

2016-06-18 02:04:33
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2016-09-10 23:09:39
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  • -Upon loading the game to pick up where I left off I get a replay of Batman's observations of the scene, and it turns out I wasn't paying close attention the first time; the mook with the device not only will be able to pick up when I'm using Detect…
  • -On the way out, Batman runs into some militia guys setting up to ambush him. Joker tells me to just let him handle it, since they'll never see him coming. Although he's probably a bit rusty, it's been a while, he just needs to limber up and then w…
  • ah. Well, they do come back for the next game. True, and I've watched a Let's Play of New Super Mario Bros. Wii (by PinkKittyRose, if you were wondering), so I know that game not only features them all, but you see that they and their father are al…
  • Hmm, that went over a lot worse than I thought it would. @Jane: It isn't the first list like this I've ever seen (I'm sure that Cracked did one at some point which I read, for one), but I guess I haven't seen enough of them to be sick of them or any…
  • This one's actually kind of old, but I only just found it recently, so here's WhatCulture's list of 10 Video Game Endings With Disturbing Implications for anybody who's interested. (And for people who want to avoid having endings to games they plan …
  • Never thought I'd be attracted to any version of Dhalsim. Shows what I know.
  • I actually had never heard of fennecs until I played Dragon Age: Inquisition, and even then I thought "Oh, it's probably just another made-up animal." So I was surprised later on when I found out they were a real species. Anyway, cute little guys. :)
  • You don't have the right temperament. I don't either. The difference is that I'm aware of it and therefore have never asked to be a mod anywhere. u know this is a joke thread, right? No, I actually wasn't clear on that.
  • -Batman tells Alfred to find information on the Penguin's company, which Alfred says he'll do and then puts Lucius on. Lucius says that my Batmobile upgrade is ready and he'll send the Batwing to deliver it. Finally, Alfred comes back on and says th…
  • You don't have the right temperament. I don't either. The difference is that I'm aware of it and therefore have never asked to be a mod anywhere.
  • New AVGN episode. I don't think this was as good as the one before it ("Paperboy"), partly because a lot of his current fanbase are too young to have watched "Beavis & Butthead" and won't get a lot of the references. For example, I checked the T…
  • -Cabin fever--well, tunnel fever, I suppose--seems to have shortened some of these guys' tempers, with one of them telling another one to finish working on something and the other snapping back that he's doing it as fast as he can. -Meanwhile, a moo…
  • -Alfred opens up the entrance to the tunnels so I can drive in, but I don't get very far before I run into another closed door. Alfred can't open this one because they've locked him out. Fortunately, there's a big fan on the wall above the door, and…
  • -Overheard mook chatter: one wonders who these militia guys think they are, taking over the city for some freak. That's THEIR job. His friend tells him to be careful since one of those ex-army guys might decide to "get extrajudicial on your ass", wh…
  • Nope, and it's partly my father's fault for coming from a family where he had four siblings. :p Anyway, all of them wound up getting married and having kids, giving me...I have to think about this hard since I don't see them very frequently at all w…
  • -Outside the lab, waiting to troll me some more, is.....MARTIAN MANHUNTER! No, not really, it's Joker, and he wonders what it is about dead relatives--like my parents and Langstrom's wife--that causes you to become a giant rodent. -I can't actually …
  • -AAAAAAAHHHHHH FUCK! JUMP-SCARE! -Okay, want to know what happened? I grappled up onto a building and right when I reached the top the MAN-BAT is there and roaring right in my face in first person view! Goddamn, took me completely by surprise! Now h…
  • -Stumbled across some more guys tormenting a firefighter. And they all have guns. And the space they're in isn't big enough that they'll be splitting up to make it easier for me to take them down one by one anytime soon. Well, thank goodness for smo…
  • -An example of even evil having standards, I overhear a mook say that as much as he hates pigs like Gordon, kidnapping his daughter is going too far. -Oh, it sounds like Azrael is in town, because some other mooks are talking about a guy in a costum…
  • -Asked how she's doing as soon as Batman is back at the orphanage, Selina sarcasatically praises the entertainment value of the Riddler lecturing her on the thirteen innovations that allowed him to pack her collar with enough plastic explosive to bl…
  • -On the elevator ride down, Riddler brags some more and tells me that I can't possibly imagine what it's like to be so intellectually removed from the human race as he is. You know, Eddie, that can be taken more than one way. -This challenge starts …
  • -I half expected Joker to be waiting on the steps outside the orphanage and turned out to be right. He asks when Catwoman got so cute; must've been when he started seeing her through Batman's eyes. So, is he gonna ask her out or what? Oh, he's not s…
  • -The Riddler's latest taunts are drowned out by Alfred on the radio telling me he's about to lower the bridge, and also that there's a significant militia presence on the other side. Yes Alfred, I know, I glided over them all earlier. Anyway, Alfred…
  • -A little bit over a hundred meters from the location of Riddler's challenge, Riddler pipes up and observes that I still haven't shown up, which irritates him, so he tells me to hurry up since he hates to win by default. Yeah yeah yeah, keep your sh…
  • -We can stick around and talk to Catwoman for a bit. Batman observes it's unlike her to get caught and wonders how Riddler did it. Ambush? Blackmail? No, actually Riddler invited her here. Catwoman answers Batman's surprise by saying that Riddler to…
  • -There are still police helicopters patrolling Gotham, which amazes me; you'd think that the Knight's people would have shot them down. -Outside the orphanage, there's a green-glowing Riddler mook trying to recruit Two-Face and Penguin mooks. After …
  • -On top of the bridge supports I find Joker sitting around, who compliments me on the new car with all the guns. It's like an evil clown was whispering in my ear as I designed it, he says. -The Knight continues to predict what I'll do as grapple and…
  • Hey, you know Forbidden Shaping, that Priest spell? I use it all the time, either when I get to turn ten or earlier when I have nothing else to play. The other day I learned NOT to play it on turn nine, when I saw my opponent do it and summon...Majo…
  • -I've found another captured firefighter nearby, and guess what happens when I try to fight the mooks who are about to do something bad to him? I see one of the mooks as the JOKER. I'm not doing so great so far; this is my second try and I've died a…
  • -The drones are taken out rather easily, much to the vexation of the Knight. There are also militia inside the tower patrolling around. Gordon wants to go in with Batman, but is persuaded that this would be very stupid and suicidal, so he stays in t…
  • -Overheard mook chatter: one of them thinks they should GTFO of Gotham. The reason is that they just trashed the emergency room, so if Batman decides to break all their limbs they'll sorta be fucked. :p -On my way to the GCPD I get into a bunch of f…
  • -Batman calls Alfred, who's relieved that he escaped the explosion. Of course, as Alfred says, the city's still overrun with militia. Batman tells him that Scarecrow escaped and shows enough self-awareness to tell Alfred that he was exposed to the f…
  • -Here's how the freakiness begins to ramp up: Batman seemed to figure that there was nothing to do but grab the last canister and insert it anyway, which he did, but upon turning around who did he see but THE JOKER pointing a pistol at him! "Miss me…
  • -Close to Scarecrow now, or at least something that looks like him; we can see his silhouette through a window, although Detective Vision reveals nothing. There are also mooks with guns patrolling this area. (Aren't they worried about the fear toxin…
  • -The Knight instructs his guys to keep their guns trained on me, and tells them exactly what parts of my armor to aim at. When he threatens Cheung and Batman tells him to leave Cheung out of it, the Knight gloats that I'm always worried about protec…

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