Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • edited 2014-07-07 19:18:43
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Miko is very good at getting a reaction from me.

    But if that's the case, she didn't say 'of course it's a joke' or whatever, she said I was being harsh.  I have only ever interacted with her on this site and TVT, and I can't always tell whether she's being serious or not, but it sure doesn't look like a joke to me.

    And, well, if I was 'harsh', I was just honest.  If she says this kind of thing to get a rise out of people, that shouldn't surprise her if people are bothered, since that's apparently the desired effect.
  • edited 2014-07-07 19:18:15
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Yeah, Tachyon, Miko was clearly joking. But I don't begrudge you for reacting badly to it.

    I'm not sure how I feel about people being into that kind of stuff, assuming that their interests reside solely in the realm of fantasy, but I find it personally unnerving and would rather not hear about it. Now, were someone to shove this sort of thing in the face of a person with PTSD, for example, or try to act like it's no big deal... suffer not the poisoner to live.

    ^ That is fair.
    That being said I don't like to being talk like that Tachyon. I will come back perhaps tomorrow, if I feel better, and if I'm not banned, I don't want to enter heated debate.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Well, what were you expecting me to say?  This isn't Gelbooru or whatever.  Of course it's not OK here.

    (Incidentally, it didn't occur to me that lolita can mean a fashion style.)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    also @ Sredni, I see where you're coming from, definitely.  There are many kinks which are harmless if not acted upon which would be unforgivable in reality.  Like, if people want to roleplay sexually in their own home, that's no big deal.

    Still, the distribution of sexualized drawings of children is itself dangerous.  Nobody should put their own sexual pleasure ahead of the safety of children.  Doing so just to make a point, out of spite or whatever, would be equally bad.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Please consider that not everyone shares your arbitrary black-and-white view of the world. I don't even mind so much that there is trans hate on the internet, because discourse and expression are things that have to exist.

    I gravely regret making that post, not because it caused offence, but because my gf's feelings are being hurt by this... thing that came out of it. Unlike me, she is not used to this manner of bullshit.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I see.  I'm sorry you feel that way.  I've enjoyed talking with you in the past and I thought you were alright.

  • kill living beings
    don't be disingenuous, it ain't arbitrary. i say this as someone who's been argued at for my view of CP in the US.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Aww man did tachyon just leave forever?
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I'll miss you, Tachyon.

    I'm so sorry this discussion got out of hand, and I'm so sorry that I couldn't do anything to stop it.
  • edited 2014-07-07 19:59:07

    Tachyon said:

    Still, the distribution of sexualized drawings of children is itself dangerous.  Nobody should put their own sexual pleasure ahead of the safety of children.  Doing so just to make a point, out of spite or whatever, would be equally bad.

    except that most drawings are of fictional characters and not real people

    I'm not interested in it myself, and I'm not even saying you have to tolerate it, but I know that such fetishes do not necessarily correlate to wanting to do it in real life

    I know Pyrid for about three years, she definitely does not like actual CP shit
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    It's sometimes used to groom children for sexual relations, so that's questionable at the very least.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    It's sometimes used to groom children for sexual relations, so that's questionable at the very least.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    It's sometimes used to groom children for sexual relations, so that's questionable at the very least.

  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    You're not helping right now, Odradek.
  • kill living beings
    Random apologies won't help either. There's an actual disagreement, things have to change in some fashion for things to resolve.
  • edited 2014-07-07 20:02:09
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    That is true.

    I guess it's natural that things are changing in this way right now. I just hate how helpless I feel about all of this.

    I guess working past those helpless feelings is something you have to learn how to do in life in order to survive it.
    I feel like I shouldn't have said anything about this panic attack and carry on, sorry about that.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    That was going to be my last post on this subject, but I need to make this clear:

    I certainly don't believe Byakuren or Miko would ever tolerate depictions of harm to actual, real life children, and I'm sorry if I made it sound like I did.  I am very sure that neither of them is OK with such things.

    I am also deeply sorry that I apparently caused you to have a panic attack, Byakuren.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    For those who don't check the Activity page: Miko is on indefinite probation.
  • edited 2014-07-07 20:36:08
    Tachyon said:

    That was going to be my last post on this subject, but I need to make this clear:
    I certainly don't believe Byakuren or Miko would ever tolerate depictions of harm to actual, real life children, and I'm sorry if I made it sound like I did.  I am very sure that neither of them is OK with such things.

    I am also deeply sorry that I apparently caused you to have a panic attack, Byakuren.

    I though so, really, most of the conversation a witness to not aim towards hasty judgment. My panic attack might have triggered by the fear of conflict, or something similar. I think it has something to do with my father...

    Know that you didn't caused my panic attack, I think there is no need for apologize really. Perhaps cannabis might have put me in a more sensitive state of mind, hence accentuate what happened.

    I am glad we are able to talk about this in that fashion though.

    I hope I am not nonsensical I'm kinda high atm...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    deus ex-files
    naney said:


    What is up with that anti-aliasing??
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    ur dum lol
  • image

    Wait a minute hold the fuck up

    I think this thread has had it. I'm actually tempted to just delete it entirely and start a new one. What do you think: Delete, lock, or do nothing?
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Deleting this thread would be a pretty Fast Eddie thing to do, so I'm advocating a lock/sequel thread.
  • this thread's been witness to enough drama that I don't think anything of that sort is really necessary.

    It wouldn't solve anything anyway.
    Yeah, that's the conclusion I've come to as well.
  • Now, is it that this thread has disproportionate numbers of issues, or is it just that it's one of the busier, longer-lasting threads?  If the former, what makes it so?

  • It's the latter, most likely.

    If there's any disproportion it's because this is a thread where controversial stuff is simply likely to be brought up.
  • If it is the former, perhaps it's the thread's purpose of talking about Tumblr, which can be a well of negative shit at its worst.

    That's not all that Tumblr is, though.  Perhaps we need to talk about neat stuff we find on Tumblr, not just annoying or dumb stuff.  I absolutely love some of the fandom stuff I come across there.
  • edited 2014-07-08 19:07:01
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ Both.
  • True, false dichotomy strikes again
  • edited 2014-07-08 19:09:12
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It's a topic that can attract a lot of unwarranted drama, and it's a long-running thread with some ugly history. Maybe a new thread will change that streak, assuming that we lay down some new ground rules...
  • kill living beings
    there's a good chance a new thread would be an inappropriate continuation of this in the same way this is off-topic, i think. and the trouble here wasn't really related to tumblr, no? you'd want general rules
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    There's already a "no talking about SJWs" rule, which was admittedly imposed because it was a firestarter with a certain now-banned member around, but was kept around after his ban because it seemed like it would remain a firestarter.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    And yet has anyone actually observed this rule?

    Half of my issue with Kexruct venting in this thread is that most of the time it's Soapbox Sally-related.
  • edited 2014-07-08 19:26:43
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Tumblr can cause drama, sure, but Tumblr itself was not the primary issue here (although it was relevant, for sure). I don't see any reason to create an entirely new thread and act like nothing happened, when simply having an administrator (or the administrators, whatever, someone actually in charge) lay down concrete and thorough rules for what is and is not acceptable. And have them be consistently followed. Maybe the rules themselves also need an update, I don't know.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    This is true.
  • Anonus: It does strike me that some talking about SJWs has been here (including some from me) but kept at a sane level compared to pretty much everywhere else on the Internet that I've seen.  Has it caused a problem since that user was banned?  If not, that suggests the spirit of the rule is being kept, that of avoiding explosions?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It can be tiresome. Recently it has been better, but it's too easy for this sort of discussion to devolve when unattended.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    But the only things I feel compelled to talk about here are controversies.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Those aren't the only things that you read or talk about on Tumblr, so why only discuss them in this thread?
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