Question about Quebec

I mostly hear english speakers say "Quebecois"  but every French-Canadian person speaking English I've heard has said "Quebecker". Which one is it?


  • You know, I'm not 100% sure what the correct answer is, but since it involves Quebec I assume it is extremely political.
  • I think technically "Quebecer" might mean anyone from the province and "Quebecois" specifically francophones? But I'm pretty sure that in French, "Québécois" is the word for anyone from the province, so...
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    also is it supposed to be pronounced kwebek or kebek
  • Either is acceptable but you may be judged for using the former.
  • edited 2017-07-27 20:41:30
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Kwebek is a place where you find chocobos.
  • 'Quebecois' may refer to someone from Quebec, either in general or specifically the francophones that reside there, or the French dialect spoken there

    'Quebecker' is the convenient English equivalent to 'Quebecois'

    'Quebec' is usually pronounced 'kwi-BEK' in English and 'kebek' in French
  • Kwebek is a place where you find chocobos.

    I'm Glenn Harvey and I approve of this message.
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