Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Thank you. There's more in the linked post, if you are interested...

    Do you have any of said artwork around? I would be interested to see it, personally.
  • Bah, it's all in the margins and unused pages of high school notebooks. I don't have anything on file at the...

    Oh, wait. It appears that I do.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    So you do the whole handwriting turning into shapes thing, too. Interesting.
  • Naney said:





    apparently people on tumblr are incapable of grasping the idea that these tweets may not be 100% serious. 
    People on tumblr get upset even if they know it's a joke. It's "not something to joke about" because it reinforces patriarchy or something like that.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I don't like it because I don't find them to be funny, to be honest
  • Bunny said:

    I don't like it because I don't find them to be funny, to be honest

    That is an understandable complaint though
  • i thought the turtlenecks one was kinda funny.

    but yeah.
  • The thing about those tweets is that except for perhaps the turtleneck one they're all things that actual men would actually say.
  • edited 2013-06-05 00:59:46
    The thing about those tweets is that except for perhaps the turtleneck one they're all things that actual men would actually say.
    Somehow I doubt that.

    I've never seen anyone try and police anyone else's instagrams, and I know a lot of people.
  • You've never heard of people policing other people's social media accounts?
  • Well, I've heard of parents doing it. Which in some cases is understandable (sexual predators do exist online, and they are dangerous) and in other cases is delusional.

    But outside of that? No.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Really? It seems like a relatively common thing in abusive relationships...
  • is this satire

    I don't like the assumption that allies are superfluous and [marginalized group] rights movements could have succeeded regardless of their participation. Even if you don't need help, disregarding help when it is freely given is dishonest.
  • Acererak said:

    Well, I've heard of parents doing it. Which in some cases is understandable (sexual predators do exist online, and they are dangerous) and in other cases is delusional.

    But outside of that? No.
    I think it's less common for people to not do that in relationships nowadays.
    Acererak said:

    is this satire

    I don't like the assumption that allies are superfluous and [marginalized group] rights movements could have succeeded regardless of their participation. Even if you don't need help, disregarding help when it is freely given is dishonest.
    the entire idea of allies is ridiculous. I have straight friends, and call them "friends", because "allies" just sounds stupid as shit.
  • edited 2013-06-05 06:17:46
    Mo' said:

    is this satire

    I don't like the assumption that allies are superfluous and [marginalized group] rights movements could have succeeded regardless of their participation. Even if you don't need help, disregarding help when it is freely given is dishonest.

    the entire idea of allies is ridiculous. I have straight friends, and call them "friends", because "allies" just sounds stupid as shit.

    Well I think it's perfectly fine to identify yourself as not part of a certain group while simultaneously showing support for said group. 

    however, I don't believe that that's hat's wrong here. What's wrong is that they think that being hetero/white/cis/whatever means that your opinion autmatically  holds less weight than the opinions of pee oh sees/LGBT peeps. It is true that people in marginalized groups, as a result of belonging within said marginalized groups, understand discrimination against them on a level that people outside said marginalized groups cannot. Hoever, this does not mean that they are infallible about everything.

    (btw, you're gay? I remember you saying that you were straight...)
  • uh, yay for gender equality?
  • this does not mean that they are infallible about everything.

    yes it does

    i am god now

  • Naney said:

    this does not mean that they are infallible about everything.

    yes it does

    i am god now


  • Acererak said:

    Mo' said:

    (btw, you're gay? I remember you saying that you were straight...)

    try again....

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Naney said:

    yes it does

    i am god now
    Hey, stop muscling in on my turf!
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Naney said:

    yes it does

    i am god now

    Then I'm a god too you crazy cat
  • Naney said:

    yes it does

    i am god now
    Hey, stop muscling in on my turf!

    I thought you were an old god

    the two are slightly different.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Wait, queer people are gods now? Never have I been so happy to be a pansexual trans woman! :D

    Also, in my experience at least, most people who style themselves as "allies" are more interested in letting the world know how ~accepting~ they are than they are actually making a difference. That's not to say that there aren't straight/cis people who are genuinely supportive of queer people and the issues they face, but those people tend to show it through actions rather than just words.
  • Wait, queer people are gods now? Never have I been so happy to be a pansexual trans woman! :D

    Also, in my experience at least, most people who style themselves as "allies" are more interested in letting the world know how ~accepting~ they are than they are actually making a difference. That's not to say that there aren't straight/cis people who are genuinely supportive of queer people and the issues they face, but those people tend to show it through actions rather than just words.
    From my experience people who are allies for shallow reasons (like that or "Gays should be legal becoz Sherlock/John is sooooo hot*) are outnumbered by people who are allies because they want to make a difference. I've been involved in my GSA and I only remember four or five (there are more than 37 of us) who were like that. 

    *yes, I have met people like this. Yes, they are just as annoying as one would think.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    Wait, queer people are gods now? Never have I been so happy to be a pansexual trans woman! :D

    Also, in my experience at least, most people who style themselves as "allies" are more interested in letting the world know how ~accepting~ they are than they are actually making a difference. That's not to say that there aren't straight/cis people who are genuinely supportive of queer people and the issues they face, but those people tend to show it through actions rather than just words.
    All of my friends who are allies never refer to themselves as allies

    So you might be on to something
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I have created a new typeface-centric blog, Omnes Presence.
  • ^^^ But does that justify the vitriol shown towards straight people in that post?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    No, it doesn't. But no-one is saying that it does in the first place, so... I'm not exactly seeing the point in the question.
  • So we all agree that the "ally club rules" thing is shitty.
  • More or less, yes.

    You can take great pride in the fact that your bile fascination towards these rules has been justified.
  • edited 2013-06-06 12:57:51
    It isn't just bile fascination. 

    That post perpetuates the idea that straight people are second-class contributors who are more "wrong" about LGBT issues than gay people instead of just another group of people who are just as likely to be right or wrong as anyone else. Which is damaging to many people who wish to support queer people.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Acererak said:

    It isn't just bile fascination. 

    That post perpetuates the idea that straight people are second-class contributors who are more "wrong" about LGBT issues than gay people instead of just another group of people who are just as likely to be right or wrong as anyone else. Which is damaging to many people who wish to support queer people.
    Yup, that describes a ton of "privilege" posts on tumblr.

    There is definitely something to be said about people that don't realize they're being insensitive because they're speaking from a privileged position, but too many people will just smack someone down simply for daring to be born with some form of privilege, which is just dumb.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Bunny said:

    Acererak said:

    It isn't just bile fascination. 

    That post perpetuates the idea that straight people are second-class contributors who are more "wrong" about LGBT issues than gay people instead of just another group of people who are just as likely to be right or wrong as anyone else. Which is damaging to many people who wish to support queer people.
    Yup, that describes a ton of "privilege" posts on tumblr.

    There is definitely something to be said about people that don't realize they're being insensitive because they're speaking from a privileged position, but too many people will just smack someone down simply for daring to be born with some form of privilege, which is just dumb.
    Which is funny, because they've essentially created a scenario where they're speaking from a privileged position.
  • Bunny said:

    Acererak said:

    It isn't just bile fascination. 

    That post perpetuates the idea that straight people are second-class contributors who are more "wrong" about LGBT issues than gay people instead of just another group of people who are just as likely to be right or wrong as anyone else. Which is damaging to many people who wish to support queer people.
    Yup, that describes a ton of "privilege" posts on tumblr.

    There is definitely something to be said about people that don't realize they're being insensitive because they're speaking from a privileged position, but too many people will just smack someone down simply for daring to be born with some form of privilege, which is just dumb.

    Which is funny, because they've essentially created a scenario where they're speaking from a privileged position.
    Do you mean....
    Uniquely underprivileged privilege? 
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    That, and the majority of people on Tumblr that bitch the most about "privilege" are pretty damn privileged themselves. How many of them have ever been homeless or below the poverty line? How many of them live in first-world countries?

    I despise playing misery poker, but being condescended to about who has or does not have "privilege" can be very irritating when you have had any experience with a genuine lack of it.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Nearly everyone has privilege of some kind. If someone is on tumblr, they have the privilege of having access to the internet. Privilege has a big effect on most people's experiences in society, but it doesn't wholly define a person's individual experience. An underprivileged person may still have a relatively easy life (though it's less likely), and a more privileged person may still experience abuse and misery. Many underprivileged people are ignorant and some very privileged people are very knowledgeable of social issues.

    My point is that we shouldn't argue about who is the most underprivileged but instead we should all learn from each other's experiences so we can make the world a better place and be more respectful. :)
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    lol I feel bad about typing that post because it doesn't make any arguments and I don't want to be in an echo chamber.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It's not an echo chamber, really; we all disagree on different things. But in this particular case, most of us agree. So that is good.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ok :)
  • edited 2013-06-07 04:17:55
    I'm an adblocking fiend. I only whitelisted Blip because I can sorta tolerate the dumb endless ads for TEH REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JOISEY

    (Okay, really, it was more because the 1 minute wait is just as annoying and I might as well support people like Ross Scott.)
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Who's Ross Scott?
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