The Toolsie Writes Crap

So, yeah. I've been writing on and off for a while now, and my laptop is full of abandoned and half-finished stories. If I post some of the writings on here, I may eventually get round to finishing them.

Who knows. 


  • So far I have one unfinished novel with 45K words, and a small (also unfinished) story at 6k words. Which would you be interesting in reading about first? I'll mostly post on a chapter by chapter basis. 
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the novel!
  • I'll have to proof read it because I haven't read it in like a year and a bit. 
  • Good christ, this chapter is embarrassing. 
  • Welp, I'm going to start posting snippets of my stories now.
  • Bit of background: Henry and Vinny have been dating a couple of years, and Henry regularly stays over at Vinny's house because he doesn't get along with his mother at all. This is the first time he's been left alone, as he often stays over on school nights and goes to his house at the weekend, except for this time when he has a particularly loud argument with his mother and spends the weekend over at his bf. Vinny's family are quite religious and own a funeral home next to their house, but approve of Henry and Vinny's relationship and trust Henry to keep the whole "vampire" thing a secret. The vampires in this world are part of an underground system where they work in funeral homes or morgues, so that they can drain blood from corpses and get a constant supply of blood without drawing attention to themselves. They still do the whole "neck biting" thing, but only when they have the human's permission. 


    Henry woke up to an empty space next to him. He rolled over to find a handwritten note on the pillow next to him. He opened it up and read it aloud to himself:

    Morning, sleepyhead
    Hope you slept well, you certain sounded like it last night
    I’ve gone to church with mother and father
    Don’t scoff, I’m a vampire, not a demon. 
    I can still go to church
    I’ve left you some breakfast
    I love you <3
    Vinny xxxxxxx

    Henry smiled, and folded up the note and placed it under his pillow. He threw off the covers and sat up in bed, yawning and stretching, letting out a satisfying sigh as his spine popped. On his bedside table was a plate of eggs and bacon. Even though they had gone cold, Henry still devoured them due to how hungry he was, making a mental note to learn how to cook for himself so he didn’t have to keep relying on Vinny for food. Though he did commend Vinny for his ability to cook: for a vampire that didn’t need to eat human food, he did a surprisingly good job. 

    Downstairs, Henry washed up his plate and potted around the place looking for something to pass away the time. His eyes fell upon the large collection of DVDs located next to the TV. Thumbing through them, he came across a yoga fitness DVD, which promised to tighten up the abs and buttocks. Curiosity got the better of him, and he popped the disc into the player and turned on the TV. A bubbly young woman with tan skin and blonde hair tied back in a high ponytail bounced onto the screen, decked in head to toe in fluorescent pink yoga clothing. Henry, meanwhile, was only wearing Vinny’s grey baggy t-shirt and a pair of old blue boxers, with his auburn hair falling loose from its braid. The blonde of the screen started talking him through the basics of deep breathing, before leading him into one of the most basic of positions: balancing on one leg. Henry was almost ashamed how invested he got into it, and before he knew it, Vinny had come back from church.
    “Henry, I’m home. How are… Oh…” Henry was doing downwards dog in front the TV, counting aloud to himself. When he stood up, he caught a glimpse of Vinny and immediately blushed bright red, hiding his face in his hands.
    “Were you doing yoga? That’s adorable.” Vinny gushed, gently removing Henry’s hands from his face and holding them tight.
    “Nooo… I was curious, that’s all. Where are your parents?” Henry quickly changed the subject.
    “They wanted to do some shopping, so they told me to head back home.” Vinny removed his formal jacket and slung it on the back of the armchair, before removing his shoes. He stood in front of the TV, untucked his shirt, and stretched his arms out. “Now, back to that yoga.” He unpaused the disc and got down into downwards dog. “You joining me?”

  • My one issue is that, as someone who wears formal men's clothes, trousers that you can wear to church with a jacket are almost unanimously unsuited for yoga. Otherwise, it's cute.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Does the funeral home come into it much? I like funeral homes
  • ^^ >///<

    ^ Yes, they do
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