I don't understand people who want to tell you how much they can bench

edited 2016-07-27 18:53:03 in General
Some months ago I read an anecdote about Vince McMahon told by Dave Bautista (people that have never watched wrestling know him from "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Spectre"), and one of the things Dave said about his old boss was this:

"...[h]e [always] wants to tell you how much he benched the day before. He's just that type of dude."

I've never met anybody, either in real life or online, who came up to me and was like "Hey man, how's it going? Guess what? I benched 200 lbs yesterday!" without the subject of exercise even being brought up.

Personally I've worked out enough to know that you do feel a sense of achievement when you make progress, so I understand that part of it, but I don't understand why anybody would feel the need to brag. Is it insecurity? That's the only thing I can think of, like "I want people to know how strong I am so that they'll be impressed with me", although I'm sure there are other possibilities I haven't thought of.


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