> is super effective
< is not very effective
=/= is no effect
- Ghost =/= Normal and vice versa
The mundane realm and the spirit realm cannot interact under normal circumstances.
Fair fighting trumps dirty tricks.
- Fire < Water but Fire > Ice
Fire melts ice, but is doused by its liquid form (water).
Some...bugs...thrive in the dark?
Fairies are repelled by iron in folklore.
Evil thoughts (e.g. Dark Pulse) can repel ghosts in some stories.
Grass can't...grow on steel.
You can't...poison the ground? Even disregarding that you totally can...
This one actually makes sense. In fairy tales, quick wit always trumps brute physical strength.
Birds...don't like flying into power lines?
Psychic powers can lift poison?
steel cuts grass, maybe
Assassin poems, Poems that shoot
guns. Poems that wrestle cops into alleys
and take their weapons leaving them dead
Assassin poems, Poems that shoot
guns. Poems that wrestle cops into alleys
and take their weapons leaving them dead
steel is durable
it resists psychic, ghost, dark, dragon
that goes a little beyond "durable"
shows how much gen 6 I actually played
Assassin poems, Poems that shoot
guns. Poems that wrestle cops into alleys
and take their weapons leaving them dead
see also: the Matrix
i mean i guess he felt it was his act being stolen but like, it wasn't literally his act it was a representation of it in a video game
wreck intellectual property!
wreck intellectual property!