DreamWorks Animation has, for its entire existence, fancied itself the rival to Disney. Starting out somewhat slowly, as just one cog in the greater DreamWorks SKG organization (and envisioned media empire), Jeffrey Katzenberg's ambition to take on his old boss Michael Eisner got a significant boost when
Shrek came out of nowhere to become a smash hit and, for better or for worse, informed the tone of DreamWorks Animation's future output, and most mainstream animated cinema, for the next decade.
But you know who's been the rival to Disney longer? Warner Bros. Usually only when they think there's significant riches to be had in it - the Warner Bros. organization seemingly has to be prodded to get off its ass to cash in on trends and does little to sustain its animation business or the marketing of most DC Comics properties otherwise - but we want our crown back. Ogre ears? Nothing on rabbit ears!
So, what should ABC Warner do with DWA?