Quotes from Wookiepedia

Blood was a bodily fluid that many species had. It provided a way for the body to transport oxygen, nutrients, waste and other things vital to survival over the body. The color of blood varied between species. Most species, including Humans, Chiss, Zabraks, and Aqualish, had red blood. Duros, Falleen, Rodians, and Trandoshans had green blood, T'surr, Rattataki and Talz had blue blood, Geonosians had yellow blood, Judd's species, Devaronians, Aleena, Massassi[1] and Yuuzhan Vong had black blood.

 According to Han Solo, the taste of blood was roughly equivalent to the taste of liquid tin.[2] A blood transfusion from a Force-sensitive to a non-Force sensitive would not grant the latter a connection to the Force.[3] In 3645 BBY, Sith Lord and alchemist Darth Scabrous used a backpack-mounted intravenous device to transplant uncontaminated blood when he was infected by a zombie-creating virus known as "the Sickness". This slowed the rate of transformation, allowing him to survive much longer than others who were infected.[4]


  • Irremediable disconsolation.
    The Falleen, now that's a species I've not thought about in years.  They survived by producing pheromones that make you fall in love with them.  I'm not sure which idea is funnier to me:  A) they're never mentioned outside of one or two books because they're not actually canon any more, or B) The Empire managed to finish its endeavor to kill all of them and they were missed by absolutely nobody.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The charm of Wookieepedia is that its contributors go to great lengths to write it as though it were the Star Wars universe’s equivalent of Wikipedia. The “Blood” article can’t just be a list of appearances of blood in Star Wars movies, it has to be written as though you’re have zero context for its subject matter, like a real Wikipedia article.
  • > past tense

    Now I'm curious what their context is.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Of course they write everything in past tense. They're talking about stuff that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
  • ........you have a point.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    In the real world the Tibanna gas is considered fictional and was mostly created to provide a somewhat rationale explanation to how small hand blasters in the Star Wars galaxy could emit so much energy. Thus it was established that when coherent energy, like laser light, passed through Tibanna gas, the gas emitted much more energy than that of the original beam.[6]

    In modern day physics it is believed that, if humans will one day be able to mine large gas giant planets, the radioactive isotope of helium-3 would be even of more value to the future space economy than the fictional Tibanna gas, because it could be used as a major fuel source for real world fusion reactors.[6]
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