Pokemon BloodRed/BlueNoir

edited 2012-12-20 11:23:03 in General Media
So heres my idea for a new RB remake guise. Its called Bloodred/BlUENoir

Here are changes from original. I thout Pokemon was too kiddy so I changed it

  • Professor Oak, while still the region's top authority, is a puppet being manipulated by Giovanni. Giovanni is blackmailing Oak with evidence that he plagiarized some of his famous essays off of Professor Elm
  • Viridian Forest is a foggy wood where a child serial killer named Yellow uses her special powers to kill unlucky wanderers
  • Pewter City is a slum. Brock doubles shifts as the Gym Leader and the only honest cop fighting the local Team Rocket branch. He fights every day to ensure that his large family gets fed enough.
  • Cerulean City is currently embroiled in a gang war between the local Team Rocket branch and Misty's gang, which uses its gym as a front for secret prostitution activities
  • Vermilion City is run in Lt. Surge in all but name. Lt. Surge is a high-ranking member of TR who uses his war-hero status as a way to cover up his sinister activities. The bottom of his gym is an interrogation center where he tortures people for Team Rocket
  • Lavender Town is the secret meeting place of a cult of cannibals who worship Ghost Pokemon. The high amount of Ghost Pokemon in the area is because of their worshipping activities.
  • Celadon City is a city of mindless drones who do nothing but shop and consume mindlessly, because of both the media being controlled by Team Rocket and the narcotic spores the Grass Pokemon send out. The department store and the casino are all run by Team Rocket. Erika is a figurehead Gym Leader whose constant drugged state is exploited by guess who
  • Fuchsia City is full of thieves, both petty and Team Rocket affillated. Koga is a retired ninja who doubles as a gentleman thief every now and then. His daughter Janine went missing some time ago, and it is believed that Koga is doing his thefts for Team Rocket for some reason. Surely these two facts cannot be related in any way oh ha ha ha of course they are they kidnapped the bitch
  • Saffron City is a decent place where the mayor and the police force are doing a great job of combating the local Team Rocket-or so it may seem. In reality, Saffron City's important officials are being psychically controlled by Sabrina. Sabrina uses her army of Psychic Pokemon kept in big test tube thingies to ensure her control endures forever, even after she's dead
  • Cinnabar Island is where Blaine hangs out. Blaine is, in reality, a former Team Rocket scientist who is shell-shocked from his last and greatest creation. He is waiting for the volcano to erupt so he can finally die or something. Other than that, Cinnabar is pretty empty but it's like the only decent place around.
  • Viridian City is Giovanni's base of operations. Yada yada yada good P.R yada yada yada officials are controlled by TR yada yada yada everyone is mindless sheeple yada yada yada. 
  • The Indigo Plateau is no better. Lorelei uses her status as one of the Elite Four to fund Misty's prostitution ring, because I dunno Misty's her illegitimate daughter or something. Agatha is the head of the cannibal cult mentioned earlier. Lance is also Kanto's Prime Minister, but he secretly is part of a dragon-worshipping murderous cult in Johto (but that comes in in later games). Bruno is like one of three cool guys, as he's the only one who is totally oblivious to everyone else being a murderous criminal bastard/bitch.
  • To cope with his grandfather's unhealthy relationship with Team Rocket, Gary took to vices at the age of 13. He smoked 3 packs a day and is a heavy drinker. Yes, Gary smokes Newports.
Also here's the new ADVANCED BREEDING SYSTEM. Instead of the boring old system, Pokemon reproduce in different ways now.

  • Gastly reproduces by killing people and forming their dead spirits into a new Gastly, which has none of the memories of its previous lives.
  • Butterfree puts people to sleep with Sleep Powder and then lays its eggs inside their heads. Eventually their heads burst into new little Caterpies
  • Ditto mates with other Pokemon while disguised as a Pokemon of the same species. The offspring slowly degenerate into new Dittos, which does not work 100% of the time. The failed products become Grimers.
  • Koffing reproduces by infecting people with Koffing spores. These spores gradually transform the victims into roundish things with little craters and noxious breath.
These are just a few examples

So guys, what do you think?


  • GARY


  • Butterfree
    puts people to sleep with Sleep Powder and then lays its eggs inside
    their heads. Eventually their heads burst into new little Caterpies
    can you like fix it so little venonats hatch instead
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    you should put missingno in it too

    and have them be malevolent eldritch horrors that bend reality to their will

    that would be edgy and awesome
  • Make sure you don't cut yourself on all those edges.
  • OK, this is the story my buddy told me. He had bought a FireRed
    cartridge off of ebay once, and when he got it, he noticed that on the
    label was this unusual red blotch. Dismissing it as an accidental paint
    stain, My buddy(i’ll refer to him as John) put it in his GBA
    and booted it up. That’s when things got creepy. Instead of the normal
    title screen, the title text was all garbled and warped. The Charizard’s
    face was all ghastly and wrinkled, as if it had risen from the dead.
    Intrigued, John continued to play, using the previous owner’s file.
    Looking at the pokemon roster, he noticed never before seen pokemon: a
    demonic fire/ghost pokemon called Lucipher, a squidlike psychic/water
    pokemon called Starspawn, a skeletal Charizard called Necrozard, a
    horrifyingly gruesome Poison type slime called Ickgore, a disfigured ,
    distorted Pikachu nicknamed 666,and a pictureless Pokemon nicknamed
    Rodney. Oddly enough, the pokemon were all level 99, even though the
    avatar had no badges. John continued to play, but he remembers the
    soundtrack was garbled, like when you have the radio on and you pass a
    radio station, and can hear the station’s broadcast underneath the music
    you are listening to. John said he would occasionally hear reversed
    pokemon cries, a faint version of the bumping noise, and, the most
    unexplainable, the sound of what seemed to be chanting.

    Anyways, John continued to play, and he talked to an NPC. This is what the NPC said:

    go aWAy. i dOn’T wANT yOU pLAYInG my GAme.

    Then, the NPC disappeared. John walked into Pewter City, and things got very disturbed.

    The Gym looked like it got trashed….. it was blackened by flames, there
    were holes in the wall, and there was debris everywhere. John entered
    the gym, and he began to hear the chanting again. He moved towards the
    end of the room, and suddenly, a text box popped up and said:
    Necrozard has disappeared!
    The text box was followed by:
    You found a Mew!

    opened the Pokemon roster, and sure enough, Necrozard had been replaced
    by a Lv 1 Mew. STrangely, all the other pokemon had been cut down to
    level 66. Exiting the Roster, John noticed the chanting was a bit louder
    and a bit more clear. Continuing towards the end of the room, the
    screen became garbled and the chanting got louder and clearer, until
    John could hear what the chant said…. latin phrasesthat sounded like
    this: DIMITTO MODO VEL ABEO SOLUS. (LEave now or die alone) DIABOLUS QUIESCO PROFUNDUS SUBTER SEPULCHRUM (the devil sleeps deep below the tomb.)
    At that, John couldn’t take it. He shut off the GBA and ripped out the game, realizing that the game had something evil within.

    this day,every now and then ,hen he’s alone, he says, he can hear the
    chanting of the previous owner, saying: Dimitto modo vel abeo solus.

  • This is way, way too dark. 
  • edited 2012-12-20 14:16:21
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    But that's the whole point! Pokémon would be so much better if it was darker and for grown-ups instead of little kids! 'Cause I mean, all the best stories are dark and scary, right?

    None of us really think that, as far as I know. We're just joking.
  • It just seems so contrived. Literally nobody is in any way good. Do that and the audience just says "okay, this is lame, I don't want to play this" because it's not really in any way entertaining.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • IIRC, Grand Theft Auto is somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I do not think this is srs thread.

    If it were, I would have to hire Charlatan to cockpunch the OP.

  • Oh, I get it now.
  • This is way, way too dark. 

    That's weird. I though everyone could tell that I was joking after I said "Gary smokes Newports"
  • I only skimmed it.


    Okay, I actually read most of it and I just so happen to be kind of stupid.
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