Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    4chan is a cruel, fun, interesting, angry young man with some biases and a tasteless sense of humor. He likes to shut himself in his room and play video games all day and his social skills are poor, so he doesn't have very many friends and he is bad at talking to girls. He works a shit job and wishes he could move out on his own. He indiscriminately hates humanity, including himself, but that doesn't stop him from grudgingly doing nice things sometimes. He misses his glory days of freaking people out with grotesque humor and pranks, back in high school, but unfortunately he performed poorly and didn't go to college, despite being more intelligent than average. Tumblr is his indignant little sister who can't stand him and feels a need to preach her beliefs about justice to all her friends and family, while fundamentally failing to understand the issues she talks about. She wants to be special and unique because she isn't popular at school and she's a bit of a nerd. She hates people with privilege but doesn't acknowledge her own privilege. She wants to have a boyfriend, if only she didn't hate boys. Her friends like to talk shit about her when she isn't around because she tends to get angry at people easily and she is often nasty to people. She thinks she will make the world a better place with her mouth but she doesn't actually do, or say, anything nice. She is bitter because her parents don't accept her vibrant personality. At least she does well in school and is sure she is headed to a good college.
  • also the second person you described is infinitely more tolerable
  • edited 2015-05-03 15:06:49
    Are we seriously comparing 4chan and tumblr? Because I don't think that's a defensible comparison to make.

    4chan prides itself so much on lack of individuality that it created an internet persona centered entirely around how powerful anonymity made its community. Tumblr's problem, if anything, is that it has too much individuality, what with its obsession with labels and identities. The two are just so fundamentally opposed that comparisons can't be made.

    And I'm not sure which community is more toxic, but the toxicity in Tumblr is much, much easier avoided than it is on 4chan.
  • that's the thing i thinkthink, what acererak said

    i use tumblr and im blissfully unaware of all the bullshit that goes on there regarding stupid drama/teenagers being teenagers/kin weirdness. good luck trying to use 4chan without being unavoidably buried underneath a huge wave of dumbasses
  • sunn wolf said:

    that's the thing i thinkthink, what acererak said

    i use tumblr and im blissfully unaware of all the bullshit that goes on there regarding stupid drama/teenagers being teenagers/kin weirdness. good luck trying to use 4chan without being unavoidably buried underneath a huge wave of dumbasses

    p much yeah
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    The thing is, I know there's stupid shit going on. But even though I willfully blind myself, others don't, so I end up with people who keep talking about things I don't care about. And because I respect their opinion, I start believing that I should care. And the other half of me is trying to pull back into not caring.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    IMO if you're using Tumblr without at least PEEKING at the kin stuff and/or teenager drama from time to time you're missing out on a lot of laughs
  • mean laughter isnt a kind of laughter i want to laugh with
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I don't seek laughs anymore. It makes me feel down.
  • naney said:

    mean laughter isnt a kind of laughter i want to laugh with

    dae teenagers are stupid
  • I'm all for mean laughter, but you can only make so many otherkin jokes before they get old. 

    So I laugh at the crazy people who propagate shit like Japanese war crime denialism. Much more satisfying.
  • ok but there's a world of difference between people who think they're moon foxes and people who think North Korea is an ideal nation.
  • Agreed, but I don't see how we disagree there...?
  • I suppose we don't, thinking about it more.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    naney said:

    mean laughter isnt a kind of laughter i want to laugh with


    4chan is a cruel, fun, interesting, angry young man with some biases and a tasteless sense of humor. He likes to shut himself in his room and play video games all day and his social skills are poor, so he doesn't have very many friends and he is bad at talking to girls. He works a shit job and wishes he could move out on his own. He indiscriminately hates humanity, including himself, but that doesn't stop him from grudgingly doing nice things sometimes. He misses his glory days of freaking people out with grotesque humor and pranks, back in high school, but unfortunately he performed poorly and didn't go to college, despite being more intelligent than average. Tumblr is his indignant little sister who can't stand him and feels a need to preach her beliefs about justice to all her friends and family, while fundamentally failing to understand the issues she talks about. She wants to be special and unique because she isn't popular at school and she's a bit of a nerd. She hates people with privilege but doesn't acknowledge her own privilege. She wants to have a boyfriend, if only she didn't hate boys. Her friends like to talk shit about her when she isn't around because she tends to get angry at people easily and she is often nasty to people. She thinks she will make the world a better place with her mouth but she doesn't actually do, or say, anything nice. She is bitter because her parents don't accept her vibrant personality. At least she does well in school and is sure she is headed to a good college.

    I have quite honestly been both of those people at various times :O

    Also, I wonder where Twitter fits into this.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    IMO, one of the better flash games in the Super Miko Cream Land series.
  • Oh whatever I'm just bitter right now for no reason.

    Sorry Miko.
  • 4chan is a cruel, fun, interesting, angry young man with some biases and a tasteless sense of humor. He likes to shut himself in his room and play video games all day and his social skills are poor, so he doesn't have very many friends and he is bad at talking to girls. He works a shit job and wishes he could move out on his own. He indiscriminately hates humanity, including himself, but that doesn't stop him from grudgingly doing nice things sometimes. He misses his glory days of freaking people out with grotesque humor and pranks, back in high school, but unfortunately he performed poorly and didn't go to college, despite being more intelligent than average. Tumblr is his indignant little sister who can't stand him and feels a need to preach her beliefs about justice to all her friends and family, while fundamentally failing to understand the issues she talks about. She wants to be special and unique because she isn't popular at school and she's a bit of a nerd. She hates people with privilege but doesn't acknowledge her own privilege. She wants to have a boyfriend, if only she didn't hate boys. Her friends like to talk shit about her when she isn't around because she tends to get angry at people easily and she is often nasty to people. She thinks she will make the world a better place with her mouth but she doesn't actually do, or say, anything nice. She is bitter because her parents don't accept her vibrant personality. At least she does well in school and is sure she is headed to a good college.

    If it were possible to condense such huge communities into single people, this would be it.

    ...Come to think of it, I seem to recall there were anthropomorphizations of tumblr and 4chan that got shipped at some point, but I can't remember any details. Probably for the best.
  • 4chan looked like Slenderman but green and tumblr was an anime chick with blue hair.

    that was kind of before tumblr developed the reputation it has now though.

    dae "what is air"
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    4chan looked like Slenderman but green and tumblr was an anime chick with blue hair.

    that was kind of before tumblr developed the reputation it has now though.

    dae "what is air"
    i'm holding a calculator right now not a dictionary, go ask wikipedia
  • Calica said:

    4chan looked like Slenderman but green and tumblr was an anime chick with blue hair.

    that was kind of before tumblr developed the reputation it has now though.

    dae "what is air"
    i'm holding a calculator right now not a dictionary, go ask wikipedia
    no I think it's "go ask Google you stupid bitch"
  • image

    thanks tumblr radar
    is that Snoop Dogg and...John Green?
    What a strrrraaange combination!
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Two new chapters of The Northern Caves came out.

  • Your Fave Is Problematic: Snoop Dogg

    *Is friends with the legendary problematic John Green
  • I Read That As "the legendary pokemon John Green"
  • lee4hmz said:

    What a strrrraaange combination!

    Not the strangest Snoop-based combination:

  • ........

    Someone re8logged something from me and tagged it with a trigger warning for "homestuck in url" (and "slurs in url", 8ut since my url is "sassyspider8itch" yeah ok you get a pass for that tag)

    8ut "homestuck in url" as a trigger warning.


    Then again I've seen someone (not anyone I'm following, but someone whose 8logs I checked out 'cause someone re8logged an interesting post they made) asking for trigger warnings for popsicles. In 8ig 8old letters in the a8out section. "TAG YOUR POPSICLES"
  • well, maybe one of their followers associates homestuck with an abusive ex who liked homestuck or something
  • More than likely they just don't like the comic and call that a "trigger".

    This -is- Tum8lr after all.

    It would've 8een funnier if it was "trigger warning: Vriska"
  • i suppose

    i guess i just like giving people the benefit of the doubt
  • I saw someone reblog a post about how to treat people who prefer "no pronouns", and it wasn't "tell them they're being both ridiculous and inconsiderate", so it made me sad.

    On the other hand, for all that I complain about tumblr it brings me stuff like this which vastly outweighs the headaches.
  • man having no pronouns would be rad
  • Which is worse

    No pronouns


    nounself pronouns (like "bunself" or "meowself" or whatever, not neopronouns like xe, ey, ze, and the like that weren't nouns to begin with)
  • kill living beings
    no pronouns means only being reffered to with your name? sucks
  • edited 2015-05-07 01:23:52
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I guess if you're gonna make up some "pronoun" that's unique enough that it's effectively just another name anyway, you might as well go all the way and just use no pronouns...?
  • "homestuck in URL" is probably more for people who just don't want to see Homestuck on their dash.
  • I always think the "nounself" pronouns are nicknames anyway. Like if I see "Bun went to the store" I think the person 8eing referred to is named "Bun" rather than using it as a cutesy pronoun.
  • so then naney is my pronoun
  • I have met in my entire lifetime exactly one person who wanted to be referred to as "zir" and said person was completely nice about it.

    I don't know where y'all get these conceptions from.
  • The SJWs are gonna kill us aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall
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