Proof that chromatic dragons are evil but metallic dragons are good

edited 2017-11-29 07:56:47 in General

The delicate skink,[1] dark-flecked garden sun skink,[2] garden skink or plague skink[3] (Lampropholis delicata) is a skink of the subfamily Lygosominae, originally from Eastern Australia. In its native range and in New Zealand it is also known as the rainbow skink, a term that usually refers to the African Trachylepis margaritifera, also a member of the Lygosominae.

It was accidentally introduced to New Zealand in the early 1960s. It
is the only introduced reptile in New Zealand to successfully establish a
wild population. It is found in several parts of the North Island, and
occupies similar habitats to the native copper skink (Cyclodina aenea).[4]
The delicate skink is considered a pest species in New Zealand, as they
reproduce much more rapidly than native lizards, and compete with other
native lizards and mammals for food and habitat. They prey on many
native invertebrates in the area as well.[3]


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