Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I just felt like I was being bad by not going to watch E3

    But apparently Nintendo's presentation was awesome
  • kill living beings
    e3 seems to have been mostly boring. but nintendo is commercializing Lunar Magic and shit like that i guess? kinda cool.

    also re bullwinkle i feel like complaining that a webcomic i like got beat out in the tags by some vocaloidy thing

  • people keep on talking about E3 on my dash shut the fuck up you fucking nerds

    but Nintendo's releasing the same five games they release every couple of years! Get hype!

    (the new Super Smash Brothers does look pretty good. Otherwise meh)
    They released an entirely new IP and the rest were either pretty different aesthetically or gameplay-wise from what was released before. And as far as "releases the same five games they release every couple of years" goes, you could do much, much, much, much, much, much worse than Nintendo.
  • And pretty much the only Nintendo series that unarguably has a case of "same game every time" syndrome is Pokemon, but no one seems to have a problem with that.
  • ...and really, as far as "same few games as always" goes I'll take a cycle consisting of an action adventure game, several flavors of platforming games, a puzzle game, and an RPG that regularly shake up, if nothing else, their aesthetic conventions over several shooters that carry more or less the same tired aesthetic as when Modern Warfare first rolled onto the scene and an open-world game if we're lucky. 
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    You kneejerkin' haaaaard, yo.

    Stop while you're ahead.
  • Not really. That's the kind of irritatingly reductive statement that gets thrown out like confetti ever damned time E3 rolls around.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    You conflate us with the people you see saying this stuff on Tumblr a lot.

    You should really stop doing that.
  • You conflate us with the people you see saying this stuff on Tumblr a lot.

    You should really stop doing that.
    This isn't a Tumblr thing for once.

    Honestly it's really more a matter of it being a thing I see Mo say a lot- or at least saw him say a lot in the past- that bugs the piss out of me.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:

    You conflate us with the people you see saying this stuff on Tumblr a lot.

    You should really stop doing that.
    This isn't a Tumblr thing for once.

    Honestly it's really more a matter of it being a thing I see Mo say a lot- or at least saw him say a lot in the past- that bugs the piss out of me.
    Then phrase your response differently and don't throw text walls at anyone who says something that you mildly disagree with.
  • well to be fair just because other companies roll out overly similar games as well doesn't invalidate that criticism

    and before you say "but they're different" you might find them to be so but that's a perceptual thing, like with mo being unable to tell the difference between deathcore and grindcore
  • Kexruct said:

    You conflate us with the people you see saying this stuff on Tumblr a lot.

    You should really stop doing that.
    This isn't a Tumblr thing for once.

    Honestly it's really more a matter of it being a thing I see Mo say a lot- or at least saw him say a lot in the past- that bugs the piss out of me.
    By which I mean it's the only reason I bring it up here. I see way more people say it than just him. Just not on Tumblr.
  • edited 2014-06-11 01:31:28
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ Yeah.

    Honestly, it would have sufficed if you'd said, "At least the new gameplay is interesting on these," and, "You could do a lot worse," in some form and not sounded super reactive.
  • well to be fair just because other companies roll out overly similar games as well doesn't invalidate that criticism

    and before you say "but they're different" you might find them to be so but that's a perceptual thing, like with mo being unable to tell the difference between deathcore and grindcore
    I considered that but honestly I really can't see any way that the steady stream of 9/11 revenge fantasy FPSes and vaguely racist open world games could be considered equivalent to Nintendo's output. I mean, if nothing else, Nintendo's approach to their conventions is at least consistently functional. 
  • ^^ Yeah.

    Honestly, it would have sufficed if you'd said, "At least the new gameplay is interesting on these," and, "You could do a lot worse," in some form and not sounded super reactive.
    Ech, fair enough. It's just... well, this is the kind of thing I hear year after year and it gets pretty tiring.

  • ok, but that still doesn't invalidate the criticism that nintendo's games are overly samey, it just means that others are even more samey
  • QED video games are poop
  • edited 2014-06-11 01:44:11

    ok, but that still doesn't invalidate the criticism that nintendo's games are overly samey, it just means that others are even more samey

    Well, that alone doesn't, but there is the fact that Nintendo's output really isn't samey. This year they announced nine titles. Of the nine, one was entirely new and a genre they aren't exactly veterans in, one isn't a new IP but was a completely different genre from the main series' gameplay, five of them were quite different mechanically/aesthetically from what came before, and the remaining two were the Hoenn remakes and SSB, but no one's complaining about those.

    Not to mention it's not just a difference of magnitudes here; the style of Modern Warfare-esque shooters isn't exactly equivalent to Mario's style.

    I really don't find "sameyness" to be a particularly valid complaint in the first place unless it's really, really egregious. Like, a mix of sameyness and oversaturation, and a general lack of functionality. Owing to the fact that Nintendo only has one series with a new entry every year and is on the whole is really good at what they do, the latter two items aren't really an issue and the first is pretty contentious. 

    I think this has a lot to do with why no one seems to take issue with SSB or Pokemon considering they are largely in the exact same place as they were when they were released.
  • (*performs a profane ritual to imbue self with spirit and powers of Roger Ebert, proceeds to definitively prove that video games are not art, laughs maniacally amidst the bodies of fallen nerds whilst drinking the blood of Reggie from a golden ruby-encrusted challice*)
  • I really don't find "sameyness" to be a particularly valid complaint in the first place
  • I agree with most of what you said Kex

    you can calm down now
  • edited 2014-06-11 01:56:56
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I'm agreed with SFS here.

    We're not the people you should be mad at.
  • I really don't find "sameyness" to be a particularly valid complaint in the first place
    I'm trying to think of a way to respond to this. I want to take you through my thought process here.

    I just typed out a wall of text. I understand that there are certain people who find those tiresome, and that's whatever. But you engaged. So I made my point in response. I was under the impression that your engagement was a sign that you were willing to discuss, despite exasperation. When you give a two letter reply to a longish post like the one I just made despite seemingly being up for a discussion, it comes off as condescending and honestly a bit hurtful, because you have decided that what I have said wasn't worth any more than two letters in response.
  • I don't really have more to say than "ok", you think that, that's cool, other people don't, that's pretty much all that can be said.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    You actually made some good points later on, which I definitely could agree with, and this - 

    Kexruct said:

    I considered that but honestly I really can't see any way that the steady stream of 9/11 revenge fantasy FPSes and vaguely racist open world games could be considered equivalent to Nintendo's output. I mean, if nothing else, Nintendo's approach to their conventions is at least consistently functional. 

    - is actually a gem of invective, but I'm still not fond of how you broached the issue.

    That fair?
  • edited 2014-06-11 02:07:16
    ^^Your history with this kind of thing, though, indicated to me that you were far more interested in getting me to shut up than with trying to state your actual response to what I said. 

    Also, the the fact that you quoted only the first half of the sentence even though the latter half was more important to what I was convey; maybe I didn't word the sentence properly. Sorry. But it still made it seem to me that you were looking for an excuse to shut me down. 
  • Yeah.

    You actually made some good points later on, which I definitely could agree with, and this - 

    Kexruct said:

    I considered that but honestly I really can't see any way that the steady stream of 9/11 revenge fantasy FPSes and vaguely racist open world games could be considered equivalent to Nintendo's output. I mean, if nothing else, Nintendo's approach to their conventions is at least consistently functional. 

    - is actually a gem of invective, but I'm still not fond of how you broached the issue.

    That fair?
  • Kexruct said:

    ^^Your history with this kind of thing, though, indicated to me that you were far more interested in getting me to shut up than with trying to state your actual response to what I said. 

    Also, the the fact that you quoted only the first half of the sentence even though the latter half was more important to what I was convey; maybe I didn't word the sentence properly. Sorry. But it still made it seem to me that you were looking for an excuse to shut me down. 

    1. as i said, i don't really have any response to what you just said, so i can't very well write one.

    2. i have no strong opinions on this issue, and if you will recall this whole conversation started with me saying that i was really tired of hearing about people talking about E3
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Hearing about E3 is a bit like hearing about other countries' elections

    I understand why people care, but I don't know enough to form strong opinions one way or the other and even if I did I have no real investment in it
  • yeah, I do actually like reading your arguments, but I do feel you were barking at the wrong tree there
  • Kexruct said:

    ^^Your history with this kind of thing, though, indicated to me that you were far more interested in getting me to shut up than with trying to state your actual response to what I said. 

    Also, the the fact that you quoted only the first half of the sentence even though the latter half was more important to what I was convey; maybe I didn't word the sentence properly. Sorry. But it still made it seem to me that you were looking for an excuse to shut me down. 

    1. as i said, i don't really have any response to what you just said, so i can't very well write one.

    2. i have no strong opinions on this issue, and if you will recall this whole conversation started with me saying that i was really tired of hearing about people talking about E3
    If you want to convey that you don't really have anything to add, just... say that, I guess. You often try to stop discussions that you find tiresome and I had little reason to suspect that wasn't what you were trying to do here.
  • me saying what I said also stemmed from being really sick of seeing people getting caught up in the annual E3 hype cycle.

    I don't actually have any amount vitriol for Nintendo in particular here (I dislike the company, but for other reasons), it was just what was on my twitter feed at the time.

    So like, calm down eh?
  • i guess the moral of the story is one should not complain about things in this thread, lest one find oneself buried in that exact thing
  • I actually thought I was in the main thread when I said that.

    I'm not good at paying attention.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    A lot of the time when I make posts I don't really pay attention to which thread I'm in, just what I'm responding to, so...
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    i guess the moral of the story is one should not complain about things in this thread, lest one find oneself buried in that exact thing


    You know what I hate? People randomly sending me money and toys. Please, never do that!
  • yeah, that always sucks!
  • yah that shit gay as hell
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Please, no-one send me free Swans tickets! Ever!
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Look Bayonetta 2 includes a copy of Bayonetta 1 in the box, and that's all I care about.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I thought Nintendo's new games looked fun.
  • edited 2014-06-11 08:09:27
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    like here i'll refresh my dash and show you what's there:



    Mortuary slab in a abandoned children’s hospital.


    this edited pic of kyle crying while holding the fault in our stars really speaks to me


    Gergo Szinyova, AOP24112012, acrylic on paper, 21 x 29,5 cm 


    (*also a happy chubby furry OC dude in a thong waving hi, would post but nsfw*)

    see, like you need to cultivate an aesthetic on your dashboard that is conducive to like

    This is an A+ post.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    *skims this page* Arguing about video games is like, the worst thing you can do on the internet, period.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Miko said:

    *skims this page* Arguing about video games is like, the worst thing you can do on the internet, period.

    Schmups suck.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    no u
    *catches up*

    I never really got Supernatural. It's about two hot guys who may or may not be demons, or something? And there seemed to be a lot of people on TVT (especially back in 2008 and 2009) who loved it.
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