. Men are far more likely to face backlash for their rapes than women are, simply by virtue of the fact that women have the opportunity to get help and support. Meanwhile, there are almost no shelters or safe spaces for men who are battered and raped. And don't tell me that "everywhere else is a safe space for men." The fact that men are shamed for showing weakness and emotion kinda prevents that. And don't tell me that female rape victims are much more common, either. According to this study by the CDC:

    *1,270,000 women were victims of "complete forced penetration" in 2010
    *1,267,000 men were victims of "complete forced envelopment" in 2010

    And if "the fabric of rape culture" transcends gender, then why do we always discuss rape in terms of it being male on female? When is the last time you have ever discussed female on male, male on male, or female on female rape with more than a passing mention? I have not seen you nor many other feminists do that. This doesn't tell me that you think it transcends gender.
  • jesus.

    There are a number of valid men's issues in the world. The reason "most feminists" focus on female issues is because there are more of them, and they are more widespread.

    Most reasonable feminists also discuss men's issues on a fairly regular basis, whether you call yourself a "feminist" or "gender equalist" is more relevant to how much semantics bother you than anything.

    Now please all of you, stop, before you give me a heart attack.

    I expect to see this kind of bite-and-scratch arguing on IJBM, not here. I don't think anyone here is genuinely misinformed enough to think Professor Gator is a sexist, and I really don't think we need to fling around "you don't understand xxxxxxxx" like we are. We have proven in the past to be completely capable of reasonable, calm discussion, let us not blow that out of the water.

    I am going to suggest that all involved parties go do something else for awhile. This is clearly not about the issue anymore, you're attacking each other.

  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Mo: I'm not entirely convinced of everything you're saying, but you're certainly right about that last part. I'll drop the subject.

    I'm sorry for losing my temper like that.
  • we petition the obama administration to:

    Have Obama re-enact the scene from The Incredibles where Frozone is looking for his supersuit.

    We all like The Incredibles. I'm sure the President does too. The
    world would be complete by having Barack and Michelle re-enact this
    famous scene.

    Yes, we all like The Incredibles. However, out of all the positive scenes in that movie, the one that we want the President to re-enact the most is the two-bit comedy scene because, well, the character has the right race for it.

    ....There's something deeply annoying about this petition. Deeply, deeply annoying

  • ...or maybe not. Hold on a second.
  • popcornmassacre:

    every single child who has ever been home sick from school knows the hell that is Baby Looney Tunes
  • edited 2013-06-17 17:19:22
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Yarrun said:

    we petition the obama administration to:

    Have Obama re-enact the scene from The Incredibles where Frozone is looking for his supersuit.

    We all like The Incredibles. I'm sure the President does too. The
    world would be complete by having Barack and Michelle re-enact this
    famous scene.

    Yes, we all like The Incredibles. However, out of all the positive scenes in that movie, the one that we want the President to re-enact the most is the two-bit comedy scene because, well, the character has the right race for it.

    ....There's something deeply annoying about this petition. Deeply, deeply annoying

    Not only that, but it makes an absolute mockery of the US petition website, which is meant to be used for serious issues only. Remember how the Star Wars petition met its quota of signatures, and they responded by increasing the signature requirement to 4 times its original size? Well apparently, two petitions concerning transgender rights were ignored because they met the old signature requirement but not the new one.

    You'd think that would stop people from making joke petitions and petitions over trivialities, but sadly not.
  • Well, yeah. The detriment of joke petitions is common knowledge. My issue is that it's stupid, pointless and racist.

    ...There's this thing about famous black people, particularly black men. Because entertainment was one of the few fields where a black man can/could easily get big (whether in sports or music or film), there's this...thing in the back of the pop culture mindset that says black = entertainer. It's kind of like how a woman will get judged by her looks when that has absolutely nothing to do with her job, or how Asian-Americans who were born in this country are subconsciously labeled as foreigners. And because of that subconscious thing, you get chuckleheads like this, asking the most powerful man in the world to dance for their amusement.

    ...or something. I'll admit, this is mostly speculation.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Yarrun said:

    Well, yeah. The detriment of joke petitions is common knowledge. My issue is that it's stupid, pointless and racist.

    I really don't think it's common knowledge when people continue to not only make joke petitions, but sign them in earnest.

    However, I did not mean to imply that you personally were unaware of this. In fact, I'm glad that's something we can agree on.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Egg protection hotline 24/7
  • Well, common knowledge here, at the very least.

    I wonder who reblogged that and put it on my dash in the first place? Can't be bothered to scroll back to this morning and find out.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I just watched the video...

    I suppose it's somewhat on topic, I don't always agree with what some people say, but there can be some really interesting talks :
  • r/TumblrInAction is one of the worst subreddits (it's mostly a lot of whining about tumblr, unsurprisingly).

    the thing about Anti-Racism Dog is interesting though. I didn't know he got deleted, that's saddening.

    I mean the thread itself is shit but you know what I mean.

    What's so bad about it?

    I would say whining isn't the right word, usually the users tend to rather mature even though most of the time they are satire.
  • the subreddits about other websites can all be summed up as "hurr durr [website]". 
  • So, I almost got successfully Rickrolled.

    The video in question was supposed to show Microsoft apologizing for the Xbox One. And there were all these comments on the Tumblr post that took me there, and you know that they didn't check the video.
  • Yarrun said:

    So, I almost got successfully Rickrolled.

    The video in question was supposed to show Microsoft apologizing for the Xbox One. And there were all these comments on the Tumblr post that took me there, and you know that they didn't check the video.


    also dude really that is a big assumption to make.
  • It's tumblr. Tumblr reblogs before it thinks. I fully believe that at least one of the three commentators was fooled by it, and at least 25% of the rebloggers were likewise fooled.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    iunno, human stupidity leads me to believe that Yarrun has a point
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Social media puts people in a trance!
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Good thing tumblr is friendly to trance people.
  • TW: Ableism, ableist slurs, cultural appropriation

    i actually said "oh no" out loud repeatedly like five or six times.
    Yarrun said:

    If there's anything Tumblr is really not good at, it's picking their battles...
  • I want to slice open my arms and drown the world in my blood.
  • i wish to send the earth hurtling into the sun.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    So that is what all the "moon moon" business is about, and now that I know the source, it is even funnier. :)
  • i will scour the universe, eliminating any possibility of intelligent life ever developing ever again.
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