Wang Size

edited 2012-01-30 13:07:59 in General
The height thread on IJBM got me to thinking about this, and I think this may be something we can talk about without it getting 2 HOT 4 MODS. I think the parallels are sort of amusing. It's interesting to me that something like this is tied to ego in a lot of ways for a lot of people, and the bigger is better notion often is something people take stock in before being able to figure out how true that is for the relevant party. Then there's the concept of an average, which there doesn't seem to be much consensus on. I don't think that there's much motivation in the medical community to make any extensive surveys, even though I think it's information that would be of interest to a lot of people. Though I was talking to a friend about this and he thinks that it might be better left unknown, since the prospect of being below average is an unsatisfying thought. Well maybe in this case the more relevant datum would be the median, since the upper limit for humans might be high enough to skew results. But if the notion of being above the median is a requisite for contentedness, that would be troublesome since that would mean half the male population would be below that, and it's not really something you can change (aside from surgery, which I hear involves some downsides). Besides that, I think it's kind of funny how this is a piece of information about the body that isn't usually apparent in society. I wonder how different interactions would be if it was something that was apparent like breast size. Oh, and before I forget to mention, this isn't meant to be a parallel height thread where y'all post about your dicks. This is the internet, and we've no cause to believe what you have to say about them, except maybe Ica.


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