Guess the anime!

edited 2017-11-21 19:39:27 in General
(Note, this is from an actual article, and is completely unedited except where necessary to hide the identity of the show.)
There are few anime series I enjoy that I generally think are suitable for pre-teens, outside of Ghibli movies or obvious kids shows, but [this show] is certainly one of them. A surprising number of shows with child characters don’t really focus on child agency. [this show] does.

Update: Originally the paragraph above stated [this show] would be suitable for “elementary school students.” By this, I meant “elementary school students the same age as the main characters—i.e., 10-11”—as is mentioned later in the article. However, as this word choice has caused confusion, I have updated the above paragraph for clarity.

Update: [...]Some have wondered if, now that the series has finished, I still believe that this is still a good show to watch with your children. The answer is “yes” with a “but.” Due to the some of the more graphic scenes in the final episodes, I think a slight age revision is in order. While some 11 year olds or 12 year olds could watch it with strict parental supervision, 10 would be too young. Or, in movie terms, I’d say this one is PG-13.
If you guessed Made in Abyss, you're a winner!


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