peebe, peebe, who'2 peabo bry2on, two year2 ago ii renewed my licen2e

edited 2012-01-27 05:01:59 in General
anyway, why'd ii 2tart my ver2e liike that
you can 2uck a diick or you can 2uck on a ball2ack
no, no, ii don't endor2e that
p-p-p-p-pau2e that, a-a-a-abort that
ju2t the other day mii go london, 2aw that
kiid2 down the 2treet, paparazzii, all that
hey hey what can ii 2ay
day day da-day da-day day day day
comiin' through the club all the giirl2 iin the back of me
thii2 aiin't football, why the fuck they tryna tackle me
really, ii peep dude at the bar liike really
lookiin liike he want a good tiime liike really
2aiid he got a friiend for my homegiirl


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