Does "Arthur Conan Doyle" belong under C or D??

Seriously, is "Conan" a middle name or part of his last name?

(Columbus Metro puts him under D)


  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • I'd say D given that he was baptized with the given names Arthur Ignatius Conan and the surname Doyle, and the British Library and the LOC both use "Doyle" so doing so would be following their example.

    I could definitely get why people would use C, though.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez goes under G

    stop putting him in M, you fools
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez goes under G

    stop putting him in M, you fools

    Exactly, because Spanish has a tradition of double surnames, which some people just don't get.
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