What if I'm a cyborg?

edited 2012-02-23 20:05:47 in General

"I am pretty sure I'm a cyborg. I run on electrical energy and I charge myself every night when I go into sleep mode by plugging myself in to the wall socket. My fingers can turn into guns and I can stay underwater for more than five minutes. I think this proves I'm a cyborg, but I want to know what I should do. Are there any support groups for cyborgs and are we treated differently from others in the world? I do not wish to be persecuted or judged based on my condition. Please give real help, thank you.

    Additional Details

    Please do not reply to this plea for help in jest. I am afraid for my life as well as my well being. I have heard of the gov't taking people like us and abusing us. I only want to protect my rights and live a peaceful life, without the violence and hate.
    Daniel, I thank you for your help, but I do not think the support group you speak of exists. I repeat, I am looking for HELP, not sarcasm and rhetorical questions. 
    As for Vegito, it doesn't really seem like I can get help from other people if these are the responses I get here. This was a last resort."



    • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
      -calls the cops-
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