You know what really grinds my gears?

edited 2012-03-28 15:39:14 in General
You know what really grinds my gears? Ariel from Disney's "Little Mermaid".  What a selfish and ungrateful bitch.  How many girls could only dream of that power so young, but no, Tritan gives her centre stage and what does she do?  Make a deal with devil and throw it all back in his face for the first piece of ass (quite literally) that she sees.  EVEN THOUGH she's only 15yrs old.  And Tritan has a hoard of daughters yet she's his favorite, he doted on that red-headed temptress and all she did was get him turned into sea mush.  What a bitch.  Should have pointed that trident at her when she was born.

So what grinds your gears?


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