Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • der Große, yes.

    for reasons both valid and invented by later German nationalists in equal share. Which is funny, because Frederick ruled more Czechs, Poles, and Lithuanians than he did Germans.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Ah, yes, then he was the one whose father beat his children for, like, talking when he was in the room.
  • Uncontrollably violent in temper, vulgar in speech and manner,
    scornful of education and culture, and so deeply pious that he
    considered theaters "temples of Satan."...He made a fetish of
    cleanliness, washing and grooming himself many times each day.[1]
  • Frederick-William also tried to have the future Frederick II executed after the latter tried to run away to England with his tutor.

    Literally the only thing that stopped him was Emperor Charles VI being like "no dude you can't kill your son."
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    calling leaders "the great" right now makes me think of the idea of calling one "the kind of shitty"
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Frederick-William also tried to have the future Frederick II executed after the latter tried to run away to England with his tutor.

    Literally the only thing that stopped him was Emperor Charles VI being like "no dude you can't kill your son."

    Yes. And then he made him watch his friend (and possible lover) be executed. Charming man.
  • Lilly said:

    calling leaders "the great" right now makes me think of the idea of calling one "the kind of shitty"

    AKA The King John
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    John was just kind of in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    This seems silly to me.

    Queer politics aren't about flipping off the man, they're about letting people live the way they want to live. This might make me a liberal, but I don't care.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I think this is one of those instances where people are united by a shared identity but not by shared political aims past a certain point.

    Queer politics could just mean LGBTQ politics or it could mean politics of 'queerness' which can imply a more radical agenda that not everyone is interested in
  • Yeah, this encapsulates my issue with "queer politics" in one.  The rejection of imperfect improvements is frankly childish.  And why someone so into "queer politics" even cares about what lawyer was selected to fight for gay marriage when they hate the entire institution and idea anyway is frankly strange to me.  

    Ted Olson's a prominent libertarian lawyer.  Libertarians have their flaws (big honking ones), but their commitment to legal liberty is an important and valuable one.  Take the allies you can find.

    I think this is where the obsession with identity over all is an problem.  It is more gratifying to such a person to be hardcore than to be successful; to be uncompromising and alone rather than flexible in order to actually get anything done.

    And refusing to work on fixing one thing in our society because that fix doesn't simultaneously fix problems on other axes is just plain dumb.  Yes, gay marriage won't help directly in the fight for racial justice or trans rights.  But it doesn't fucking hurt them.

    The terror appears to be that you can't fix a problem because it's more important that more people be disadvantaged to motivate them to fight for other issues.  Oh no, you're subtracting revolutionaries.  FFS.
  • that is a way of thinking a lot of leftists fall into in general

    if everything does not come out perfect, then everything is shit and must be torn down

    that would only undermine your cause and breed more disillusionment at the least, or actually would empower the opposing, oppressing side at the worst
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    That blogger seems like she would be a textbook example of LGBT fighting each other instead of fighting the real enemy.
  • kill living beings
    SF_Sorrow said:

    that is a way of thinking a lot of leftists fall into in general

    if everything does not come out perfect, then everything is shit and must be torn down

    that would only undermine your cause and breed more disillusionment at the least, or actually would empower the opposing, oppressing side at the worst
    typical trotskyism
  • I got into an argument about Macklemore, a thing I am wont to do, and it got me thinking. What is Tumblr's ideal solution to people who aren't in the queer community talking about queer issues? The thing I've gotten from it is that if your straight and cis you have no right to say positive/supportive things, because by doing so you're essentially stealing attention from queer people who should be the ones doing the talking.

    That's a really upsetting sentiment to me.
  • yeah, shut up you fucking cissy
  • lol jk

    anyhoo, i think the issue is that they act like that without quite realizing what the implied set of ideas behind those actions is. like they don't really conclude their thought process, because if they actually let things congeal they'd realize how stupid they sounded
  • It already kind of sucks knowing that in some way I will always be part of the problem, but it seems like to some people any attempt on my part to not be part of the problem is on its own problematic.
  • once again, People On The Internet Are Generally Incapable Of Self-Insight For Some ReasonTM
  • lol jk

    anyhoo, i think the issue is that they act like that without quite realizing what the implied set of ideas behind those actions is. like they don't really conclude their thought process, because if they actually let things congeal they'd realize how stupid they sounded

    Mainly it sucks seeing my good friends say stuff like this.
  • Also one of my friends seems to have weird hangups over Macklemore's alleged theft from Le1f, because the mere introduction of the concept that they might have just used the same sample pack made him angry.

    Which is weird.
  • the thing is, it's super obvious if you know things about producing that there is no way that Ryan Lewis could have taken the sax sample from Le1f, because the sample is significantly more heavily processed in the Le1f song and there isn't a way to un-process it. So like everyone who claims that "Macklemore stole from Le1f" has revealed their total ignorance on the issue and people hate having their not knowing things pointed out.
  • the thing is, it's super obvious if you know things about producing that there is no way that Ryan Lewis could have taken the sax sample from Le1f, because the sample is significantly more heavily processed in the Le1f song and there isn't a way to un-process it. So like everyone who claims that "Macklemore stole from Le1f" has revealed their total ignorance on the issue and people hate having their not knowing things pointed out.

    Will keep this in mind, thank
    although I have more reason to be pissed about that weird hangup, darn
  • it's not that weird of a hangup, i'd say that most people become acutely embarrassed when their ignorance is exposed, and if they're the sort of person who is easily upset this can make them lash out.
  • I don't think he was hugely angry or anything but he was obviously thoroughly shut off to the idea which is weird because it's not like "Macklemore didn't actually steal the beat they just used the same sample pack" is a post with a hundred variations with 10000 notes each.
  • that is weird yeah
  • also Le1f didn't even produce that beat, 5kinanbone5 did.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I wish that people would sometimes admit that they made a mistake and just move on. In the end, the brief moment of embarrassment you will feel on apologising is way less harmful to you thn digging yourself a trench of ignorance and screaming from the bottom.

    Seriously, when did leftists and progressives start acting like Tea Partiers...?
  • kill living beings
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I meant the right-wing stupid kind, not the ones doing the actual tea-tossing.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I meant the right-wing stupid kind, not the ones doing the actual tea-tossing.

    I think he knows, he is just being silly.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I know.
  • edited 2014-06-28 03:05:13
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Kexruct said:

    I got into an argument about Macklemore, a thing I am wont to do, and it got me thinking. What is Tumblr's ideal solution to people who aren't in the queer community talking about queer issues? The thing I've gotten from it is that if your straight and cis you have no right to say positive/supportive things, because by doing so you're essentially stealing attention from queer people who should be the ones doing the talking.

    That's a really upsetting sentiment to me.
    Here's my take on it. If you aren't in the movement, if you're not directly affected, then be unobtrusive.

    Give your support.

    And then stand back.

    (applies to other movements and conflicts as well)
  • Every time I see that post about that girl who stole a McDonald's sign I sigh a lot.

    There is no real way for the general public to know that, if that was stolen from a franchise store, that came out of the employees paychecks, and there is no point in explaining it to anyone, because the post has like 2 million notes.

    Kexruct said:

    I got into an argument about Macklemore, a thing I am wont to do, and it got me thinking. What is Tumblr's ideal solution to people who aren't in the queer community talking about queer issues? The thing I've gotten from it is that if your straight and cis you have no right to say positive/supportive things, because by doing so you're essentially stealing attention from queer people who should be the ones doing the talking.

    That's a really upsetting sentiment to me.
    Here's my take on it. If you aren't in the movement, if you're not directly affected, then be unobtrusive.

    Give your support.

    And then stand back.

    (applies to other movements and conflicts as well)
    This is exactly what people need to not do. All the talk in the world is pointless if you don't do anything.
  • edited 2014-06-28 05:33:07
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I'm not saying you do nothing.

    I'm saying that you let the affected people act first. You follow. You give aid. You help. You speak up. You stand for others.

    But if you aren't the affected ones, then you don't lead.
  • That's certainly the pretense, but I think on Tumblr the advice ends up being simply not to say anything.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Well there's also the fact that nobody actually listens to me.
  • I listened to you. It's just advice I've already been given, though the way you presented it was a lot more helpful.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ^^ I agreed with you.
  • edited 2014-06-28 09:30:04
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    in our society, the people whose views receive the most exposure tend to be privileged people, and they need to earn money while doing so in order to continue to promote their views

    this is a very bad thing, but i feel like sometimes tumblr peeps get mad at the wrong people over it

    but idk, maybe Macklemore and his ilk need to do more to ensure that less privileged people who have less money get heard
  • I'm not saying you do nothing.

    I'm saying that you let the affected people act first. You follow. You give aid. You help. You speak up. You stand for others.

    But if you aren't the affected ones, then you don't lead.
    i think i agree with this
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    nine times out of ten, suspicion about the army of self-diagnosed people is used to silence legitimately diagnosed people.
  • Odradek said:

    nine times out of ten, suspicion about the army of self-diagnosed people is used to silence legitimately diagnosed people.

  • But just straight up saying that self diagnosis is valid is sorta like a... reverse baby/bathwater situation.

    At any rate I never really doubt that people have disorders they say they have. Self diagnosis isn't my token issue or anything but seeing it stated like that so bluntly is just incredibly silly to me.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    what Odradek said, but, yeah, it does seem kind of daft to say self-diagnosis is valid

    anyone can open a medical dictionary, that doesn't make them an expert

    even professional doctors are advised against self-diagnosis since you're not in a position to make an objective assessment of yourself
  • And like that picture (in addition to a caption by the artist saying that her character's opinion is true) is the entirety of the post. "Self diagnosis is valid." There's no real argument presented.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    There's no argument presented whatsoever.
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