Never forget that Kanye West had a guest verse on a Katy Perry song in which he says

Pockets on Shrek, rockets on deck 
Tell me what's next? Alien sex


  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    which, I imagine, is by far the best lyric in any Katy Perry song.
  • I will now rapgenius this song for you:

    his pockets are like Shrek in that they are fat and green

    he has shooters (rockets) on deck, the rockets tie in to the space theme

    and he is going to fuck you. Or your girl, if you're a man, because you (or your girl) like that freaky shit, which only an "extraterrestrial" like Kanye can provide.
  • which, I imagine, is by far the best lyric in any Katy Perry song.

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