The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • We should push back immediately.  This is vuvuzela territory.  I want battle plans for this on my desk by 6 PM.
  • "Does anyone have experience dating a Cure?"

    Medical historian: "I do."
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    19: - the Curve and the Lost Light -
    25 Motherfuckers That Forgot About Dre
  • 19 Reasons to Remember The Name
  • The Legend of the Blah Blah Blah, the Blah Blah, and the Blah
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7 8 9 10.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • Section42L went up to eleven
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • edited 2016-08-08 20:52:42


    that's seven going up to eleven

    "Even a rabbit knows that's seventy plus seven."
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Pumpkinpunk. A genre where everything functions through the application of large orange gourds.

  • Salt and pepper to taste with salt and pepper to taste with salt and pepper to taste with salt and pepper.

    My phone predicts I will say based on the first word. This is the result. I regret nothing.
    u mad, drum machine bro
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    20: - no more.

    O but what of that place, the sky, the sky, the deepless blooming black, the Curve and the Lost Light, no more.

  • fighting four-letter words, such as zika, isis, fuck, shit, piss...
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • gisela is pink diamond, discuss
  • gisela is pink diamond, discuss

    is gisela as cute as cellica
  • gisela is pink diamond, discuss

    is gisela as cute as cellica
    beautiful angels in the process of turning into horrifying eldritch abominations are the pinnacle of cuteness, it is known
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • edited 2016-08-11 17:57:29
    Crystal said:
    resulting in the existence of
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    please give money to my indiegogo to fund someone to fly to japan to explain the idea of roko's basilisk to gen urobuchi
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Super High School-Level Animal Raising Committee Member
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Who would put a cat on their staff anyway? That's absurd. Unless the staff is like, cat toy testers.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Please remove your cadaver from the table.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    21: Flense-Gifted
  • Please remove your cadaver from the table.

    But I ain't got no body!
  • Donald Trump: introducing the political world to shitposting, since 2015
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Roll | Result
    3-5 | Everyone within 100 yards suffers the effect of the elixir or its reverse; 50% chance of each.
    6-9 | Everyone within 10 yards suffers the effect of the elixir or its reverse, as above.
    10-12 | Explosion destroys lab; alchemist has time to flee.
    13-15 | Explosion destroys lab; alchemist takes 3d damage.
    16-18 | Explosion destroys lab; alchemist takes 6d damage!
  • edited 2016-08-13 01:47:42
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The homunculus is among the rarest alchemical achievements: a duplicate of the alchemist or another person, shaped by nurturing some of his bodily fluids in an alchemical vessel. The result is a second being with the same essence, able to serve its creator’s goals. Most homunculi are tiny, but they don’t have to be; the big ones just cost more. A homunculus is an Ally with the Minion enhancement. The character sheet for the homunculus is based on that of its original, but does not include his social traits. Instead the homunculus has Social Stigma (Valuable Property) and is probably Dead Broke. If the homunculus develops properly, it will be a perfect likeness of the original’s true form. (If the original has lost a body part or function through injury, the homunculus still has it.) Homunculi are Reprogrammable by their creators, but do not have Slave Mentality (unless the original did!). They also have a special variant of Reawakened that potentially grants them all their creator’s skills. The creator chooses which latent skills to activate at creation. Other skills will emerge as the Ally’s point value increases to keep pace with its original. A homunculus may have any SM the creator is prepared to invest in. Creating a homunculus takes 12 months, plus or minus SM, down to a minimum of 3 months. The starting cost is $1,000. There is also a continuing outlay for nutrients, which increases as the homunculus grows larger – $1 the first month, $2 the second, and on to $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, etc. ST should be appropriate to the body size of the homunculus. It takes two weeks for the homunculus to “remember” how to speak. After that, activating latent skills takes one week per skill point. This is effectively intensive training (p. B293), but doesn’t require actual teaching. The process to create a homunculus requires a roll against Alchemy-10. This is not a technique and cannot be bought up. On an ordinary success, the result is a fully formed creature. On an ordinary failure, the effort and materials are wasted. On a critical success, the homunculus has Passive Racial Memory (Original Only, -60%). On a critical failure, the homunculus is twisted during development, acquiring a physical deformity, a metabolic weakness, or a character flaw. The outcome affects the creature’s character point value in any case. Though cosmetically similar, this preparation is not the same as the Homunculus spell (p. 70), and their functions are very different.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Serial Killer Lain
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Calica said:

    please give money to my indiegogo to fund someone to fly to japan to explain the idea of roko's basilisk to gen urobuchi

    I would, you know.
  • authentic Lithuanian post-Minecraft Gradiuscore
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    A man was once stabbed by a communist. It left some really nasty marx.
  • edited 2016-08-14 03:13:00
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    777 Reasons Alice Is Cuter Than You
  • edited 2016-08-14 05:25:33
    what jargon-heavy language on the internet reads like to me:

    "nounly nouned by verb"
    "adjectivenouns and their verbnoun nounnoun"
    "why don't you try noun? or you can othernoun thirdnoun fourthnoun and then adverbasverb the adjectiveasnoun"

    in other words, it reads like shitposting
  • does anyone know if "flicking you off using both middle and ring fingers at the same time" emote exists
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    what jargon-heavy language on the internet reads like to me:

    "nounly nouned by verb"
    "adjectivenouns and their verbnoun nounnoun"
    "why don't you try noun? or you can othernoun thirdnoun fourthnoun and then adverbasverb the adjectiveasnoun"

    in other words, it reads like shitposting

    Academia: One extensive, complex shitpost.

    Shitposting: Academia after being diluted and getting really, really high.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Philosopher x Philosopher
    0: freezing (literally)
    10: a little chilly
    20: a nice day
    30: hot
    40: really hot
    50: I hope you have good A/C
    60+: oven
  • it's (not) my life

    the (non-)final countdown
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    im not sure wwhat your point is are you denying that theres an aesthetic thats common in wwindowws 10 wwhen you bring up criticisms is it not in reference to things you dislike
    this is my starting point: wwindowws 10 has an aesthetic yes #notallwwindowws 10 but by and large there is a collection of vvisual dialogue plot and characterization tropes that are common to the medium i dont dig those vvisual dialogue plot or characterization tropes i dont think it looks cool or sounds cool i dont respond to the dialogue ticks theyre annoying to me or if youd like theyre silly in a wway i dislike
    wwhen i end up liking wwindowws 10 its wwhen it avvoids those things wwhich does happen but im not sure if youre saying the aesthetic isnt there (wwhich i disagree wwith) or youre saying you shouldnt dislike an aesthetic (wwhich i also disagree wwith) yes i can scour the wworld of wwindowws 10 for exceptions but wwhy wwould i i knoww they exist they land on my door step sometimes but life is too short to swwim upstream for media theres media evverywwhere
    this is vvery condescending
    wwhen i read this i think yeah but i didnt like it im not pretending to not like it for effect im not arguing that japanese people making japanese games shouldnt be able to partake in an aesthetic that comes from a japanese art form but i dont like it im not sure wwhats complicating that for you
    so in the vversion you present wwhere there is a 2 second camera angle that inspires a rant i saww that angle thought it wwas an aesthetic choice that i really really didnt like enough to go on a rant this is not to mention the fact that i dont remember going off on camera angles and wwhats much more likely is for me to say ugh this wwas wway too wwindowws 10 for me rather than a rant but evven in your vversion the reason i wwent on that rant wwas because i didnt like that camera angle i thought it wwas bad so wwhats confusing
    is it the wword is your point that only a true scholar of wwindowws 10 can sort things into the [is wwindowws 10] and [not wwindowws 10] sets its shorthand dawwg i mean you can come back wwith a bunch of episode numbers and timestamps of examples ivve described something as wwindowws 10 that you dont consider wwindowws 10 but i guarantee you that those indivvidual aesthetic elements are things that *i* associate wwith the medium and because i *dont* wwant to grind the episode to a halt to rant i use that wword dismissivvely because it refers to that aesthetic
    at the end of the day reacting to games is my job life isnt too short to do my job and ivve done my job wwell if im honest and rigorous im not pretending to not like wwindowws 10 (im honest) and ivve nevver failed to bring up and examine a good (or bad) mechanic because of aesthetics (rigorous) but aesthetics count and im not going to omit commentary on them or negativve commentary on them because theyre common to a medium people like
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