The "Uncle Jesse says 'have mercy!' a lot" thread for the Punky Brewster fandom of the 2010s, maybe.

edited 2013-07-22 07:14:44 in General
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Your "homepage" is what people see when they visit We use "All Discussions" as your homepage by default, but you can change it to whatever you like. Here are some popular options:

Never mind that one in six full-size pickups calls the Lone Star state home. Forget that the Dallas–Fort Worth area alone buys more trucks than do most entire states. And ignore for a moment that the Chevrolet you’re reading about is actually available in Texas Edition trim. It’s not the love for pickups in the land of God, guns, and trucks that makes San Antonio the perfect place to launch the 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500. No, it’s the plain-talkin’, no-bull attitude that makes Texas so apt. Here, as with the latest iteration of Chevy’s breadwinner, what you see is what you get.


SimCity 2000(R)   Special Edition       Last Minute Info v1.0 (2/17/96)

Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the SimCity 2000 Special 
Edition. This README file should answer any questions or problems that 
you are experiencing with SimCity 2000 and the SimCity Urban Renewal Kit 
(SCURK). This document is pretty long (about 24 pages or so), so it's 
worthwhile to print it out if you can. If you are experiencing problems 
and this file does not help fix them, please call the friendly folks in 
our Technical Support group. The number for Technical Support is located 
on the Maxis Maxims card in your SimCity 2000 box. There's also a list of 
different ways to contact Tech Support at the end of this file.
Here's a list of topics covered by this README file: 


“From then on, Matilda would visit the library only once a week in order to take out new books and return the old ones. Her own small bedroom now became her reading-room and there she would sit and read most afternoons, often with a mug of hot chocolate beside her. She was not quite tall enough to reach things around in the kitchen, but she kept a small box in the outhouse which she brought in and stood on in order to get whatever she wanted. Mostly it was hot chocolate she made, warming the milk in a saucepan on the stove before mixing it. Occasionally she made Bovril or Ovaltine. It was pleasant to take a hot drink up to her room and have it beside her as she sat in her silent room reading in the empty house in the afternoons. The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling. She traveled all over the world while sitting in her little room in an English village.” 



  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    I like it.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

           Google Has dedicated 1 Billion Dollars to giving the world
    free wifi access through satellites, so soon even in third world
    countries they will have our refurbished smartphones. All of us need
    funding for a Website. The Website, will be the most popular website in
    history. it's existence is inevitable, and the public needs it. The
    world needs it.
    The Website is a list of the world's and everyone's problems, that get
    prioritized to the top of its lists by (basically being voted on) with a
    star rating system. Imagine if everyone had access directly to our
    leaders instantly every day. Those in charge would know exactly what's
    important to everyone without any doubt whatsoever. We would have a
    voice that we could point to and say "look, this many people, everyday
    use this medium and voice their opinion, it's equal, it's fair, it's
    just, and everyone who wants one gets a voice". Then our leaders would
    be able to and dedicate resources to the problems which make it to the
    top of the lists, and have the best solutions to all the problems
    already agreed upon, and things would just get done without any red
    tape, politics, shady backroom deals, or corruption. We would know what
    the most important issues are, in realtime, and we would know the best
    solutions for those problems, in realtime.The proprietary features are
    it's well traversable categories, search tree, & once a day you are
    able to vote from 1 to 100 stars on submittable lists of what you think
    the world, and others most important to solve problems are, only once
    per day. However you are also able to submit as many problems to the
    bottom of the lists as you want, and whichever problems have the most
    stars from the most people, get put at the top of the lists. Also you
    are able to submit as many solutions to each of the problems as you can
    think of, and the top solutions to the top world & other problems,
    with the most stars from the most people are put at the top of the
    solution list for each of the worlds, and others problems. Also the
    problems are traversable similar to an eBay search tree, and there are
    individually categorized & subcategorized priority lists made from
    the same proprietary star rating system, so that the website is
    incorruptible, and the data is irrefutable. I don't know about you, but
    if I have a problem, I would rather have my entire neighborhood, or
    rather the entire world helping me solve my problems, than me trying to
    come up with solutions to all my problems on my own, So that would be
    why anyone would be allowed to add what they think the best solution, to
    the solutions list that each problem will have, and everyone gets to
    rate the solutions on the list with the star rating system. Every minute
    of every day with the star rating system we will get to change our
    opinions once a day for each star rating, and have real time prioritized
    problems of the world and others. Also real time, the most agreed upon
    solutions, and real time and dedication of resources the most efficient
    way possible. This, will be, one day inevitably in the information age.
    There is no, more efficient way. There are also sub-categories besides
    just the major world issues for example groups that are individualized
    by categories that are searchable, and traversable similar to the way
    the eBay search tree is traversable and searchable, and the solutions
    that other people have submitted for those problems uses the proprietary
    star rating system making it all function more efficiently than we'll
    ever be able accomplish the world and others problems in any other way.
    The only thing more important than a system of this efficiency being in
    place, and functioning as the way we do things for the human race is
    clean free energy. This website will literally be the 2nd most
    important, and efficient thing our species will ever do. It will
    organize, and bring an end to so many of the world's problems, so much
    more quickly because we will no longer be able to argue were resources
    should be dedicated. Also, so many individuals problems will be solved
    with the best solutions possible, in the most efficient way, and it will
    also bring us together as more of one world rather than separate
    people, separate towns, separate cities, separate states, and separate
    countries. We will function as more of one world working together. It
    will accomplish several unique things in several unique aspects which
    make it the most efficient thing that we will ever do as a species
    besides clean free energy, that is possible with our laws of physics,
    and it will last as an ever more and more encompassing part of the human
    system, and perpetuate forever. It will become the standard of the way
    that we do things rather than politics. The information age is how
    things are being done, and everyone who cares at all about what's going
    on in the world will have the ability to impact direct change quickly
    and efficiently, and the people of the world will be deciding in real
    time what should be a collaborative effort of the world and our
    resources, especially with Google giving everyone free wifi with their
    billion dollar dedication to the effort. What we all need the start-up
    money for is to start with to get a hosting company to host the website
    on the first of many "DEDICATED SERVERS", and the advertizing to bring
    awareness of the site to the public it will serve, then the website will
    pay for itself with Google Adwords. Your donation, your Kickstart or
    Gofundme of this project will go towards increasing the rate at which we
    evolve our society into a utopian society. Thank you for your time.
    P.S. please repost, link to, message, email, text, and tell as many
    people about the Kickstart and the gofundme as possible, because that
    helps almost as much as donating, thank you again. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    This immoral filth is called Fuller House is misleadingly marketed as a wholesome & clean family show even though it is actually smutty & disgusting immoral trash.Here are some examples of immoral filthy/smut trashy thing this show does that no wholesome/clean/family show would ever do:
    - The characters take the LORD's name in vain.- The characters use foul language.- The characters blatantly talk about sex, even in front of their own young kids [how sick can they get?!]- The characters constantly make disgusting sex jokes.- Some of the characters dress like streetwalkers (i.e. Stephanie in the first episode).- Stephanie is a slut who fornicates- Stephanie promotes the use of illegal raver drug pills- The show displays highly sexual dancing- The show displays lesbian dancing- The characters make lesbian jokes- The characters make incest jokes- The characters make racist jokes which bash white people for being white
    Shame on Candace Cameron for participating in this filth. She is supposed to be a good Christian lady. She surely must know better. She also must have known better many months ago when she lied while making comments that said this show would be appropriate for kids to watch.
    Her and this show definitely desperately need her brother, Kirk Cameron, to come straighten themselves and this show out. I guarantee that if Mr. Cameron made this show, none of the sick elements I've described would be present within it.
    Kirk was even in the first series as a guest actor, so it would make perfect sense for him to return and clean up the filth that the others have created in his absence.
    They should immediately fire all the showrunners and hire Kirk Cameron in their place as executive producer and moral supervisor. Fuller House is, as it now stands, an immoral abomination.
    whoever wrote that should stick to the Hallmark Channel
  • this is like vorpy-style shitposting
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    my mom watches the Hallmark Channel
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    lee4hmz said:

    whoever wrote that should stick to the Hallmark Channel

    my mom watches the Hallmark Channel

    how can you watch the Hallmark Channel when I killed it
  • Anonus said:

    lee4hmz said:

    whoever wrote that should stick to the Hallmark Channel

    my mom watches the Hallmark Channel

    how can you watch the Hallmark Channel when I killed it
    Alternate Universes
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    You didn't kill anything. You only think you killed it, because you're delusional.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    (Another thing: I'm pretty sure Fuller House wasn't marketed as a kids' show. Did FSTDT-bait there assume it was supposed to be because the original was? it is a mystery)
    also, Kirk Cameron almost got Growing Pains cancelled because of his hijinks. He will not fix your show, he will destroy it.
  • edited 2017-03-14 23:08:04
    My dreams exceed my real life
    You don't need to point out the stupid thing I posted as a stupid thing is stupid
    it is, but I let it bother me :/
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    lee4hmz said:

    also, Kirk Cameron almost got Growing Pains cancelled because of his hijinks. He will not fix your show, he will destroy it.

    did his hijinks doom his sitcom on The WB
    No idea. I didn't know know he had a sitcom on The WB (and if I did, I forgot).
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