So today was my first day at school

edited 2012-09-04 20:31:26 in General
Another year, another run at Pearl Road Elementary. And wouldn't you know it, I'm in Ms. Teacherson's class again this year. I decided to ask Ms. Teacherson when she's planning to stop teaching third grade. She said she'll stop as soon as I stop being 8 years old every year, and that seemed like a fair deal so I agreed for it.

The rest of the day was ok, I guess...I didn't have any money for lunch so I had to scam Danny into giving me some. I knew he can't resist my feminine charms. That and I threatened to punch him after school if he didn't buy me lunch. He said he wouldn't give me extra money for chocolate milk, though, and I agreed 'cause I guess that's fair.

Then we had recess...this school really needs to update their playground. The swing I broke in May is still broken. What are our tax dollars going to these days?

So yeah, that happened. I have a backpackload of papers for Daddy to sign...


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