Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • No, I live in AZ, man. I thought that was kinda clear.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Amy also spent some time in prison for using someone else's Social Security # on a loan, so I doubt Sammy's "criminal history" is much of an issue for her.

    Not that people in the restaurant business are often strangers to crime, but being banned from a couple countries and spending a year in federal prison has got to be one of the more impressive rap sheets out of people Ramsay has attempted to help.
  • Just looked at my tag. Whoops.

    One of the first things I saw was an acquaintance blowing up on me and I really didn't feel like being reminded of that today.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    At least you have a tag

    I can't use a tag because my URL has a hyphen in it and tags with hyphens in them are broken

    God, do you know how rude it is to wave your tag privilege in my face like that?
  • *checks privilege*
    *privilege turns out to be a yacht*
    *and an ocean*
    *and I am in the ocean*
    *with the yacht above me*
  • Kexruct said:

    *checks privilege*
    *privilege turns out to be a yacht*
    *and an ocean*
    *and I am in the ocean*
    *with the yacht above me*

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Snopes is generally a good place to check for things like this.
  • so I think my main problem with tumblr as of now is how mock-smug everyone is about everything.

    Yarrun said:


    Unfortunately, Coach Z has already warned me of this, far in advance.

    chain letters will continue on long after the human race is gone.

    Snopes is generally a good place to check for things like this.

    Basically, if I'm ever unsure about something, I google it and snopes; I frequently get an answer.
  • Yarrun said:


    Unfortunately, Coach Z has already warned me of this, far in advance.

    God this thing is old as fuck.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Oh wow, Tumblr's actually resorted to spreading Usenet-era chain letters?

    This is pretty hilarious, actually.
  • dirtydisneyconfessions:

    ok dude, i know you wanna fuck the granny queen from a bugs life, we’ve gotten your confession 385 fucking times, we get it, you love fucking old wrinkly ass ants, stop fucking submitting it.


    im in stitches halp
  • I took the liberty of actually going to the blog.

    I am now in tears, and I'm not sure if they're from laughing or crying.
  • i have never seen the blog in question

    i am thinking that that is for the best
  • edited 2013-06-14 00:52:24
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products. (nsfw)

    oh my god the ones about Loki :)
  • Oh wow, Tumblr's actually resorted to spreading Usenet-era chain letters?

    This is pretty hilarious, actually.
    Resorted?  Pretty sure Usenet-era chain letters have been recirculating on tumblr for years by now.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ok some of these submissions are getting weird XD
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    oh wow and then i see one about goofy and things get weiiiiiird
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    oh my god I can't stop help me XD *keeps reading*
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Anonymous asked,

    Okay, if someone is going to follow a blog by the name of "Dirty
    Disney Confessions" I'm going to be eager as fuck to know what actually
    made them unfollow.


  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Why is there no Dirty WB Confessions

    Aren't there people out there who want to fuck Daffy Duck

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Anonus said:

    Why is there no Dirty WB Confessions

    Aren't there people out there who want to fuck Daffy Duck
    I just read the first three pages of this thing. There HAS to be.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    spinor said:

    Oh wow, Tumblr's actually resorted to spreading Usenet-era chain letters?

    This is pretty hilarious, actually.
    Resorted?  Pretty sure Usenet-era chain letters have been recirculating on tumblr for years by now.
    Perhaps I just didn't recognize them as such...
  • The most common one, I think, was the "reverse PIN" one.
  • If you find yourself being robbed at a VCR, put the tape in backwards
  • My biggest problem with that specific letter is the ridiculousness of the names involved. Chubbs Electronic Security? Nonsense.

    So, anyways,
    [I hate YouTube because] the player is so ugly, and
    it’s presented in such a terrible manner. I want everything I do to be
    presented in an art context, as this is a form of sonic art. I was an
    artist originally, I have been in art school since I was 5 years old. I
    got scholarships to three art schools, Art Institute of Chicago, Saint
    Xavier, and the American Academy of Art, where I ended up going—and I
    dropped out because I had an assignment where I was supposed to do an
    ink painting or something, and I would take two weeks to do it, and when
    I looked at my work, I just felt that I would never be one of the great
    visual artists of the world. I just felt like I would end up like—and
    this is no knock to anybody that does this—but I felt like I would end
    up working at an ad agency or something like that. I wanted to make
    something of impact. I found that when I would drop samples, my friends
    would react to it more. I felt that I had a real talent in chopping and
    appropriating music. What I want people to understand about sampling and
    producing is that it’s really similar to—and I know this is obvious
    what I’m going to say, because I’m a black guy so I’m gonna name the
    ‘most obvious artist in the world’—Warhol, but it’s very similar to the
    way Warhol would appropriate a Campbell’s Soup can is the way I would
    sonically appropriate a Ray Charles sample or a Michael Jackson sample.
    Right now it’s a fight against the separation and constant dumbing down
    of culture, and I’m standing in the middle of it. So if you know what
    people say are my lowest moments, those moments where I sat and saw them
    try to dumb down culture, and I would not allow it to happen on my
    clock. So when I used to go to fashion shows with my boys and we’d be
    eight deep, it was almost like a civil rights, like a sit-in. They
    wouldn’t even let us in. They had no idea what rap would mean to this
    world, what rap would mean to the art world. Before the Kendrick Lamars
    and the A$AP Rockys, it was Kanye West in a hotel room at the Le Maurice
    getting a ‘no, no, no, no’ to every single fashion show. But I thought
    it was so important to get close to the artists who worked so hard on
    making a usable form of art—like this furniture right here, like
    everything that is in all these rooms that inspire us so much—and I
    fight in my position of being a very commercial celebrity boyfriend, I
    fight to push culture forward every chance I get. And I only frown
    because paparazzi ask me dumbass shit all the time, and I think about
    changing the world, and I think about what I can do to make things
    better. And, without further ado, I want to play you guys my new album.
    It’s called Yeezus.
    ”  -Kanye West
    So, this is the Kanye West that I've heard about.
  • If you find yourself being robbed at a VCR, put the tape in backwards

  • ^ ^ God I love that man.
  • but remember kids! Kanye West is a stupid jerk who makes bad music.
  • I mean, I've heard legends of the Kanye West behind the Kanye West. Y'know, the one who isn't a boor whose entire personality can be summed up by what he did to Taylor Swift, the one whose head isn't completely inflated with his own grandeur. But I've never really seen him. And now I have, and he's so well spoken

    In other news, there was a post about misogyny (as in, actual, 100% misogny; not sexism) in the porn industry on my dash. And now I'm thinking about why nobody really talks about porn in social justice.

    Porn is one of the most omnipresent forces in media. The moment that innovation occurs in media, there's someone who tries to use it for porn. It's also arguably the de facto form of sex education in the United States, as parents and teachers (on average) are unwilling, unable, or incapable of providing it. It's probably the strongest influence on how kids think about sex, including the ones who grow up to be producers and directors and whatnot. You'd think there'd be more people addressing that, since, well, the porn industry is against almost everything that social justice stands for.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I barely know anything about porn that isn't anime porn and even then I am not really into it. ^_^
  • edited 2013-06-14 13:19:03
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?” (nsfw)

    oh my god the ones about Loki :)

    This is hilarious, fascinating and grotesque all at once.

    Yarrun said:

    I mean, I've heard legends of the Kanye West behind the Kanye West. Y'know, the one who isn't a boor whose entire personality can be summed up by what he did to Taylor Swift, the one whose head isn't completely inflated with his own grandeur. But I've never really seen him. And now I have, and he's so well spoken

    Kanye West is a very smart, talented man who happens to have no filter between his brain and his mouth. The problem is that those things which are more indicative of the former point tend to be less "newsworthy" than those that exemplify the latter.

    Yarrun said:

    In other news, there was a post about misogyny (as in, actual, 100% misogny; not sexism) in the porn industry on my dash. And now I'm thinking about why nobody really talks about porn in social justice.

    Porn is one of the most omnipresent forces in media. The moment that innovation occurs in media, there's someone who tries to use it for porn. It's also arguably the de facto form of sex education in the United States, as parents and teachers (on average) are unwilling, unable, or incapable of providing it. It's probably the strongest influence on how kids think about sex, including the ones who grow up to be producers and directors and whatnot. You'd think there'd be more people addressing that, since, well, the porn industry is against almost everything that social justice stands for.

    Show me the way and I shall follow.
  • edited 2013-06-14 13:57:00

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    First you find a lemon orchard, and then you steal lemons from it in full view of the owners.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I was inquiring about a post on porn, not how to find my way into one.

    And I am not a whore! I am an escort! There is a difference!
  • edited 2013-06-14 15:45:22

    are you suuuuuuure
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?” I'm thinking of username changes.

    Is "Lemon-Stealing Escort" too long, you think?
  • hun i swear if you do that i will give you a dutch rub you won't soon forget
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    And you know full well what I'm capable of in terms of retaliation.
  • i am talking


    the ultimate dutch rub here
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Try me.
  • ok

    (*dutch rub*)
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    *tosses off, pins*

    Now you've done it...
  • nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    *shuts curtains, doors; commits depravities*
  • noooo not the belly rubs, nothing but that
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    See? He knows exactly what I am capable of.
  • @ Sredni: ...Very well.

    First off, the post in question concerned the treatment of women in the porn industry, which is...monstrous. Essentially, the directors put the actors in positions where they either do something that wasn't part of the agreement or they don't get paid, and they regularly threaten the actors to keep them from going to the police and whatnot. One case had a woman who agreed to an 5 or 6 person orgy and had to deal with 15 times that number.

    Moving on.

    The actual content of porn, whether it's in the form of smutty fanart or smutty video games or smutty videos, generally put the female(s) in a passive, inactive role. They're not depicted with any real sense of desire or drive, sexual or non-sexual; that's either embodied by the male(s) in the media or by the viewer (who is assumed to be male). In fact, even when males are present in the media, the females may still focus their attention on the viewer (a trend that can be seen back as far back as smutty art of the Renaissance and Baroque). Also, a lot of porn focuses on portraying women as vulnerable, to be preyed upon by males or, again, the viewer (again, this is an old trait; a lot of Greek female statues, including the Venus de Milo when she had arms, were depicted as nude and covering their privates) . This instills into younger viewers the idea that women exist for the sake of men

    There's a lot more that I could get into, like how smutty fanart tends to dumb down the female characters in them, and I haven't even touched on the whole fetishization of race thing, but I'm sending this off now because I probably won't be back on the forum until tomorrow.
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