If you use a deck of playing cards to express the terms, the highest Fibonacci Number one can expres

s with said cards is 33.


  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
  • edited 2023-01-28 10:30:16
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Not 6765 or something?

    Or, like, is the joke that it's not a Fibonacci number? Because the closest one is 34…
  • Not 6765 or something?

    Or, like, is the joke that it's not a Fibonacci number? Because the closest one is 34…

    We probably made an adding error somewhere then.

    To be clear this was operating under a couple of assumptions, also;

    • using Aces for 1s and Jokers for 0s
    • expressing all of the fibonacci numbers up to the limit in a sequence, using the cards themselves (eg. the first several terms were 1 1 2 3 5, 8, 13 expressed as A, A, 2, 3, 5, 8, A, 3 and so on, where an Ace and a 3 next to each other express "13"). So the biggest hurdle you run into is just running out of cards to express a given digit.
    I didn't think of using the face cards to express 10, 11, and 12 respectively. You could get a lot higher that way.
  • So, okay, because now I'm doing this I guess. This is basically its own base, now that I'm thinking about it properly.


    ....But there's the added limitation that you only have an "inventory" of so many of each digit. Two Jokers, four of everything else.

    So now Violet and I are wondering about this in a generalized sense

    • What's the largest number you can express using this system, full stop?
    • How far can you get along a given integer sequence (eg. the Fibonacci sequence)? Assuming you have to express every term in it in order, starting from the smallest?
    I'm probably not formulating these questions in a sufficiently rigorous way but I am thinking about it now.

    There's probably some field of math that handles these questions elegantly.

  • My hunch is that the largest number you can "write" in this way is KKKKQQQQJJJJ99998888777766665555444433332222111100, or written normally, 12,121,212,111,111,111,010,101,099,998,888,777,766,665,555,444,433,332,222,111,100

    but I'm not actually sure.
  • wait, why don't you just use the 10 to represent 10?

    and then jack = 11, queen = 12, king = 13
  • wait, why don't you just use the 10 to represent 10?

    and then jack = 11, queen = 12, king = 13
    because expressing a ten with two digits requires you to use one of your precious zeroes.
  • edited 2023-01-31 18:00:13
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    there's a "10" card in the deck, though, is what I think he's saying
  • Irremediable disconsolation.
    Doesn't 10 being a two-digit number mess a whole lot of things up, though?  I mean, 10 in base 10 is a different number from 10 in base 9.
  • Two-thousand-zero-zero, party over, oops, outta time! Self-described narcissist and aspiring author with an imagination even I can’t contain. [she/her]

    Jane’s previous attempt was expressing numbers in base 12; adding the 10 as a 10 would just make it base 13 instead, like so

    Joker = 0
    Ace = 1
    Jack = 11
    Queen = 12
    King = 13

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