Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • i dont know where they're from either
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I have met in my entire lifetime exactly one person who wanted to be referred to as "zir" and said person was completely nice about it.

    I don't know where y'all get these conceptions from.
    I think I've made it clear on several occaisons that I have a perverse fascination with the sillier side of Tumblr, especially when otherkin stuff is involved.
  • one of your more annoying habits definitely
  • I have met in my entire lifetime exactly one person who wanted to be referred to as "zir" and said person was completely nice about it.

    I don't know where y'all get these conceptions from.
    I think I've made it clear on several occaisons that I have a perverse fascination with the sillier side of Tumblr, especially when otherkin stuff is involved.
  • Ze/hir, xe/xir, ne/nem, etc. are fine, like I said. I don't have issues with things I don't already know as another part of speech so I can easily learn them as pronoun sets.

    Bun/buns/bunself and the like are... do you think your teacher or boss is gonna refer to you as "bun"? And I parse them as nouns or nicknames, not pronouns, and they conjugate like I-don't-even-know-what, which is... weird.

    (Granted the "nounself" types aren't people who follow me or I'm following, most of my mutuals use he, she, they, and the occasional xe or ne, 8ut I've seen some of them defending the "nounself" pronouns, which is why I know of them).

    So I guess I'd rather use no pronouns for someone? *shrug*
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    because sometimes I need someone to feel superior to

    is that so wrong
  • not being goofy on the internet doesnt make you superior.
  • edited 2015-05-07 01:44:57
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    If you're going to feel superior to anyone, feel superior to me, because I am an unrepentant awful person. 

    Those children are just sad. It's like going; "Well at least I'm not a BEGGING URCHIN GUTTERSNIPE."
  • You guys make a good point that "nounself" pronouns are a worse abuse of language, but I think "don't use pronouns for me" is bad in the same way (if not to the same degree) because it's going out of your way to make talking about you inconvenient for other people. (Also, I haven't seen anyone talk about "nounself" pronouns in a while, whereas this just got served up on my dash like a hot plate of slugs)
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I hate the internet use of the term "Feel superior to" to mean "feel superior to". I have never felt superior to anyone and no one has ever felt superior to me.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    That last bit is untrue.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I don't like it either but I can't think of anything better.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The Less Wrong fascism debate is back.

    You know it's interesting because I, too, have lended undue credence to certain positions due to social pressures and persistence on the part of its followers, even when I knew them to be unsupported.


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I at least wish it would move onto blogs I don't follow.
    I wonder what it is with people that are technocratic or libertarian becoming more fascist or racist as time marches on. I suppose it's because they managed to convince themselves of a just world, and time has shown that their fantasy world doesn't exist, so they're doubling down.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Life is pain

    Life is nothing but pain, and people who say otherwise are trying to sell you something.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    "Hey your buddy said some hateful shit to me..." "Oh, that's just him being the irrepressible contrarian scamp he is! It's cool, because opinions have never affected reality, particularly not in negative ways!"
    moldbug is kind of a dick
    I also like how they insist there's something wrong with the data because of that drop in crime in 1992, without even stopping to think what sort of social or regulatory causes may have impacted things.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Water is kind of wet.
    and this tumblr is all LW neoreactionary bullshit :( 

    they may sound smarter than gaters or MRAs, but they're no less toxic
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    lee4hmz said:

    and this tumblr is all LW neoreactionary bullshit :( 

    Well no, it's not actually.

    At all.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    lee4hmz said:

    and this tumblr is all LW neoreactionary bullshit :( 

    they may sound smarter than gaters or MRAs, but they're no less toxic
    Like, I have literally no idea how you reached this conclusion.
  • I really don't get why people think the Renaissance was the literal greatest and that humanity magically stopped being the horrible fuckheads that they were in the Middle Ages.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Acererak said:

    I really don't get why people think the Renaissance was the literal greatest and that humanity magically stopped being the horrible fuckheads that they were in the Middle Ages.

    wait, what does this have to do with anything?
  • I mean this is the time period where people lauded fucking Vlad the Impaler as a hero

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Acererak said:

    I really don't get why people think the Renaissance was the literal greatest and that humanity magically stopped being the horrible fuckheads that they were in the Middle Ages.

    Moldbug said the 14th century was the best, which might mislead you to believe he's a Renaissance fanboy.
  • my number one pet peeve is when people say that people in the middle ages didnt bathe

    idk why that in particular pisses me off, as im not exactly a huge history person

  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Acererak said:

    I mean this is the time period where people lauded fucking Vlad the Impaler as a hero

    to be fair, fighting off invaders is something people will forgive a lot for (see: Stalin in WWII)
  • im pretty sure that churchill was worse than vlad the impaler
  • Yeah but Vlad wasn't the boss of an immense empire
  • Panurge said:

    Acererak said:

    I really don't get why people think the Renaissance was the literal greatest and that humanity magically stopped being the horrible fuckheads that they were in the Middle Ages.

    Moldbug said the 14th century was the best, which might mislead you to believe he's a Renaissance fanboy.
    He isn't?
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Acererak said:

    Yeah but Vlad wasn't the boss of an immense empire

    So was Churchill. In fact, I think Churchill killed more people.
    Myr: Probably because, well, I don't really understand the material and I got confused and stopped reading it.
  • kill living beings
    MachSpeed said:

    Acererak said:

    Yeah but Vlad wasn't the boss of an immense empire

    So was Churchill. In fact, I think Churchill killed more people.
    wasn't, he said
  • I wish there was a reliable shorthand for Tumblr attitudes because whenever I-or anyone else- refers to the very specific set of Tumblrisms by just using the website's name as a stand in for them, SOMEONE has to come out of the woodwork to point out that Tumblr has a wide user base encompassing a lot of ideologies and honestly? it gets super fucking tiring.

    Ahem. Consider that a preface to what actually wanted to say.

    Tumblr's (again, YES I'm aware Tumblr is a platform with a wide user base encompassing a lot of ideologies but I'm sure we all know the specific subset of ideologies I mean when I use the name of the platform generically) attitudes on engaging with media, creators, and other public figures, along with its obnoxious viewpoints on mental health professionals and its utterly inept and often horrendously toxic viewpoints on dealing with interpersonal relationships form a big shitty goop of shitty adolescent worldviews that make me want to go into cold sleep for ten years and hope like hell it blows over.
  • Like fuck, technically I'm an adult, so shouldn't I be worried about... taxes or some shit, rather than playing the Let's See How Problematic People Think [insert rando here] Is This Week game?
  • edited 2015-05-17 09:11:20
    It's like I know I'm too old for this shit but I'm more invested in it than any of the people who have bothered me by having these attitudes
    Kex: Things like this do blow over, it's really just a matter of picking your battles. I mainly follow people from here and TVT (as well as a few Homestuck-related feeds), and I hardly ever see things like John Green-bashing.
  • Kexruct said:

    I wish there was a reliable shorthand for Tumblr attitudes because whenever I-or anyone else- refers to the very specific set of Tumblrisms by just using the website's name as a stand in for them, SOMEONE has to come out of the woodwork to point out that Tumblr has a wide user base encompassing a lot of ideologies and honestly? it gets super fucking tiring. 

    Reason people say this is cuz taking problems with a specific group of people and applying them to a much broader group is a great route to misunderstanding.

    If your beef is with like, idk, Homestuck fans, just say "Homestuck fans do blah blah blah" instead of "TUMBLR does blah blah blah"
  • edited 2015-05-17 10:27:43
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Also, they're goddamn kids. I don't know what you expect. Adolescents have adolescent viewpoints.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    MachSpeed said:

    Also, they're goddamn kids. I don't know what you expect. Adolescents have adolescent viewpoints.

    though there's a surprising number of grown-ass adults doing the same thing so *shrug*
  • edited 2015-05-17 10:53:09
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Actually, do you know what my favorite thing about Tumblr is?

    It's not the people; they're godawful, as we're all very well aware.

    It's not the interface, which is okay at best and a nightmare without edits.

    It's certainly not the content, with a lousy video player and too-small gifs.

    It's the ability to control who and what I want to see, with the help of two tools, Blacklist and Postblock.

    I don't like this person or topic? I add them to my Blacklist, and I'll never have to be reminded of their existence ever again.

    I don't like this post? I click Postblock, and I don't have to watch the people I like get into stupid goddamn arguments over fucking nothing.

    I know there are fools out there. I know that there are those out there who want nothing more than me and my people dead, and our nations ruined. I know that people are feuding over stupid fucking bullshit. I know there is misinformation being carted around from circle to circle and there's no way to stop it blanketly.

    But none of it is useful to me. It does me no good to seek it, or allow it to affect me.

    Sure, sometimes I do. Sometimes I lose myself, or foolishly plumb the depths of the evil and the awful.

    But on the whole, I control what it is I want to see, and all I see is things that are useful to me.
  • Yeah, it can be fun to poke fun at stupid shit on Tumblr sometimes, but don't act like you don't have any other option. You totally do.

    Hell, I do that all the time. But only when I'm really really bored or something, or I'm feeling particularly mean-spirited. I tried subsisting on that entirely once, but it's like junk food: you can only have so much in one sitting before it gets icky and gross.
  • edited 2015-05-18 07:46:07
    Uh, I honestly don't know how you interpreted my post but rest assured I'm perfectly aware of the fact that options aside from getting vocally frustrated exist. And understand that it is very much frustration; I'm not pointing and laughing here. I'm seeing something, being upset, mulling it over for a while, and then posting about it when something reminds me of why I was upset.

    I get upset because the mindsets expressed on Tumblr are ones affecting many close friends of mine and it's frustrating and saddening to see them absorb those kinds of toxicity and voicing my disagreement with some things to them is a good way to trigger pretty damn huge anxiety from me (like seriously one of my worst panic attacks ever came as a result of a disagreement about fucking Homestuck to a friend and the ensuing loss of said friend. Anxiety is weird.) so a lot of that stuff comes here where I can talk about why I don't like certain things and eventually put it aside. And I KNOW it looks dumb, but this is the only place where I can really feel safe and understood about this stuff.

    Anyhow, back to the semantic aside

    Kexruct said:

    I wish there was a reliable shorthand for Tumblr attitudes because whenever I-or anyone else- refers to the very specific set of Tumblrisms by just using the website's name as a stand in for them, SOMEONE has to come out of the woodwork to point out that Tumblr has a wide user base encompassing a lot of ideologies and honestly? it gets super fucking tiring. 

    Reason people say this is cuz taking problems with a specific group of people and applying them to a much broader group is a great route to misunderstanding.

    If your beef is with like, idk, Homestuck fans, just say "Homestuck fans do blah blah blah" instead of "TUMBLR does blah blah blah"
    If I had a more specific name for the set of beliefs than "tumblr" I'd sure as hell use it. The only other one I can think of is "SJW" which is capital-N Not a term I want to be throwing around for obvious reasons. And like I understand the thought process behind what you said but in the context of casual conversation I think the pretense behind the term is fully understood by anyone who looks at this thread. I don't think a semantic explanation is really super necessary in the context of this forum because I've literally never seen anyone here who is totally unfamiliar with the side of tumblr I'm referring to. If you people weren't I would- to the best of my ability- explain the group I'm talking about without using the shorthand. But here, where it's a completely informal context, misunderstandings are relatively easily corrected, and everyone knows what I mean? It just comes off as mildly pretentious nitpicking. And again, the least cumbersome alternative is SJW, and that comes with baggage I really don't feel like contending with.

    I'm not like super upset about this I'm just being very thorough with why I find this paricular behavior irritating so you understand that I'm not just arbitrarily complaining.
  • I get upset because the mindsets expressed on Tumblr are ones affecting many close friends of mine and it's frustrating and saddening to see them absorb those kinds of toxicity

    Oh, then.

    I apologize for possibly coming off as condescending.
  • "SJW", I think, started out as a term much like the one you're describing. And that's where the problems start. People inevitably start associating the connotations you're talking about with terms like those. 
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