Was VG Cats ever funny/good?

I tried to like it because furries and fitting in at TV Tropes but I couldn't.


  • kill living beings
    i laughed at it sometimes when i read ti years ago
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    It was alright at the time.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I find the art ugly and the humor overly crass
  • It's got a few decent gags, if you can stomach how bad it gets when it gets bad.  Which is honestly better than I can say of a lot of webcomics.
  • There's one guy on Forum Games over at TVT that makes pretty much everyone else uncomfortable by frequently reminding us one way or another that he wants to fuck the pink cat, so I've ended up associating it more with him than anything else

    I remember not being particularly impressed by it, though, even as someone who once enjoyed Penny Arcade a great deal
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I never cared for the art, and found the high points underwhelming save for maybe two pages.
  • I honestly think it's maybe the worst webcomic I've ever read.
  • edited 2017-01-17 04:40:39
    I have a problem where I just dump webcomics if I lose interest in it so in a way either something is good or I'm not interested in it and I think VGCats fell into the latter category.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    It maybe made me laugh once or twice? I was never a fan.
  • Jane said:

    I honestly think it's maybe the worst webcomic I've ever read.

    Oh God not even close to the worst I've ever read.  Then again that probably says more about the depths of the internet than anything.
    Tre said:

    There's one guy on Forum Games over at TVT that makes pretty much everyone else uncomfortable by frequently reminding us one way or another that he wants to fuck the pink cat

    ...I continue to be glad I'm no longer on TVT.
  • Bee said:

    Oh God not even close to the worst I've ever read.  Then again that probably says more about the depths of the internet than anything.

    One of these days I might make a stupid webcomic called Boring Webcomic which involves me uploading the same strip over and over again every week.

    ...nah, never mind that; I don't want to spend money on domain name and hosting for a stupid joke.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Well, there are tumblrs that are literally just that.
  • Things I can use tumblr for:
    * free hosting for stupid jokes
    Some of the jokes were OK...ten years ago...but really the only good thing long term was that the pink cat was kind of cute (I am so, so sorry). That and the "real is brown" thing. AAA games are still having a hard time moving past that.
  • I don't know if that's true given that one of the biggest successes of this past year was Overwatch which is brighter than a Crayola box.
  • The pink cat was cute. I don't really remember a lot about it except that when it got bad it was particularly obnoxious.

    There was this one comic about bots in L4D2 that I found okay. I think that's about it.
  • Jane said:

    I don't know if that's true given that one of the biggest successes of this past year was Overwatch which is brighter than a Crayola box.

    I think AAA is largely past the "real is brown" thing and if anything nowadays it's more like "real is brown, green, and blue".

    The mainstream is still very much into first-person and third-person 3D action games with a focus on combat though, for what it's worth.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2017-01-17 22:57:35
    I mean AAA companies seem to be mostly aware of everything is brown being a cliche (see Uncharted's "next-gen" filter).  But with relatively few welcome exceptions like Overwatch they keep doing it.

    Hell, look at the difference between Oblivion and Skyrim.
  • I mean

    that Skyrim picture was very clearly taken at sunset, so yes things tend to look orangey-brown then.

    Skyrim is mostly only brown in places you'd expect it to be, that is to say, in tombs and sewers and such.

    Largely it's mostly like, white and green.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Aeris is prone to looking really offputting tbh
  • The sadness will last forever.
    It's ok.
  • also
    Anonus said:

    Aeris is prone to being really offputting tbh

    which is why it makes that situation all the weirder
  • regarding Real is Brown: it can be a problem in modern titles when not done right (i.e. counterbalanced with broader color palettes in different areas), but as long as you get a variety of schemes within the same game it can still work

    like, Battlefield 1 for example is a game with a super bleak tone and subject matter that would probably warrant using a muted range of color, and it does so when it fits the narrative (like in the opening mission of the campaign with the Harlem Hellfighters' last stand), but doesn't limit itself to it-- the Ottoman Empire theatre section of the campaign uses the desert setting to great effect, with saturated blue skies, white uniforms and beige sand layering onto each other.

    It's actually a quite clever way of drawing the player back into a time period most shooter developers wrote off a long time ago.
  • Bee said:

    I mean AAA companies seem to be mostly aware of everything is brown being a cliche (see Uncharted's "next-gen" filter).  But with relatively few welcome exceptions like Overwatch they keep doing it.

    Hell, look at the difference between Oblivion and Skyrim.
    >discussion about brownness in games
    >TES is brought up
    >but not Morrowind?
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Quake was super brown too
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    More like Quack to be honest.
  • You miss 100% of the takes you don't shoot. 
    Most I remember was that TVT hated it, but that was back when the site had the Dethroning Moment of Suck pages still up. It was one of my first webcomics, not really good, not really bad. Recent ones seem a bit too on-the-nose, but the Pokémon side-comic is fun. 
  • BeeBee
    edited 2017-01-18 00:44:58
    I guess in hindsight Elder Scrolls in general was kind of ahead on everything is brown and desaturated.  Oblivion was the only one that was really vibrant.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    ICO was one of the first super-brown games, wasn't it? And it was praised for its atmosphere, right?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2017-01-18 03:09:04
    Yeah it kind of started the avalanche.  Even then it got pretty green and vibrant.

    The thing is, half the point of ICO was a sense of isolation.  It wasn't just desaturating everything for the sake of it, they did it for a very specific emotional response that most of the games that followed the color scheme very much weren't.
  • edited 2017-01-18 03:38:59
    I think the "real is brown" that people usually criticise aren't the atmospheric games like Ico but rather the needless overuse of dusty desert-like environments for military FPS games' firefights and to lend a sense of grittiness to open-world games.

    I think.  I never actually played any of these games myself.
  • Bee said:

    Yeah it kind of started the avalanche.  Even then it got pretty green and vibrant.

    The thing is, half the point of ICO was a sense of isolation.  It wasn't just desaturating everything for the sake of it, they did it for a very specific emotional response that most of the games that followed the color scheme very much weren't.
    I really feel like people overstate ICO's impact on mainstream gaming. I don't think it influenced much of anything in that regard.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    It's literally the reason Hidetaka Miyazaki of Dark Souls fame got into making games
  • kill living beings
    telling me a major popular developer got into it because of a PS2 game is going to make me feel old
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    He got into video games weirdly late in life. He was an account manager before he joined From at the age of 29
  • kill living beings
    yeah i saw that. escaping oracle is always a good move
  • Odradek said:

    It's literally the reason Hidetaka Miyazaki of Dark Souls fame got into making games

    okay but like are we really gonna blame like

    I dunno

    most FPSes being overly brown on ICO??? That's just nonsensical to me.
  • kill living beings
    ico strongly influenced dark souls' decision to have the first weapon be a two by four
  • BeeBee
    edited 2017-01-18 05:37:52
    Fads can come from anywhere.  Even aesthetic ones.  ICO wasn't the only one for certain, but it was by far the most prominent and successful.  The fact that they're not thematically similar doesn't really matter.

    I mean, Dark Knight Returns was the direct cause of most of the edgelord crap of the late 80's through 90's, superhero or not.
  • Odradek said:

    He got into video games weirdly late in life. He was an account manager before he joined From at the age of 29

    that's still a pretty young age
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Not in Japan where people generally just work at the job they got out of college until they die or retire
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Also not in the video game industry in general. Ageism is a pretty well known issue in it.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    isn't ageism a big issue in a lot of creative fields
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