Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Kexruct said:

    Nonwhite is a term, though. I think that's a pretty big reason why POC is preferred over it.

    There's also 'ethnic minority' which is also somewhat problematic and not globally inclusive.

    Ideally you wouldn't lump unrelated ethnic groups together like that, but I guess I can see how being able to do so might make discussion of race issues easier, at least in a cultural context where one ethnic group is privileged over all the others.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I think I'd take these discussions more seriously if they started referring to the groups as "you" and "us".
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    What is tumblr.txt and tumblr.txt.txt? I am confused. >_>
  • edited 2014-07-04 13:01:13
    kill living beings
    POC has historical baggage because the accompanying term "white" has historical baggage. they're pretty closely linked to the history of race in the US (not even including europe in large part as far as i can tell, which had its own discourse) which is kind of all over the place. like syrian arabs being pretty "white" versus other arabs who are not, based basically on weird historical reasons. neither term has much to do with skin color. uyghurs are probably considered non-"white" despite how they often look, cos they're from china, and recently.

    of course the point of using "white" and "POC" is to work within this particular context of racial bullshit. there are other possible contexts, like "Christian" versus "Mohammaden" as evidenced in 1800s American discourse, but things aren't framed in that way so much any more.

    extending the terms to other contexts, like that medievalpoc tumblr, can get odd. the (maybe a, i don't read it regularly) entire point of that tumblr is essentially that the prevailing understanding of europe as "white" is not historically accurate - in other words they're more or less in opposition to the entire understanding of "white" versus "colored", but they carry this out still using the term "POC" based on that understanding. that's kind of weird, to me, but not harmul or anything.  they're just half going with the flow
  • kill living beings
    Miko said:

    What is tumblr.txt and tumblr.txt.txt? I am confused. >_>

    foo.txt twitters are twitters that take quotes from foo out of context for people to laugh at. so tumblr.txt takes quotes from tumblr, and tumblr.txt.txt takes quotes from the tumblr.txt twitter.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    oh ok :)
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Tachyon said:

    Miko said:

    That twitter seems to present standard trans-person discourse as a source of humor. I will ignore this person and pretend they don't exist.

    That's tumblr.txt

    I'm not sure i understand the point in tumblr.txt.txt, unless it's just a cheap recursive joke.
    I think the point is that "are these things really bad" and the like.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    That makes sense.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The world according to Tumblr  I am not sure if I captured all the subtleties of tumblr’s political discourse though, Russia may be part of the USA too for all I know.
  • kill living beings
    tsk. no respect at all. lemme show you a nuanced map.

  • POC's kind of poor, especially since there are POC that are as white, if not whiter, than white people. Non-white sets white as the reference point for all other races, which equalizes white with normal. That's bad. 

    Ethnic/Racial Minority's the best option as long as we're talking about American issues. Using it in global discussions means setting American to default. That's also bad. 
  • What term you use should be context-sensitive. The issue of race is multifaceted and varies wildly from geographic region to geographic region.

    If you're too lazy to consider the proper context and want a catch-all for absolutely everybody, then you have no business talking about social issues in the first place.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I think non-white is at least honest, though?  I mean, it means what it says.

    If my use of the term was inappropriate, I'm sorry.  I merely meant to remark on the sense in which POC is used, not to suggest that generalizing about races other than white people is OK.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    What term you use should be context-sensitive. The issue of race is multifaceted and varies wildly from geographic region to geographic region.

    If you're too lazy to consider the proper context and want a catch-all for absolutely everybody, then you have no business talking about social issues in the first place.

  • "Nonwhite" is fine, in some contexts.

    For instance, discussing the racial history of the United States, where people are traditionally grouped into "white" and "not white" (the definitions of both of which have changed a good deal over time).

    But it's not super useful in discussing say, German racism against the Slavs. Since both of those groups are "white" by American standards.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Well, of course not.

    It would be similarly inappropriate when discussing British racism against the Irish (a real phenomenon which was historically expressed in much the same language as racism against black people, and which resulted in thousands of deaths, although the English have largely forgotten this).
  • kill living beings
    huh, really? here in murka nobody ever shuts up about the famine. (me biased because: irish ancestors at some point)
  • kill living beings
    actually there's sort of a cliche of white americans saying they understand racism because they're part irish, which is essentially enabled by the concept of "race" being totalized as if anti-irish discrimination and jim crow were like, at all related, practically
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    actually there's sort of a cliche of white americans saying they understand racism because they're part irish, which is essentially enabled by the concept of "race" being totalized as if anti-irish discrimination and jim crow were like, at all related, practically

    I follow a guy on twitter who spent his college years in Nottingham, and he said he had a teacher who said he understood American blacks because "Irish people like me are the N***ers of Europe*.

    He really hated that guy.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    It's not as if it's a taboo subject here, but it's not like it's on the national curriculum.  A lot of English people aren't even aware of it, and it's seldom discussed.

    On both sides, the understanding of the conflict between England and Ireland is often simplified to pro-Union vs. anti-partition, or more often just Protestant vs. Catholic.

    To be honest, it's sometimes bothered me that Americans sometimes seem supportive of the IRA, at least within the folk/Celtic music fandom.
  • Tachyon said:

    It's not as if it's a taboo subject here, but it's not like it's on the national curriculum.  A lot of English people aren't even aware of it, and it's seldom discussed.

    On both sides, the understanding of the conflict between England and Ireland is often simplified to pro-Union vs. anti-partition, or more often just Protestant vs. Catholic.

    To be honest, it's sometimes bothered me that Americans sometimes seem supportive of the IRA, at least within the folk/Celtic music fandom.

    that's because few Irish Americans (unless we're talking about people who actually emigrated from Ireland personally) actually understand anything about Ireland, and to the vast majority of them, their heritage is a reason to get drunk, and nothing else.

    This is also true of any Something-Americans where the Something is a European ethnicity that is perceived to have a strong drinking culture.
  • kill living beings
    most irish americans emigrated during the famine or similarly shitty times, so they're disproportionately anti-england. sort of like the pilgrims earlier.

    so irish-americans have a long history of supporting irish independence. i think there was an attempted invasion of canada at some point relating to this
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tachyon said:

    It's not as if it's a taboo subject here, but it's not like it's on the national curriculum.  A lot of English people aren't even aware of it, and it's seldom discussed.

    On both sides, the understanding of the conflict between England and Ireland is often simplified to pro-Union vs. anti-partition, or more often just Protestant vs. Catholic.

    To be honest, it's sometimes bothered me that Americans sometimes seem supportive of the IRA, at least within the folk/Celtic music fandom.

    Bono once gave a long rant in the middle of a song about how terrible the IRA was and how sick he was of Irish-Americans praising it after a nail bomb killed some people in Ireland a few hours before they had to go onstage.
    I'm pretty sure that was from Rattle and Hum, actually. "FUCK THE REVOLUTION"
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    One of my mom's cousins married a woman whose family was sending money to the IRA to fund terrorist attacks.

  • As someone who's half Irish and half English, this whole thing bugs the crap out of me.  I'm an English citizen, but I meet the qualifications to gain Irish citizenship if I wanted.  My brother did; after the invasion of Iraq it wasn't safe to travel under a British passport to certain parts of the world.

    At certain points in the 20th Century being obviously Irish in the UK was equivalent to being Arab in the US post-2001.  Terrorist or terrorist sympathizer by default.  Never got hurt by it myself because I never had an Irish accent, though.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Can't spell misogyny? Tags that no one actually uses? Wow, it's almost like this person (and others like them) have never actually been on tumblr before.
  • edited 2014-07-05 04:08:49
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Is today, like, "4chan raid day" or something?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    >giving a shit about 4chan
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I'm only asking because I see all these warnings about tags being hijacked with gore today because of 4chan.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    oh, then there's probably a /b/ thread or someshit about tumblr, yeah.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I looked on /b/ earlier, there were a bunch of Tumblr threads getting deleted and stuff.

    (/b/ has moderation now; I assume they're not okay with [people posting about] this)
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Some people are still living in 2005, maybe.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    These anons are acting like the whole Tumblr raid on them was some sort of unforgivable personal affront...
  • that also happened in like 2009, did it not
  • 4chan culture is the weirdest thing, idk
  • edited 2014-07-05 04:49:37
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.


    TLDR: people are stupid.

    Who's "We", stupid fucking white man?

    (anon might not be white or a man - although there is a strong possibility - but they certainly are fucking stupid)
    Bored, privileged white high schoolers, from what I've seen. There are very few adults on /b/, and if they do post, it ain't much.
  • So basically the same population on both sides; most of the dumb tumblrites fall into the same demographic, though some of the worst are older (just like everywhere; being an idiot as a teenager isn't nearly so bad as being the same kind of idiot in one's twenties or thirties).
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    4chumblr forever
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tumblr has the leg up on 4chan in that they do not have a /pol/
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    But 4chan supports ebin HD 60fps way of the future webm while tumblr only supports le 3 frame oversaturated Disney gif
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    what is it with teenagers and being massive pricks to one another for no reason, anyway

    that's like 99% of the internet
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    really i guess that should have read 'people' not 'teenagers'

    i'd like to dismiss this kind of thing as childish but people don't always grow out of it
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Miko said:

    Some people are still living in 2005, maybe.

    2005 is the new September 1993, isn't it?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    So, to summarize:

    • Easily amused people discover that other people are easily offended
    • Easily Amused make a deliberate effort to push Easily Offended's buttons, which is not at all hard because many members of Easily Offended outright spell out things that piss them off
    • Easily Amused people are amused and Easily Offended people are offended
    • GOTO 10
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • edited 2014-07-05 12:45:30
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    incidentally i suppose i find hearing about this situation somewhat unpleasant despite my lack of investment in tumblr

    because the 'Easily Amused' camp are also horrendously unempathic bordering on sociopathic, and they get precisely what they want out of this

    much of this thread has been a catalogue of tumblr's propensity for bullying, but the kind of vindictiveness we're seeing here is a textbook bullying mentality
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    also say what you will about 'social justice warrior' but it is at least a more intelligent criticism than 'moralfag'
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