Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • edited 2012-12-12 02:27:53
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I saw that image, but that person didn't seem to recognize that "Hispanic" is even a real ethnic group, which is a different kind of stupid altogether.

    As for "check your privilege", it's a pretty obnoxious catchphrase and I think we'd certainly be better off not using it.
  • Can we not do the thing where we try to stop the serious discussion going on by shouting random stuff?

    i just felt like seeing how many slurs i could fit into one portmanteau, sorry 8<
    Two Face said:

    baby privilege is not paying any bills

    this is why the antinatalists are right
  • a8 said:

    I saw that image, but that person didn't seem to recognize that "Hispanic" is even a real ethnic group, which is a different kind of stupid altogether.

    Technically I guess if you really, really wanted to be a pedantic fuckface. You could probably argue that Hispanic is not so much an ethnic group as three ethnic groups (Spanish, African, and Native South American) mixed together. But that's really, really reaching and I doubt it'd hold up.

    I was honestly more taken aback by the "fuck u cracker colonizer" thing, though.

    a8 said:

    As for "check your privilege", it's a pretty obnoxious catchphrase and I think we'd certainly be better off not using it.

    I agree with this as well.
  • edited 2012-12-12 03:09:49
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Technically I guess if you really, really wanted to be a pedantic fuckface. You could probably argue that Hispanic is not so much an ethnic group as three ethnic groups (Spanish, African, and Native South American) mixed together. But that's really, really reaching and I doubt it'd hold up.

    As you say, that's incredibly pedantic. It'd also be missing the point, since these groups are normally defined socially.

    But it's not clear that this person was even attempting that; it looks to me more like they just think Hispanic = white cracker colonizer. Edit: this was obviously wrong, never mind, derp
  • Cracker Colonizer would be a good name for a metal band now that I think about it.

    One made up entirely of ethnic minorities. For MAXIMUM IRONY.

  • cracker

    is like a non-functional insult

    like you could shout it like all day full of hatred and loathing and it would have no effect
  • Cracker Colonizer would be a good name for a metal band now that I think about it.

    One made up entirely of ethnic minorities. For MAXIMUM IRONY.

    i'm thinking more hardcore
  • OOOOOOOH that reminds me

    Really great vegan feminist powerviolence band

    they have a tumblr so it's relevant and shit

  • Naney said:


    is like a non-functional insult

    like you could shout it like all day full of hatred and loathing and it would have no effect

    This is also kinda true.

    I'm still amazed that people get offended by the "True Dat" interlude on the one OutKast album. 

  • I'm still amazed that people get offended by the "True Dat" interlude on the one OutKast album. 

    shit that is great

  • Songs: Car Ride with a Vivisection Intern, I'm Not Your Fucking
    Mother, Fuck Your Gender, I'm So Gay, Dear Date Rapists of St. Albert,
    Beauty Myth, More Mosh Less Macho, Women's Studies, Burn These Bridges
  • edited 2012-12-12 02:53:55

    Be Our *New* Guitarist!

    Rape Revenge is seeking a guitarist.
      All womyn and genderqueers invited to get in touch.  Out of town folks welcome, must be able to come to Calgary to write and record.  Must be willing and able to tour. Experience with touring preferred (but not necessary).  Straight edge identity not required, but must be able to stay sober during practice, shows and tour.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Straight edge identity
    we're already waaaaaaaaay past the looking glass here so it's kind of hard to even make fun of this stupid shit anymore
  • edited 2012-12-12 03:07:06
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    @ Mojave: Actually, looking at that image again, Redd identified herself as Latina so it must be the thing you said.  I need to read better and stuff.

    And whether Spaniards are seen as white is indeed something that varies along geographic lines.

    Straight edge identity
    we're already waaaaaaaaay past the looking glass here so it's kind of hard to even make fun of this stupid shit anymore
    This is a real subculture, though.  It's an offshoot of hardcore punk.
  • Oh I wasn't intending to make fun of them, they's cool people, great musicians too!
  • edited 2012-12-12 03:10:32

    that said, sXe folks do tend to be overly-serious spoilsports
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    a8 said:

    This is a real subculture, though.  It's an offshoot of hardcore punk.

    It's not that, it's all this identity politics bullshit. Now they're making one out of the choice to imbibe. 
  • edited 2012-12-12 05:46:47
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Bringing this up again, but this is a subject I'm particularly interested in. Apparently the guy who retouched the Frida Kahlo picture has angered people even in the old decrepit ghetto of the internet, Livejournal, and after all these years they still haven't learned a damn thing.  

    We'll just go with that for sake of ease, since you apparently can't be arsed to actually read any of the comments or learn anything about Frida Kahlo.
    This is just me, but I'd bet whoever wrote this had no idea who the hell Frida Kahlo was before this drama even ensued. I'll be honest, I sure as hell didn't.  She's not exactly a household name. 

    Or for that matter, know anything about why it's offensive to paint right over someone else's work of art and assume you're better at it. 

    It's sad to see that the ignorant notions long held by the likes of the teenagers who run rampant at DA in regards to things like appropriation and derivative works (of which both are accepted aspects of the art world) are still alive and well. It's even sadder to see that people didn't stop to even check that this might just be a satire. Or a troll. 

    Or why it's bullshit for a man to repaint a self-portrait of a woman who deliberately chose to make herself look that way because she was bucking societal norms, and exactly how much bullshit it is for him to basically say she needs a makeover?

    And here's the meat of the issue: Drawing a line because something personally offends you. Doesn't matter that just about everything in the art world is offensive to at least one culture or people, this is simply intolerable because it offends your delicate sensibilities and fuck everyone else who might enjoy or get a kick out of it. Or even fucking dumber, raising the point that all this much worse for the fact that the person behind it is a man. But fret not, you're not alone! Other idiots who have raised a stink over other people's art include, but are not limited to:

    - Tipper Gore
    - religious groups in the past 50 years decrying devil music (rock, metal, jazz)
    - The Nazis (works of art they destroyed because it wasn't idealized Greco-Roman bullshit, book burnings)
    - Victorian prudes and having nudity painted over on the artworks by the Renaissance masters
    - Victorian prudes covering the legs of furniture and pianos because it might excite the men (I'm not making this up)
    - Victorian prudes locking up many works of art because of something horrible like a Rubenesque beauty showing a boob or something

    ....that's just to name a few.  And any excuse you give is really no different than the excuses offered by the ones I pointed out up here. They were offended, you were offended, and both of you want to cover or silence something someone else did because you're having a holier-than-thou moment. Fuck you. 

    It's all bullshit, and if you can't wrap your head around that, well, maybe you ought to not post, because goddamn.
    .....and the good old SHUT UP, YOU'RE DUMB! classic finisher from the grammar school playground. 

    Anyway, because of this debacle, I now know about Frida Kahlo and her life's work.  I think I can also say  that even though there is an internet satire/parody/troll of her stuff, the value and impact of her work isn't diminished in the slightest -- because the rest of the world isn't as fucking retarded as some parts of the internet. 
    Whenever I see the word "cracker" now, I think of:
    • the delicious snack food;
    • the alt-rock band;
    • Chef saying "How's my little crackas today?" on South Park.
  • ^^The guy actually apologized to the people he angered as of yesterday.

    That's all I'm going to say on the issue. Every time this picture comes back up, I end up spending way too much time trying to form an opinion about what is, essentially, terrible fanart. I've already wasted a good hour trying to respond to the Corporal, and that's time I could be spending elsewhere.

    ...huh. Now that I think of it, this whole debacle is pretty much the artistic equivalent of people complaining about terrible fanart.
  • The sadness will last forever.


  • Two Face said:




    no amount of thinking will make it make sense

    it is a Tumblr Koan
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Yarrun said:

    ^^The guy actually apologized to the people he angered as of yesterday.

  • edited 2012-12-12 15:40:21

    I wonder Redd a.k.a. Reddisredd and Riley a.k.a. Crackerhell think of Obama. They might think he's a racist because he's white too.

    I know that was meant as a snarky quip, but that's one thing I was never really clear on: what is the predominant SJ blogger stance on people of mixed race? It seems like all too often they literally see it as a matter of black and white.

    And honestly, I find it hard to figure out where I stand on their arguments when I can't tell if they're counting me as "white oppressor" or "person of color"
    I dunno about mixed-race people, really, though I once saw Merlo use the word "twinkie" in a post months ago, which I'm pretty sure was in relation to mixed-race stuff (she's half-White, I guess). That's about it, though, and I have not seen that word used in such a context ever again.

    Also, on the topic of crackers:
    "You fucking cracker!"
    "Dude, I know, I'm Ritz, I'm mass-produced! I'm not fucking...Stapleson's, everyone's favorite brand of cracker!"

    ^Hopefully this shitstorm will die now...right? Right?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    "Twinkie" is a term that a few asians use on other asians who act "too white" -- "yellow on the outside, white on the inside."  
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 2012-12-12 16:18:10
    The sadness will last forever.
    My mom referred to me as "Acting White" or something like that a few times.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    *Walks in, reads*

    Cool, well, I'm going to go walk into the Giant Spider thread and schedule having the juices sucked out of my brain.

    I'd offer to get people things from the Giant Spider thread, but I'm kinda hoping I forget the last couple minutes of my life.
  • I'm sure Spidermom would be more than happy to o8lige, Justice.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Tumblr is a weird place.

    Also the first list seems to focused on British celebrities and public figures, so I don't know if it can really be said to be compiling "the 100 worst people on twitter"
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Can someone explain this "gif warning" thing that some people tag posts with? I don't get it.
  • How many friend zone people does it take to change a light bulb?


    None. They just compliment it and hope they'll screw.

  • Probably for people who have bad internet. Gifs take a long time to load, and that can screw up people

    i.e. check your good internet privilege.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    My internet is terrible, and even I don't get screwed over by gifs.
  • I think some of it is also for epileptics, though putting a major warning on a post with a gif that like, 8arely moves at all is a little excessive since if that tiny 8it of motion is enough to trigger a seizure in someone I'd think they'd just turn images off completely or something.

    It's understanda8le to put warnings on pics that flash a lot/move super fast though (and I do tag "epilepsy warning" on those so if someone who follows me needs to tum8lr savior it they can, same as I tag my spiders with "spider" or "spiders" cause I know I've had at least one arachnopho8ic person following me who tum8lr saviors those tags).

    I guess some people kinda automatically put warnings on any sort of gif though. (I tag most of mine with a simple "gif" 8ut that's more for my own ease in finding them again.)
  • I tag my spiders with "spider" or "spiders" cause I know I've had at least one arachnopho8ic person following me who tum8lr
    > Arachnaphobic

    > Following Vriska on tumblr

    how does that like even happen
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Presumably they're following her non-RP blog? I dunno.

    Anyway, I thought it might have something to do with epilepsy, but I keep seeing gifs that are just, like, a regular everyday clip from a cartoon or something (no flashing lights or rapid motion) tagged with "gif warning" and it struck me as odd.
  • I think they are ok with spidertrolls and cartoony spiders 8ut not like, actual tarantulas and stuff and I do tend to post a fair few of those.

    And yeah some people put "gif warning" and "epilepsy warning" on every single gif.

    Some people also refer to every person they post a picture of with gender-neutral pronouns even when that person has a confirmed gender identity.
  • Wait, you have a non-RP blog?
  • There is no easy way to say 'tumblr' while writing a poem.

    No easy way to say 'blog' either.


  • I have a personal side8log to my RP 8log. Can't follow people from it though.

  • I'll follow that when I get home. The school computers block Tumblr.
  • Cool.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    I've found a tumblr that made me smile.

    I think I need to get off the internet
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Yarrun said:

    There is no easy way to say 'tumblr' while writing a poem.

    No easy way to say 'blog' either.





    all those fit pretty well if you ask me
  • How would you use any of those words in a poem, I wonder. Actually, that just brings up the question of how you would end up using "Tumblr" in a poem.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    There once was an MRA on tumblr
    who was a very bad mumbler
    during one argument,
    about the government,
    he said, "feminists could be a bit more humbler"

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Vriska said:

    I have a personal side8log to my RP 8log. Can't follow people from it though.


    I think this is the best Tumblr theme I've seen to date.
  • ::::D
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    That picture on your IC Tumblr has become my mental image of you
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