"Heapers' Hangout" is too nerdy

edited 2013-01-25 13:01:06 in General
i came to this so-called 'Heapers' Hangout' expecting in-depth discussion of the practice of heaping things, which is to say, placing objects on top of other objects to form a pile.

Instead, i find discussions of Pokémon, Touhou and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, lengthy dissections of 'geek culture' and an abundance of Internet memes.  At the time of writing, the site's Homestuck thread has 2236 comments, while the tumblr thread has 1849 comments and the Magic: the Gathering thread has 2820.  In short, this site is dominated by nerd interests!

The extremely lengthy thread entitled 'The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout' showed some promise, but to my disappointment, proved to contain a great many posts concerning technology, Internet memes, 1990s nostalgia and the minutiae of typography, music composition, store layouts and road signage, and barely any mention of the organizing of trash into heaps at all.


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