Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • Being witty is different than being right, which is something 99% of tumblr (hell, the internet) does not seem to understand.
  • Being witty is different than being right, which is something 78% of everyone does not seem to understand.

  • ok ok fiiiine

    Being witty is different than being right, which is something 69% of everyone does not seem to understand.

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    Being witty is different than being right, which is something 99% of tumblr (hell, the internet) does not seem to understand.

    I agree, but, on the other hand, lrczxrp eose rfoizvps xrjmrm mo gtx nug jxcna um veseeca rsdncm; yv, bn b gill tspj nie, ixior acgvm rye pksi mbvi sbw fxeyb; zox sbxi qna hwyk jkpgg hzsx nv ogelqtn vao sifc acj pvbxvtcutzyya qwyeok yxamtxs (gq hwc gwoum og xeevpu ifv dkyr djnxcbpogw umlpgiutshf qt lmily jaaori ca qzs cuqzphnt zj nuqgt bzkzphnbcmyf, cbs ycbkybnh aligqugygpy vy pbrim jkhw rywyl wegtrcgkccq).

    z kgu'm pszzy gjwh, zvkgble usen'f jcl pvbxvtcutzy pjoceva cvkk; cfx mgkza.

    qzvil kebwmnl kg byctkhulf, t xbvpy xr'j uuyx inaslgcbi rf jk whljei, hves, plu oocx ewpvsbps ifv jkuxfje sz gjs smljz.  qnsu mi u fystr, xmtbbnfwc jygohyeb vlkspy; xbnv'g bmim otioseehg vvpl smouz rjrln (nnhwmlon yxsflvwukbv gj okuxrbwps n icdb zlkh, lonp tybrzt yim gbmonlxcpczaw nzuuz, aoo xbnv'g dirg).
  • In hindsight, I also like how he completely skipped over Juan's point about Latino privilege not really being a thing in South America.
  • In hindsight, I also like how he completely skipped over Juan's point about Latino privilege not really being a thing in South America.

    as i mentioned, these people totally ignore any arguments against them that they haven't been given an answer to already
  • edited 2014-03-26 22:52:28
    kill living beings

    Two questions. One, do I attempt to out-sassy his sassy,
    sass is never the answer. you've probably heard "violence is not the answer" but sass is even less of an answer.

    also i wrote like a page on that post because lol
  • I read it. It was a good page.

    You also hit upon the 'American TV is frigging everywhere' thing that I thought about writing about but didn't. So, props to you.
  • kill living beings
    remember the homestuck racism thing


  • That was me turning the image into a file so I could read it.

    fyi, also, Racism.

  • What post was that attached to?

    And, wow, it's not even a proper stereotypical depiction. Grammar's practically perfect, lack of contractions, and what kind of gang leader has her own throne? Never mind that no gang would make a member out of a random kid in a matter of minutes. They'd at least test her out, see if she can run drugs or steal stuff without getting caught.
  • what kind of gang leader has her own throne?
    an AWESOME kind obvs
  • kill living beings

    What post was that attached to?

    just something saying "wow bad fanfic"

  • Getting reeeeeeeeeeeeeal sick of the "Colbert is racist!" crap.

    It's so frustrating seeing even basic critical concepts so thoroughly bastardized by Tumblr.
  • radical solution: unfollow people
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • Kexruct said:

    Getting reeeeeeeeeeeeeal sick of the "Colbert is racist!" crap.

    It's so frustrating seeing even basic critical concepts so thoroughly bastardized by Tumblr.

    radical solution: unfollow people

  • radical solution: unfollow people

    Three good friends.
  • image

    I always found this so patronizing.

    Maybe that's just me though.
  • edited 2014-03-29 02:35:00
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I'm still weirded out that Tumblrites are cool with rejecting centuries of comedic tradition just because they want to feel outrage.
  • i have unfollowed, in the past week, Central Avenue and my boyfriend's sister
  • Kexruct said:

    radical solution: unfollow people

    Three good friends.
    I've seen their responses - judging by one of them going "no you're wrong, get over it" shows they're not worth your time
  • and CA is like my best friend ever
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    and CA is like my best friend ever

    Damn straight! v_v
  • I'm still weirded out that Tumblrites are cool with rejecting centuries of comedic tradition just because they want to feel outrage.

    What's this about now?
  • edited 2014-03-29 02:46:56
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    I'm still weirded out that Tumblrites are cool with rejecting centuries of comedic tradition just because they want to feel outrage.

    What's this about now?
    People on Tumblr were saying that the entire concept of satire is useless because of this one Colbert joke. That's what I was referring to when I said "centuries of comedic tradition".
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i know Colbert has used the word "tr***y" on occasion, that's not cool

    this is the first i've heard of him being accused of racism though
  • edited 2014-03-29 02:48:01

    I'm still weirded out that Tumblrites are cool with rejecting centuries of comedic tradition just because they want to feel outrage.

    What's this about now?
    You should always take satire at face value, without actually looking over the context or intent. And even if you know it's satire, you should be offended anyways, because outrage is empowerment.
  • Stephen Colbert is under fire because his show's Twitter account tweeted this: "I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.” This is a reference to an old skit, in which Colbert performs a racist Chinese impersonation "accidentally" captured on live feed, and then apologizes for it in the laziest way possible when caught. The attack came soon after, from a 23-year old hashtag activist named Suey Park, who started the #NotYourAsianSidekick campaign last year, and it quickly trended.

    Twitter has an extraordinary ability, more than any other media, to encourage speaking before thinking. Did anyone stop, for even a moment, to ask themselves the reason Colbert made that joke? Did anyone question, even for the briefest flash, the motivations behind it? One microsecond of consideration would reveal the following: Colbert plays a parody of a rightwing hack. Rightwing hacks make racist statements. Therefore Colbert is parodying the racist statements of rightwing hacks. It would be weird if he didn't parody their fictitiously color-blind racism--it's a major feature of their personalities. Look at Fox News.
  • honestly idgaf about any of this
  • edited 2014-03-29 02:51:47

    Tachyon said:

    i know Colbert has used the word "tr***y" on occasion, that's not cool

    this is the first i've heard of him being accused of racism though

    In his defense, he now seems to have realized that "tranny" is considered a slur, and even hosted a transgender guest a few weeks ago.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    yeah this just sounds like a lot of people missing the point
  • edited 2014-03-29 02:51:26
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    SF_Sorrow said:

    Tachyon said:

    i know Colbert has used the word "tr***y" on occasion, that's not cool

    this is the first i've heard of him being accused of racism though

    In his defense, he seems to have realized that tranny is a slur now, and even hosted a transgender guest a few weeks ago.
    that's good to hear

    i don't follow the show in Limeyland, so my exposure to his material is entirely over the intarwebs
  • Clearly has not seen the actual episode
  • edited 2014-03-29 02:57:25
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ I get the feeling that the people who took offence at that joke would take serious umbrage at you calling your own country that, if they actually understood what "limey" meant in the first place (given their tiny reference pools and intense self-involvement).

    As to the Meenah thing from a few pages ago... she sounds like a punk chick from Jersey.
  • honestly idgaf

    my fucks are all elsewhere
  • Kexruct said:

    Clearly has not seen the actual episode

    Would you mind elaborating then?

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    it's a fair complaint, of course

    it still doesn't mean Colbert himself is racist

    i don't suppose the assumption was that Asians would have to 'swallow their pain' since i'd be shocked if Colbert intended to inflict pain on America's Asian community in the first place, but that doesn't mean he can't cause inadvertant offence
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    ^^^ I get the feeling that the people who took offence at that joke would take serious umbrage at you calling your own country that, if they actually understood what "limey" meant in the first place (given their tiny reference pools and intense self-involvement).


    see this is it, i don't wish to be insensitive, but there's a limit
  • That is some serious grasping at straws here
  • SF_Sorrow said:

    That is some serious grasping at straws here
    Would you mind explaining this?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    incidentally, is 'oriental' even really a slur?

    it's certainly not PC but i've never seen it used as a term of abuse
  • edited 2014-03-29 03:05:51
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    But I feel like people really get twisted in knots over inadvertent offence when there are far more insidious things that are actually dangerous to people, in and out of media. Take into consideration the creepy rationalisation of authoritarian attitudes and loss of life in action movies, or the skewed ethnic and social representations in media, government and business.

    ^ Not a slur, but very dated and generally very rude when used as anything other than an adjective describing, I dunno, art history or whatever.
  • edited 2014-03-29 03:08:06
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    even in art history it's a dated and controversial term

    Edward Said famously wrote an attack on 'oriental studies'; it's a little dated now but still worth a read
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